Chapter 455 Yan Wangzhai, Xiemeng, Bai Wuji
"Since everyone agrees, then each family will contribute a little manpower to Chief Cao, and Chief Cao will lead the troops, and now lead people out of the city to hunt down the members of the Beggars' Sect!"

Liu Qingyao waved her hand and said.

"Master Sheriff, I didn't mean that!"

Cao Zhiyou didn't expect this to happen, his expression changed, and he said immediately.

"Master Cao, Young Master Lie Ao came to Changhe County, the closest to your gangsters and Lion Gang, Situ Xiong has already gone to accompany Young Master Lie Ao, don't you want to go to accompany Young Master Lie Ao immediately!"

Killing intent flashed across Liu Qingyao's eyes.

Seeing this, Cao Zhiyou was startled and terrified.

"Bitch, you're asking me to die!"

Cao Zhiyou scolded in his heart, but he could only say: "Master County Sheriff, then I will lead people to chase down the members of the Beggar Gang."

"The two of you go with Chief Cao!"

Liu Qingyao said to the two maids beside her.

Seeing this, Cao Zhiyou's expression was gloomy, and he wanted to put on a show at first, but Liu Qingyao sent someone to follow him, so it might be difficult to put on a show.

at this time
outside the city
A figure wearing a bamboo hat is drinking tea in a tea house outside the city.

Under the bamboo hat, this person is wearing a silver mask.

A figure quickly came to the person wearing the bamboo hat.

The person wearing the bamboo hat slowly stood up and walked towards the outside of the tea house.

one place.

"What's going on in the city!"

The man wearing the bamboo hat had a low voice, and the figure who followed said: "My lord, something happened to the Lie family, the Lie family was a tiger, Lie Ao was beheaded by the beggar gang, and all the resources of the Lie family in Changhe County were taken away." .”


Hearing this news, the person wearing the bamboo hat showed surprise.

"Beggars, what kind of force is this?"

After being surprised, the man wearing the bamboo hat asked in a deep voice.

"The forces that have just risen in Changhe County, a group of beggars, are rumored to have one to nine bags of elders!"

"Last night, it was the leader of the Beggars' Clan who attacked the Lie's family. The Nine Pockets Elder is one, and the Eight Pockets Elder. The Nine Pockets Elder is a master of the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, and the strength of the two Eight Pockets Elders is in the Eight Difficulties of Heaven and Man." The visitor said quickly. .

"This beggar gang has such strength, is there no one else in the Lie family?"

The man wearing the bamboo hat said in a deep voice.

"Temporarily contacting us is the hidden guard left by Lie Hu, and told us that the second elder of Lie's family will leave and come to contact us!"

"Let me kill Bai Wuji first and get what he holds?"

"The second elder of the Lie family, Lie Fengmian, he wants to come in person!"

"It seems that the Lie family is bound to win what Bai Wuji holds!"

"Tell them, if we don't get half of the things, we won't sell them!"

The man wearing the bamboo hat said in a cold voice.


The visitor left quickly.

And the person wearing the bamboo hat also headed towards the city.

Inside the Sheriff's Office
After Liu Qingyao arranged for Cao Zhiyou to leave, everyone also left and came to the backyard.


Qiao Feng was drinking heavily.

"Governor Qiao, it's really cool. After killing Lie Hu and Lie Ao, he didn't leave the county mansion. Aren't you afraid that someone from the Lie family will deal with you!"

"I don't know Miss Liu, what do you think of Liehu coming to Changhe County?"

Qiao Feng said after taking a sip of wine.

"Could it be that Liehu came to Changhe County not to deal with your beggar gang, but for another purpose?"

Hearing Qiao Feng's words, Liu Qingyao frowned slightly and said,

Qiao Feng wouldn't say this sentence for no reason, and saying this sentence meant that Lie Hu should have other purposes.

"Taishang Wuji Sect, Bai Wuji, I think Miss Liu should know!"

Qiao Feng said.

"Bai Wuji, it is rumored that he has a broken Dao scroll on his body. Could it be that Lie Hu came here for the broken Dao scroll?"

Liu Qingyao's beautiful eyes moved slightly and said: "That's just a broken Dao scroll, what's the use of the Lie family fighting for that thing, even if it's rumored that the Dao scroll records the method of stepping into the gate of heaven, what's the use of the broken one?"

"For so many years, there have been many broken scrolls in the world, but for hundreds of years, no one has been able to step into the gate of heaven!"

It can be seen from the words that Liu Qingyao has no idea about the Dao Scroll.

"This scroll should be unusual, otherwise, the Lie family won't let Liehu, and ask the people from Yanwangzhai to do it!"

"The people from Yanwangzhai should have arrived in Changhe County. I want to ask Miss Liu to help us find the people from Yanwangzhai!"

Qiao Feng said.

"What, you said that the people from Yanwangzhai came to my Changhe County, do you know who it is?"

Liu Qingyao looked nervous.

People in Yanwangzhai like to kill and use human blood to improve their strength.

The three kings of Hades come to anyone at random, and even Changhe County can't stop them.

Liu Qingyao had to be nervous.

Now that the Lie family is alive and dead, the people in Yanwangzhai, who can't find a deal, will certainly not return empty-handed.

"I don't know who it is, so I want Miss Liu to find out the people from Yanwangzhai. We are on the same boat now. I think Miss Liu should be able to find the people from Yanwangzhai as soon as possible. "

Qiao Feng said.

"Master Qiao, you and I are not on the same boat!"

"You beggars are your beggars, and I am me!"

"If we hadn't killed Lie Hu and Lie Ao, you might not be able to live in the future, but I heard that the other party wants to get rid of you!"

Qiao Feng said softly.

"You mean, Lie Ao wants to kill me!"

"Do they have the guts? I come from Zishan Palace. Our Zishan Palace is loyal to the Seventh Prince. Their martyr family attacked us. How will they explain to the Seventh Prince?"

Liu Qingyao said in a deep voice.

"You died at the hands of Yan Wangzhai, do you need other explanations? What's more, can Zishan Palace be compared with Lie's family?"

"Sometimes, people need to think about themselves, Lie family, to be honest, our beggar gang really doesn't take it seriously."

When Qiao Feng spoke, he exuded confidence.

He came here mainly to subdue this Liu Qingyao,

Liu Qingyao is the third disciple of the first lord of the Zishan Palace, and has an unusual status in the Zishan Palace.

Zishan Palace is also considered a first-class power in the Jiangnan area.

What's more, it is still in several cities and has a considerable status, so it is a good development for the beggars to have such an ally.

"Master Qiao, this is trying to subdue me!"

At this time, Liu Qingyao's figure came to Qiao Feng like a ghost, and her slender jade fingers appeared on Qiao Feng's neck.

Sticking red lips to Qiao Feng's ear, he said softly.

"It's not subjugation, it's cooperation, and it's also a guarantee for Miss Liu!"

Qiao Feng's expression remained unchanged, he drank the wine and said.

"Guarantee, can't Zishan Palace give me a guarantee?"

"The Zishan Palace is not bad in the Jiangnan area, but in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, it is not worth it. By the way, Lie Ao is hoarding herbs this time. It is in conjunction with [Xiemeng]."

"I think if [Xiemeng] knows that I, Qiao Feng, are here, do you think your Purple Shirt Palace can block people from [Xiemeng]?"

When Qiao Feng's voice fell.

Liu Qingyao, who was beside him, changed her expression and appeared opposite Qiao Feng.

"You mean [Xiemeng] people are in my Changhe County, what do they want to do?"

Liu Qingyao is the sheriff of Changhe County, and [Xiemeng] will not simply appear here. If something happens, she, the sheriff, will bear the brunt of it.

"Creating the plague, the plague that appears in the cities in the lower reaches of Changhe County is made by [Xiemeng]!"

"If the situation is not under control, the plague will spread throughout Changhe County."

"At that time, there may be riots in Changhe County. Our gang of beggars robbed those herbs, and we are actually helping you, the county guard!"

Qiao Feng said.

Listening to Qiao Feng's words, Liu Qingyao said in a deep voice: "Even if there are herbs, I'm afraid they won't be able to restrain the development of the plague!"

"[Evil Alliance] will not let you control the plague if you take action."

Liu Qingyao said.

"Our gang of beggars is only doing what we can, saving as much as we can, other things are not for our gang of beggars!"

"It's the job of the sheriff of Changhe County."

Qiao Feng looked at Liu Qingyao and said.

"With my strength, I can't even deal with Yan Wangzhai and [Xiemeng]!"

"Master Qiao, we are allies, I think you should help me!"

Liu Qingyao looked at Qiao Feng, and the only one who could help her now was Qiao Feng.

"That gangster Cao Zhiyou who came out of the city, I think Liu County Sheriff can take care of it!"

Qiao Feng wants Liu Qingyao to pay more,

"As long as he leaves the city, he will die!"

Liu Qingyao nodded.

Then Cao Zhiyou himself was pushed out as a scapegoat, and it was also an explanation to the Lie family.


At this moment, a figure appeared in the courtyard.

"Guild Master, Governor Liu!"

The person who came was Jin Yuanling from the Beggar Gang.

He quickly came to Qiao Feng's ear.Said something softly.

"Yan Wangzhai silver Yan Wang has come into contact with the [Xiemeng] people!"

Qiao Feng murmured.

"Governor Liu, I'm going to meet people from [Xiemeng] and Yanwangzhai, we will continue next time!"

Qiao Feng got up.

But when Qiao Feng got up, Liu Qingyao also got up.

"Follow me and go take a look!"

Seeing this, Qiao Feng nodded in thought for a moment, and the three figures left the Sheriff's Mansion.

It's just that when they came out, all three of them were wearing bamboo hats.

Passing through the streets full of people, three figures stopped outside a manor.

"Guangzhu, the people from Xiemeng and Yanwangzhai are all inside!"

Jin Yuanling said.

"You stay outside. I'll go in to meet the people from [Xiemeng] and Yanwangzhai. Commander Liu, you really want to go in with me."

Qiao Feng looked at Liu Qingyao and said.

"Since I'm here, I have to go in and have a look, otherwise how would I know that you are right, Chief Qiao?"

Liu Qingyao looked at Qiao Feng and said.

Qiao Feng jumped into the manor.

within the manor
Unusually quiet, no servants.

In the courtyard hall.

A woman in a black dress is standing in the hall.

Opposite her was a man wearing a silver Hades mask.

"Yin Yan Wang, your deal with the Lie family is over, how about making a deal with us [Xiemeng]?"

The woman in the black dress looked at the Silver Hades and said.

"To do business with you [Xiemeng], we don't have the mentality of Lie Bo. We hoard herbal medicines with you. We in Yanwangzhai like cash."

Yin Yanwang said in a cold voice.

"Of course it's cash. Now the beggar gang has wiped out the Lie family's Lie Hu and Lie Ao, and robbed the Lie's family of resources in the county."

"But Lie Ao no matter what, just occupies some business in Changhe County City. The County City is so big, and there are many banks, inns, restaurants, etc. You Yanwangzhai can completely destroy the forces in the County City at this time and rob their resources. , when the time comes, just blame it on the beggar gang."

"You say such a good thing, don't you Yan Wangzhai do it?"

The woman in the black dress looked at Yin Yanwang and said.

"This gang of beggars is not easy. You asked us Yanwangzhai to offend the gang of beggars? You have made a good plan."

"A group of beggars, don't you think Yan Wangzhai will be afraid?"

"What's more, we [Xiemeng] will help you erase the traces, and no one will know what you did."

"This is the territory of the Lie family. You have cooperated with the Lie family, and the Lie family will also push all the crimes to the beggar gang. This is a good thing for you Yan Wangzhai. Why not do it?"

The woman in the black skirt continued to speak seductively.

"Is this good for you [Evil Alliance]?"

"Death and chaos are good for us [Evil Alliance]."

The woman in the black skirt said.

Originally cooperated with Lie Ao to hoard herbs to expand the plague, but now the herbs are obtained by the beggar gang, so even if the plague will kill many people, it will be controlled accordingly, and they will not get the results they want.

So the woman in the black skirt found the people in Yanwangzhai.

"If that's the case, of course I, Yan Wangzhai, did it!"

"However, the Lie family wants us to snatch Bai Wuji's belongings. We still have to finish it first. After all, we have taken the deposit from the Lie family. Although the Lie tiger is dead, the Lie family is still there."

Silver Hades Way,

"Bai Wuji has already entered the city. Lord Yin Yanwang can make a move tonight, but Bai Wuji is the eldest disciple of the Supreme Wuji Sect, and his strength is extraordinary. Lord Yinyan Wang should be careful!"

The woman in the black skirt said.

"Bai Wuji has already entered the city, you [Xiemeng] are really capable." Silver Hades nodded involuntarily.

They Yanwangzhai have been looking for Bai Wuji, but they couldn't find him.

(End of this chapter)

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