
Suddenly, the Yin Hades seemed to have noticed something, and frowned slightly.

Looking at the woman in the black dress, he said, "Could it be that you [Xiemeng] invited other people to come here?"

When his words fell, the face of the woman in the black skirt changed, and she said sharply: "Who is it! Get out."

After she snapped, a white light burst towards her.

The face of the woman in the black skirt changed, and her figure turned around, dodging the white light,

The white light made a crackling sound when it came into contact with the ground, it was just a piece of gravel.

Seeing is just a piece of gravel.

The face of the woman in the black dress changed, and she looked fiercely at the direction where the white light appeared.

The two figures then fell down.

It was Qiao Feng and Liu Qingyao wearing bamboo hats.

It was Liu Qingyao who threw the stone just now.

"You hide your head and show your tail, you are not welcome here!"

The woman in the black skirt still spoke harshly.

He didn't care about the strength of Qiao Feng and Liu Qingyao.

As for the sitting Yin Yan Wang, he didn't move, he just looked at Qiao Feng who appeared with Liu Qingyao.

Qiao Feng's aura gave him a vague pressure.

Let him have to pay attention to each other.

"Many times, people who are too arrogant will not live too long!"

Liu Qingyao looked at the woman in the black skirt and said.

"Really? Then you also need to have such strength."

The woman in the black skirt said coldly.

Seeing this, Liu Qingyao, who was beside Qiao Feng, was about to move, but at this moment, Yin Yan Wang said, "The two of you came here for something, I don't know what you want to do?"

The voice was flat, but the exposed eyes were as sharp as knives, staring at Qiao Feng.

Liu Qingyao was not worthy of his attention, what he wanted to pay attention to was Qiao Feng.

"What are you doing? You two seemed to be talking about our beggar gang just now!"

Qiao Feng said.

Originally, he came to investigate this time, and he didn't intend to show up, but to use Yin Yan Wang to obtain the Dao scroll on Bai Wuji's body.

But just now in [Xiemeng], when the woman in black skirt said that Yin Yan Wang had destroyed the power of the county and city, and blamed it on the beggar gang.

He doesn't want such a thing to happen.

The woman in the black skirt of [Xiemeng] must die.

"Well, it seems that you are a member of the beggar gang. I don't know who you are?"

Hearing Qiao Feng's words, Yin Yan Wang slowly stood up and looked at Qiao Feng.

"Qiao Feng, the lower beggar gang, you want to blame our beggar gang, I wonder if you have the ability?"

Qiao Feng took off his bamboo hat and looked coldly at the woman in the black dress.

The moment he spoke, his figure moved suddenly, and then appeared in front of the woman in the black skirt with a footstep and trajectory that went against common sense.

The palm stretched out, like an eagle catching a chicken, and grabbed the opponent's head.

Neither Yin Yan Wang nor the woman in the black skirt expected Qiao Feng to make a sudden move,

Liu Qingyao threw stones earlier, causing the distance between the woman in the black dress and the Silver Hades to be staggered.


Seeing this, the woman in the black dress fixed her eyes, grabbed her waist, and with a soft sword in her hand, she instantly slashed at Qiao Feng's palm.

The sword rain is like a gust of wind and rain, extremely fast.

But Qiao Feng's palm seemed to know the trajectory of her sword light, instantly penetrated the sword light, appeared in front of the opponent, and grabbed the opponent's face with his palm. …

Twist directly.


The head of the woman in the black skirt was twisted off, and the palm of the sword was suddenly lost, and the long sword in her hand fell to the ground.

"So cruel!"

Liu Qingyao, who didn't make a move in the distance, was shocked when she saw Qiao Feng's move.

Previously, Qiao Feng showed a kind of heroism in front of her, but now he showed a kind of absolute killing and decisiveness.

The woman in the black skirt wanted to frame their beggar gang as a crime, endangering the beggar gang.

Qiao Feng didn't feel the slightest bit soft-hearted when he shot.

"Such a person cannot be offended!"

Liu Qingyao thought to herself.

Of course she also understood at this moment that Qiao Feng might have killed her to show her what he did.

His eyes couldn't help looking at Silver Hades.

The woman in the black dress is not the point, the point is the Silver Hades.

At this time, she saw a ferocious look in the eyes of the masked Yin Hades.

"Qiao Feng, since you killed my partner in front of me, you didn't settle the matter with the Lie family before, but now you kill me in front of my face, it seems that you don't take our Yanwangzhai seriously at all. .”

Yin Yanwang's voice was gloomy.There was an undisguised murderous intent and ruthlessness in his tone.

While speaking, a dark red aura suddenly erupted from the body of the Yin Hades, and the tyrannical aura permeated the entire courtyard.

A strong breath swept out of him, enveloping his body, and an invisible pressure permeated the entire courtyard.

Liu Qingyao, who was weaker, felt that it was difficult for her to breathe.

The body moved towards the corner of the wall.Avoid the suppression of this breath.

Under the pressure of the trees in the courtyard, the green leaves that had just appeared fell to the ground and flew up,

"The Ninth Difficulty of Heaven and Man!"

Liu Qingyao, who retreated, felt the powerful aura from the other party, and her complexion changed.

Yin Yan Wang is the second master of Yan Wangzhai, his strength is second only to Jin Yan Wang, and it is rumored that his strength is about to enter the realm of Dantian Huahai in the ninth difficulty of heaven and man.

"With such strength, I just don't know if Qiao Feng can stop it!"

Liu Qingyao thought to herself.

His eyes were unusually serious.

Although the Liehu of the Lie family died at the hands of Qiao Feng, it was all rumors, and they did not see Qiao Feng kill the Liehu alone.

It is possible that the Liehu of the Lie family was besieged and killed by members of the Beggar Clan. After all, when it was rumored that the Beggar Clan appeared in Lie Ao's mansion, they dispatched two Heavenly Man Nine Difficulties and two Heavenly Man Eight Difficult.

With such strength, it is also possible to besiege and kill Liehu.

His eyes couldn't help but look towards Qiao Feng.
Qiao Feng looked calm at this moment.

"I originally wanted to make a deal with you, but now it seems that I can only give you a ride!" Qiao Feng looked at Yin Yan Wang and said in a cold voice.

"Give me a floor, do you think I'm that trash of Liehu?"

Hearing this, Yin Yan Wang's eyes became more and more gloomy.

While speaking, one foot suddenly stepped out.

Dark red vigor burst out of him like a flame, and his figure jumped into the air, attacking Qiao Feng like a vulture, his eyes burst out with cold light, and his fist suddenly blasted out.

"Flame Hammer!"

The thick dark red energy fell from his fist like a flaming cannonball.

Like a gigantic iron hammer, it carried powerful power and wanted to kill Qiao Feng with one blow.

Seeing the flaming hammer falling towards him, Qiao Feng's face was calm, without any evasive posture, he raised his palm and slapped it out, golden vigor permeated his palm,

The two forces collided, but Qiao Feng did not move.

However, the figure of the shooting silver king was shaken back a few steps before stabilizing his figure.

He looked at Qiao Feng in horror.

When a master fights, he can know whether he is the opponent's opponent with one blow.

Knowing that he was not Qiao Feng's opponent, he moved his feet and wanted to leave.

But at this time, Qiao Feng moved his body and slapped out with a palm. His powerful energy formed a golden dragon shadow and swept towards him.

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