The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 466 Yagyu 1 Sword, Gray Spear, Famous Sword, 1 Battle 2, Killing

Chapter 466 Yagyu One Sword, Gray Spear, Famous Sword, One World War Two, Killing (One Big Chapter)

From Mo Feng's words, it can be known that their purpose of coming here is to control Su Chen with the help of Bliss Powder from [Bliss Palace].


"Let's not underestimate this Su Chen. Although he is young, it must not be easy for him to be promoted by the [Blue Dragon Society]."

"I'll explore some of his habits first, and then make a plan!"

Holding the cattail fan, the old man said in a deep voice.

"All of this will trouble Mr. Fang."

Mo Feng said to the old man with palm fan.

"Mr. Mo, I'm here to assist you in completing the layout in Yuanbei County. As long as you and I complete this task, our status in the alliance will definitely go further and we will get what we want."

The old man with palm fan said.

At this moment, the middle-aged butler who left earlier came in from the outside.

"Master, Mr. Fang, Zhao Xiaodie from [Elysium Palace] is outside and wants to see you."

The middle-aged butler said.

"Are they really in a hurry? Could it be that something else happened in the city of Longbei County?"

Mo Feng said.

"It should be related to [Tianxia League]. Xiao Bieyi, the new second leader of [Tianxia League], left early this morning."

"People from [Azure Dragon Society] will not let it go, once this Xiao Bie leaves, there may be a big battle!"

The middle-aged butler said.

It seems that the middle-aged butler knows what happened in Yuanbei County.

Hearing the words of the middle-aged housekeeper, Mo Feng and Mr. Fang's expressions moved slightly.

"Let Zhao Xiaodie come in first!"

Mo Feng nodded.

The middle-aged butler withdrew.

"I didn't expect that there would be a big battle when we came. Mr. Fang, should we go and see!"

Mo Feng wants to see the strength of [Blue Dragon Club] at this moment.

"You and I just came here, so don't draw too much attention, we can collect information after they fight!"

Mr. Fang shook his head and said.

"That's all according to Mr. Fang, but it is rumored that the amorous fairy Zhao Xiaodie has a beautiful face and is a rare beauty. I wonder if there is a chance to have a double cultivation with her!"

When Mo Feng spoke, a lustful light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, that layer of majesty disappeared completely.

"Although this amorous fairy is known as being amorous, it is very rare for this Zhao Xiaodie to get close to men!"

Mr. Fang said.

"Could it be that she is still a virgin, that would be even better!"

When Mo Feng said this, he was in a great mood and laughed out loud.

Mr. Fang who was sitting on the side looked silent.

in a while
The middle-aged butler brought Zhao Xiaodie and the woman in the blue skirt to the banquet hall.

When Zhao Xiaodie appeared at the door.

Sitting in the first place, Mo Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

Zhao Xiaodie wore a veil, but when she entered the banquet hall, she walked slowly with lotus steps, revealing Miaoman's figure between her steps, full of incomparable temptation, just one look, no one would I couldn't help but beating my heart.

"The face under the veil should be more attractive, but what surprised me is that Zhao Xiaodie is really a virgin. If I double cultivate with her, my skill will definitely be able to improve."

Mo Feng thought to himself, a hint of evil flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Don't look at Mo Feng as the sheriff, but he does practice the evil method [Heavenly Desire Divine Art]. Although the name is a divine art, it is a method of collecting yin and nourishing yang.

"I've seen Governor Mo, I've seen Mr. Fang!"

After Zhao Xiaodie entered the room, she saluted slightly to the two of them, and her manner was graceful, exuding a sense of style.

This is a kind of instinct, and those who cultivate in the Palace of Bliss have this kind of charm and charm.

"Miss Zhao is too polite, I don't know if we have brought what we want!"

Mo Feng restrained his mind and said.

"It's on the little girl's body. I don't know if Master Mo brought the [Heavenly Nian Stone] that my master needs?"

Zhao Xiaodie said.

"The things are here with the old man!"

It was Mr. Fang who spoke. He took out a brocade box from his pocket, opened the brocade box, and a square stone appeared in front of everyone.

But when everyone looked at it, their eyes became a little blurred, and their spirits seemed to be affected by something.

Zhao Xiaodie immediately looked away.

And Mr. Fang has not paid attention to the [Sky Nian Stone] in this brocade box, so he was not affected, and he slowly covered the brocade box.

Then he stood up and handed the brocade box to Zhao Xiaodie.

Zhao Xiaodie picked up the brocade box, slowly put it into her bosom, took out a piece of yellowed bone paper from her bosom, and handed it to Mr. Fang.

"This is the formula information of Bliss Powder. Mr. Fang can arrange someone to check it."

Zhao Xiaodie said.

Mr. Fang took the ancient paper and examined it carefully. He is a master at it, and he can tell the difference by himself.

After careful inspection, Mr. Fang put away the ancient paper.

"There is no problem with the formula. My lord asked me to pass a word to the commander. I hope that the commander will go to the capital to explain it after he breaks through!"

Mr. Fang said.

"I will pass this sentence on to Master, and send my regards to that lord on behalf of Master!"

Zhao Xiaodie said.

Their deal was agreed upon by her, the master, with the lord of the capital, so what to be wary of if it doesn't exist?
This is why the old man surnamed Fang gave her the things so happily.

"Mr. Mo Jun, Mr. Fang, the master is still waiting for the [Tiannian Stone], so I won't stay here any longer, and return to [Elysium Palace] first."

Zhao Xiaodie bowed and said.

"it is good!"

Mo Feng and Mr. Fang nodded, but Zhao Xiaodie was not left behind.

After Zhao Xiaodie left.

Mo Feng's eyes changed and he said: "I didn't expect that Zhao Xiaodie is still a virgin, as Mr. Fang said, and she is practicing [Elysium Palace] Jade Bone Demon Fairy's unique skill [Nine Yin Heavenly Cicada Skill]. If there is no loss of yin energy, if I absorb it, it may help my strength to step into the seven difficulties of heaven and man."

"This Zhao Xiaodie is not simple. The woman in the blue skirt beside her, you have to pay attention, the strength is beyond the reach of heaven and man!"

Mr. Fang said.

"This is where Mr. Labor Fang made his move. With Mr. Fang's strength, there is no problem in taking them down."

"After the matter is completed, I am willing to take out the copybook of Liu Xizi, a great master of the previous dynasty, which I have treasured for many years, and send it to Mr. Fang!"

Mo Feng said.

Hearing this, Mr. Fang showed a smile on his face.

"Then thank you, Lord Sheriff, when they leave Yuanbei County, we will do it!"

Mr. Fang said.

Outside the mansion.

"Xiaodie, are we leaving Yuanbei County immediately?"

The woman in the blue skirt spoke.

"Give the things to the protector next to the master, let's go see the situation where the [Blue Dragon Society] fought against Xiao Bieyi!"

"This is a rare battle to see, and it is beneficial to us!"

"Also, Yuanbei County has always been the territory of the Hanyue Sect. We [Elysium Palace] wanted to get involved here, but we have never found an opportunity. If the [Blue Dragon Club] is strong, how do you say we cooperate with the [Blue Dragon Club]?"

"I also really want to meet Su Chen, the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Association]. This person has always lived in seclusion and is different from others!"

Zhao Xiaodie said.

"Okay, then I will give the things to the protector. When the time comes, you leave a code and I will go find you!"

The woman in the blue skirt nodded.

They did not do anything that endangered the [Blue Dragon Society] in Yuanbei County, presumably the [Blue Dragon Society] would not do anything to them,

Moreover, it is also a good thing for them to come to the nine counties in the north to meet the head of the [Blue Dragon Society] Shaolong.

The woman in blue skirt left Zhao Xiaodie after speaking.

She wants to send out 【Sky Mind Stone】 first.

After separating from the woman in the blue skirt, Zhao Xiaodie headed out of the city.

It took a lot of time to come to the Sheriff's Mansion.

Need to catch up ASAP.

outside the city
within a carriage.

Xiao Bie was sitting in the car, and there was no one else, and the driver was a gray gun in gray clothes.

The carriage was neither fast nor slow.

"I hope you can show up!"

Xiao Bie thought in his heart.

Sooner or later, he certainly hoped that the sooner the better, the longer the time dragged on, the more perfect the layout of the [Blue Dragon Club] would be.

In that case, the extent of the war may be beyond his expectations.

It's just that he's waiting, but there's no one here
Liu Sheng followed behind the carriage with a sword.

He hasn't found out the real purpose of Xiao Bieyi's coming here to Yuanbei County. If there is an accident in the attack now, then the other party may complete the purpose of coming to Yuanbei County this time.

So to do it, Xue Yiren still needs to do it first.

Stop that batch of goods, look at the contents of that batch, and then intercept and kill Xiao Bieyi of [Tianxiameng].

Yijian Yagyu is now a hunter, he is patient
This is a must-have ability for a master of swordsmanship.

Looking at the carriage going forward, Liu Sheng's eyes turned cold with a sword, and the originally hidden sword intent permeated his body.

He didn't make a move, but he planned to put pressure on the opponent.

Inside the carriage
Xiao Bie frowned slightly, he could sense a sword intent appearing, but it disappeared after appearing,

"What is this for?"

Xiao Bieyi didn't understand what the other party meant by doing this,

The carriage continued on.

"This sword breath is emitted from time to time. Is it trying to put pressure on me, or is it trying to affect my schedule?"

Xiao Bie murmured.

"Carriage, I'll drive it, you go with Mingjian to meet Yijian Yagyu who is following us."

Xue Yiren was injured earlier, so he probably wouldn't follow behind them, so Xiao Bie knew that it was Liu Shengyijian who followed.

The strength of Liu Sheng's sword is similar to that of Xue Yiren.

After investigating Ba Dao's death, Xue Yiren made the last move, probably by grabbing the empty space of Ba Dao, and beheading Ba Dao with one blow.

The strength of Famous Sword and Gray Spear is similar to Ba Dao.

The two teamed up and Liu Sheng would die with one sword.

Driving the carriage, Gray Gunshi Tomb Ming reined in the reins, the carriage stopped, and his figure fell to the ground in a flash,

Xiao Bieyi's carriage continued to move forward.

Xiao Bieyi could sense the sword intent emanating from Liu Sheng's body, and as a spear master, he could also sense the sword intent emanating from Liu Sheng's body.

The gray gun with a fallen figure moved slightly with his right hand, and a short gray gun appeared in his sleeve, held on his right hand, followed by the tip of the gun in his left hand, and a long gun appeared with a pull of both hands.

The overall appearance of the spear is gray, but the tip of the spear exudes a cold light, which shows the sharpness of the spear tip.

Look at one place.

"Yusheng Yijian, since you are here, show yourself!"

The voice of the stone tomb was calm, but he was holding the spearman in his right hand, but he was a little bit hard.

Liu Sheng's Yijian swordsmanship reveals a death, he is a very strong master of swordsmanship, he can't be careless in the slightest.

The air seemed very still for a while.

make the atmosphere a bit depressing,

In the dark, Liu Shengyijian narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the name of the tomb on the gray spear stone in the middle of the road.

Slightly surprised in my heart, the gray-clothed man who drove the car looked very plain when he was not bursting out, but now he was standing in the middle of the road.

The fierce aura exuding from his body should not be underestimated.

If he didn't break through, facing such a master, he might not have a chance of victory.

Of course, now, he has performed the newly obtained Ruthless Extinction Slash, and with one strike, the opponent will definitely die.

Strides in stature.

Liu Sheng revealed his figure with a sword, and walked towards the gray spear stone tomb name.

When Liu Sheng stepped out with a sword.

However, the name of the stone tomb in the middle of the road moved. His body stepped on the ground, and a strong energy appeared all over his body. He raised the spear in his hand instantly, and shot out.

The energy above the tip of the spear soared, like a thunderbolt, colliding with the surrounding space and directly bursting, swiftly and viciously moving towards Liu Sheng with a sword.

Gray Gunshi's tomb name gave people a very ordinary feeling, but his shots were extremely ruthless and extremely fast. He likes to act like he doesn't give the opponent a shot.

Facing anyone, he wanted to be a preemptive strike.

The energy above the spear soared, colliding with the air, forming a stormy air flow, and moving towards Liu Sheng with a sword
At this moment, in Liu Sheng Yijian's eyes, he could only see the tip and strength of the spear, and these rays of light covered his eyes.

And there was a whistling sound in my ears.

With this blow, Liu Sheng instantly put his sword in a storm.

Liu Sheng Yijian's eyes narrowed slightly, he could sense the power of this spear.

The long sword in his hand appeared in an instant, and he slashed out with a backhand. The sword energy was vertical and horizontal, equally fast, and also like a storm.

Although the long sword was fired later, it collided with the long spear stabbed by the name of the gray gun stone tomb.

Two equally violent forces collided together.

There was a burst of intense sparks and explosions, and then the two of them staggered apart.

Just when they staggered.

Suddenly a figure appeared from the dark place, and the long sword in the hand of this figure instantly attacked Liu Sheng with a sword.

The sword light is bright, somewhat eye-catching.

This bright sword light is not sword energy, but the light emitted by the long sword itself.

The light shines brightly.

The person who shot was the famous sword Cao Zhengyang who had been in the dark.

The hilt of Cao Zhengyang's sword is inlaid with precious stones, and under the influence of his energy, the precious stones will emit light.

This kind of light will affect people's sight. Once people's sight is affected, the speed of attack will be slow, and if they slow down, they will die under Cao Zhengyang's sword.

Cao Zhengyang's sword was very fast, piercing through Liu Sheng's body in an instant.

Liu Sheng's body was pierced by his sword, but there was no blood stains. Cao Zhengyang's face was full of smiles, but he didn't expect his sword to stab through the air.

The figure retreated rapidly.

But when he retreated, a terrifying sword glow instantly enveloped him.

Suddenly he was taken aback, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and he was terrified.

"not good!"

He yelled in his heart, but under the fierce sword light, he felt his meridians seemed to be frozen, and a death-like shadow appeared in his heart.

His figure retreated rapidly, but the speed of his retreat was not as fast as the sword light covering him.

Instinctively, he could only raise the long sword in his hand to resist the sword light that enveloped him.


When his long sword touched the opponent's sword light, the long sword broke, and then he saw a sword light, piercing everything under the sword light and appearing in front of him.

Then he felt a pain in his neck.

Then there was no consciousness.

Looking outside at this moment, Cao Zhengyang, who made a sneak attack, left his huge head from his neck, fell to the ground, and rolled about one meter away. Blood sprayed from the broken neck.

The head on the ground had an expression of horror and disbelief in its eyes.

Such a scene, the name of the gray spear stone tomb not far away, did not react for a while, but the head on the ground made his expression freeze suddenly,

The famous sword Cao Zhengyang, they all belong to the leader of the [World Alliance].We have worked together many times.

The strength is not weaker than him at all.

But he was beheaded by the opponent with a sword.

Thinking of this, Hui Gunshi's face changed wildly.

Fighting between warriors, there is no fluke. The opponent can kill the famous sword with one sword, and his strength is absolutely stronger than himself.

But when they just fought against each other.

Yagyu Yijian didn't put any pressure on him.

This is also the reason why the famous sword Cao Zhengyang hiding in the dark appeared.

"You're trying to lure him out!"

Shi Tomb Ming seemed to have thought of something, looked at Liu Sheng and said with a sword.

"Yes, isn't he hiding in the dark and trying to make a move secretly? Then I will give him a chance, but he didn't seize this opportunity."

Liu Shengyijian's tone was very flat, but it also revealed a killing intent.

"How can you be so strong? Didn't you just step into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man?"

Hui Qiangshi Tomb Ming looked at Liu Sheng Yijian coldly.

They had read the information about Liu Sheng's Yijian several times, otherwise, Xiao Bieyi would not have let him team up with Famous Sword to attack Liu Sheng's Yijian.

"Sometimes the information is displayed for others to see!"

"What's more, the way of the sword pays attention to perception. Recently, I have a deeper understanding of the way of the sword, and breakthroughs are also normal!"

"Recently, I have realized, or just learned to cut, I don't know if your spear can block it!" When Liu Sheng Yijian spoke, the sword intent on his body began to change.

Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, and then raised his posture, a horrifying sword intent erupted from the long sword in his hand.

Seeing this situation, the pupils of the gray gun stone shrank suddenly.The whole body is like fried hair.

He sensed the opponent's slash, if it fell.

He couldn't resist at all.

"You can't let the other party cut this blow!"

This is what Hui Gunshi's tomb name thought.

Holding the spear tightly in his hand, his foot stepped on the ground, and his whole body shot towards Liu Sheng with a sword.

All the energy in his body poured into the spear in his hand.

The figure is like a tyrannosaur, and the spear is like a heavy mountain.

The powerful force wanted to stop Liu Shengyi's sword's slash.

The violent spear blocked the light and surged the air, but it still didn't stop Liu Sheng's sword.

The sword came out, and the originally bright sky suddenly darkened.

After that, space and time seemed to stop.

The sword light pierced through the shadow of the gun and stood directly on Hui Gun's body.

The body of the gray gun was split into two.The blood began to flow after the corpse fell on the ground.

"Death is not wronged! Let me use this blow!"

Looking at the two halves of the corpses on the ground, Liu Sheng inserted the long sword into the scabbard with a single sword, and continued to walk towards the carriage that he left earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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