Chapter 467: Battle to the Death of Wine Master Nangong Wine, Desperate Xiao Bieyi (One Chapter)
It's just that when he left, his eyes turned to one place.

After Liu Sheng Yijian left.

Zhao Xiaodie, wearing a veil, came out from a distance, looking at Liu Sheng Yijian who left, her face turned pale.

"It's terrifying, that sword!"

She patted her chest and said with dry lips.

Originally, I wanted to see a fight between masters, but the sword just now absorbed people's mind, and I guess that when I encountered that sword force, my mind might collapse.

After a long time.

Only then did Zhao Xiaodie calm down a little.

"How could this Yagyu Yijian be so strong!"

Zhao Xiaodie couldn't believe it.

[Blue Dragon Club] She remembers the information about masters that appeared now, Liu Sheng stepped into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man with a single sword, not long ago.

But the name of the tomb of the gray spear who just fought against [Tianxiameng], the famous sword Cao Zhengyang.

That was an easy kill.

When Gray Spear fought Yagyu Ichiken and Mingjian made a sneak attack, did she think that Yagyu Ichiken would die?

Unexpectedly, the reality is different from what she thought.

"While Liu Sheng's sword meets Xiao Bie's, who will win?"

Zhao Xiaodie couldn't help thinking this way.

The footsteps moved and followed.

She still has to watch this kind of battle, just now Liu Shengyijian noticed her and didn't attack her.

Then she followed behind, and Liu Sheng's sword should not be shot at her.

at this time.

On the carriage ahead.

Xiao Bieyi's mind suddenly moved, as if he had a bad premonition, the martial artist reached a certain level of strength, and his telepathy was very strong.

Now he has such a telepathy.

"Bad premonition, could something happen to Gray Gun and the others!"

Xiao Bieyi frowned tightly.

The carriage slowed down a little unconsciously, and the two teamed up to fight Liu Shengyijian. The front of the gray gun and the shadow of the famous sword, Liu Shengyijian should not last long.


Xiao Bie was taken aback, the sword intent that had disappeared before reappeared.

"Liu Sheng survived with a single sword strike!"

Xiao Bieyi's expression became very ugly.

Liu Shengyijian didn't die, so the ones who died could only be Gray Spear and Famous Sword.

"There are still people on the other side who intentionally reveal their sword intent just to guide me to attack him!"

"In this way they can cut off my staff, I was careless!" Xiao Bie thought to himself.

He stopped the carriage and retracted into the carriage.

Waiting for Liu Sheng, who was following behind, to strike a sword.

Concentrate on, sensing the aura of Liu Sheng's sword following behind him.

The sound of footsteps drifted into his ears. Judging from this distance, the opponent was only ten feet away from him.

His eyes were bright and introverted, and the vigor of his body circulated in his body, full of murderous intent.

If Yagyu swung his sword and continued to move forward, then he would rush out of the carriage and send out a thunderous blow.

He didn't believe that under this thunderous blow, the people following the opponent could rescue Yagyu Yijian,



Just as the sound of footsteps approached, the aura condensed on Xiao Bieyi's body was about to reach its peak.

Liu Sheng Yijian's pace seemed to have stopped, and he stood there motionless, with no intention of showing his face at all.

And the hiding distance is just outside of Xiao Bieyi's attack range.

"Damn it, why didn't you move!"

"Are you just following me?"

Seeing this situation, Xiao Bie's face became gloomy.

The opponent doesn't approach, but just follows, and leaves by himself, I am afraid that the opponent will turn around and leave, and he will not be able to take the opponent.

One can imagine how ugly Xiao Bieyi's face is at this moment.

not far away,

With a sword move, Liu Sheng paused in his footsteps, his eyes fixed on the carriage,

No hands
Sometimes invisible pressure can make a person show his flaws, and as long as the flaws appear, he can kill the opponent.

The improvement of Liu Sheng's Yijian martial arts is to fight against the strong and kill the opponent.

This is his way of practicing martial arts which is different from others.

At this time, in another place.

Xue Yiren stopped the [Tianxiameng] convoy.

The convoy was led by a burly man.

There is a delicate wine gourd around the waist of the strong man.

It was Nangongjiu, the wine tyrant of Tianxiameng who followed Xiao Bieyi this time.

"Xue Yiren, I didn't expect you to show up. It seems that the other members of [Blue Dragon Club] are not in Yuanbei County?"

"I don't know if you have recovered from your injuries after fighting Ba Dao!"

Jiuba Nangongjiu looked at Xue Yi and said humanely.

He had received the news that Ba Dao had died in the hands of Xue Yiren, and he also knew that Xue Yiren was injured when he fought Ba Dao.

While he was speaking, a sharp sharpness slowly emerged in his eyes, and his breath also became surging at this moment, and this surging breath carried a strong sense of oppression.

A fierce aura surged, and as soon as his footsteps stepped on the ground, his figure turned into a rainbow and rushed out. Between his right hands, there were streaks of bright lightning luster. Under the thunder and lightning luster, there was an extremely powerful aura Gathering.

"Ba Lei Fist!"

Jiu Ba let out a low cry, and dropped his palm towards Xue Yiren, attacking forcefully, the surrounding air was shaken to make a low-pitched sound of explosion.

If Xue Yiren dared to appear, it meant that the other party's injuries were not serious.

So Jiuba Nangongjiu just spoke, just to attract Xue Yiren's attention, what he wanted was to launch a strong attack of his own suddenly, and his shots were violent, without a trace of staying behind.

He believed that if he hit Xue Yiren with this punch, then Xue Yiren would definitely be hit hard.

However, in the face of such a ferocious attack from Nangong Jiu, Xue Yiren's figure did not flinch, and his originally plain eyes burst out with blazing heat.

I have just obtained 10 years of sword practice.

Stepping into the realm of heaven and man, you can live for a hundred years, and those who are strong in the nine difficulties of heaven and man can get up to [-] years old.

Ten years of kendo cultivation is very important.

The long sword held tightly in the palm of his hand was unsheathed in an instant, and the gray sword energy burst out from his long sword, turning into a sword light and cutting out instantly.

The sword light collided with the palm strength, and suddenly powerful fluctuations of power roared out.

The sword energy collided with Lei Ting's palm, and the energy fluctuated, and Xue Yi's footsteps also leaped abruptly, the long sword retracted, and the sword slashed out again.

The sword light tore through the space, sliced ​​through the thunderous, gray sword energy, and violently shot at Nangong Jiu who shot backward.

Nangong Jiu's complexion changed.

"Thunder Armor!"

A thunderous shield appeared around his body, covering his palm, and then punched out,

When the fist collided with the sword energy, dazzling energy fluctuations erupted, and fierce winds began to spread. Some people who drove the car retreated far away when they made a move.

At this moment, the distance still makes their scalps feel cold.

Glancing at the two sides fighting, some people moved and started to flee here.

They are just drivers, not members of [Tianxiameng]. They use some money to do things, but they don't want to die in this place. Let's escape here first.

If the fight is over in the end, they will come again, and saving their lives is more important than anything else.

"There is no injury on the body, which is a bit surprising!"

After the blow, Jiuba Nangongjiu looked at Xue Yiren's face solemnly. He had just fought with the strength of the opponent's sword, and there was no sign of injury.

"Is it a bit disappointing!"

Xue Yiren's tone was flat, and he didn't explode with all his strength just now.

But despite the powerful combat power that the opponent just exploded with a single blow, Xue Yiren sensed that the opponent should still have means.

This person should be stronger than Naha Dao.

It's a perception.

"It's a little disappointing, but it also makes me want to kill you and avenge Ba Dao!"

The wine tyrant said in a low voice.

when speaking.

His body shot out again, his fists were covered with punches, and he attacked Xue Yiren.

Xue Yiren slashed out with the long sword in his hand.

The long sword collided with the fist, and there was a piercing sound of collision.

The fist was like iron, and when it collided head-on with Xue Yiren's long sword, there was a fierce collision sound.

During such head-to-head encounters, the energy in the wine tyrant's body began to urge, and thunderbolts appeared on his body surface, faintly emitting one after another roaring sounds.

"Da Ri Thunder Fist!"

Jiuba's self-cultivation is a thunder attribute skill, which is much stronger than ordinary energy, and coupled with the violent thunder and lightning, the attack power is tyrannical.

Even if his strength is higher than that of Jiu Ba, he will still be suppressed under his thunder.

It's just that he met Xue Yiren,

Xue Yiren's sword energy itself is sharp, fierce, and murderous.

So his sword is also extremely fierce.

There was no backing down when fighting.

Jiu Ba's eyes were full of surprise when he saw this, obviously he didn't expect Xue Yiren to block his Lei Jin attack with sword energy alone.

Actually he doesn't know yet.

Xue Yiren has gained ten years of sword practice, although he has absorbed it, but there are still some flaws in his use.

He is using this wine tyrant to hone his swordsmanship.

"This is not the way to go!"

Seeing this situation, the wine tyrant's face froze, he punched out, and his figure fell backwards.

"Xue Yiren, I underestimate you, but I will let you know why I am called Jiuba!"

Jiu Ba's eyes turned cold, he took the jug hanging from his waist in his hand, opened the lid, and the wine in the jug kept pouring into his mouth.

"There is a medicinal power in that wine!"

Xue Yiren's eyes were fixed, he could smell a medicinal smell from the wine.

Judging from the current situation, the opponent wants to use the power of medicine to increase his combat power.

Xue Yiren's expression became serious.The sword intent in the whole body is concentrated, the long sword in the hand is grasped, the light of the sword surges in the hand, the sword in the body pours into the long sword, and the sword intent is urged to the extreme.

At this moment, he has not yet shown the aura of dantian transforming the sea.

The opponent's strength has not yet reached Dantian Huahai, and he doesn't need to show such strength.

Perceived the sword intent condensed from Xue Yiren's body.

The fist of the wine tyrant condensed thunder and lightning, and suddenly hit the ground.

The ground shook, and a violent thunder and lightning frantically rushed towards Xue Yiren from above his fist.

This attack was not to attack Xue Yiren from one point, but from multiple points.

Xue Yiren stared

The long sword in his hand was instantly slashed out, forming a shield of sword energy around him.

Lei Dianjin collided with Xue Yiren's long sword, making a loud bang.

And when Xue Yiren was resisting these thunder and lightning forces, that Jiuba Nangongjiu's eyes flashed a ferocious color, and when he stepped on the ground, violent energy emerged from his body, and his body rushed out instantly.

The ground exploded and shook, and Nangong Jiu's figure tore through the air, appearing in front of Xue Yiren with rolling thunder and electricity.

previous blow

It was to distract the sword intent from Xue Yiren's body.

give him the chance
The energy exploded, the figure roared, and the air was under this energy.The sound of explosions continued.

The attack here is powerful.

Xue Yiren has been paying attention to the opponent, the strength of the opponent's blow is several times stronger than before, and there is a faint kind of endless vigor in the sea of ​​dantian.

"Using the power of medicinal wine, can you increase your combat power to Dantian Huahai?"

Xue Yiren's eyes froze,

The breath in the whole body suddenly rose,

A huge sword energy erupted on him, and the appearance of this sword energy was accompanied by a sound like a sea wave.

The Jiuba Nangong Jiu who made the shot changed his expression when he sensed this sword intent.

But at this moment, he can only do his best.

"Thunder Kunpeng Fist!"

Jiu Ba's Nangong Jiu let out a low drink, and at this moment his body made a sound like a thunder drum.

Then the thunder above the fist turned into a giant kun.

The thunder and lightning around the giant kun turned into an ocean, and he moved forward in it, but it seemed that he would rush out at any time.

This punch is not only majestic and majestic, but also carries a powerful force.

At this moment, Nangong Jiu felt like a giant beast in human skin.

The sword intent of Xue Yiren's whole body was condensed in his hands, and the eyes were shining brightly.

cut out with a sword

When the sword was cut out, only a ray of light was seen in an instant, and then the ray of light pierced through the vast river, the vast sea,

The thunder and lightning are broken down to form violent storms and stormy seas.

And there seems to be a sense of nothingness.

Nangong Jiu, who punched, saw the strength of his fist broken by the sword, and his face changed.

But Jian Guang flashed in front of him.

The expression on his face remained a kind of impassive expression.

The strength in the fist also began to gradually disappear, and finally stood in front of Xue Yiren.

With difficulty, he said: "You have stepped into the level of Dantian Huahai, we have been fooled!"

After speaking, his body fell to the ground.

There is a sword mark between the eyebrows,

He was a little unwilling, if he could find out that Xue Yiren's strength was in the realm of dantian Huahai, then he would leave when he saw him.

Although he couldn't beat Xue Yiren, but if he wanted to leave, Xue Yiren couldn't stop him.

He would not die here.

Looking at the Nangong wine poured on the ground.

A bottle of corpse powder appeared in Xue Yiren's hand, he didn't want people to see his current strength.

The corpse powder fell on Nangong Jiu's body, and Nangong Jiu's body quickly turned into a puddle of thick water.

Go forward and check the contents of the vehicle.

It's some silver taels, about a million.

But Xue Yiren frowned slightly. Although the silver taels are a lot, it is not enough for [Tianxiameng] to dispatch so many people to come.

As long as they arrange some people to come here every time and move away slowly, even if Yuanbei County belongs to them [Blue Dragon Club], they may not be able to detect it.

After all, they [Blue Dragon Club] couldn't keep their eyes on any place all the time.

"It seems that the important things should be on Xiao Bieyi's body!"

"I don't know if there is any action on the other side of Liu Sheng's sword!"

Xue Yiren said in his heart.

Then with a wave of his hand, a group of people appeared in the dark.

"Deposit all these silver coins in Shanhe Bank!"

Xue Yiren said.


The visitor quickly pushed the carriage away.

Shanhe Bank is a bank created by Su Chen in the name of Shanhemen.

"Now join forces with Liu Sheng and join forces, even Xiao Bieyi will never leave Yuanbei County!"

Xue Yiren thought in his heart.

But just when he was about to leave.

The eyes looked towards one place.

On the tree trunk in the distance, stood a man in black. He saw the man in Xue looking towards him, and waved his palm to the sky.

A bright firework appeared in the sky.

He was heading towards the depths of the dense forest in an instant, his speed was so fast that he did not give Xue Yiren a chance to pursue him.

"high speed!"

Xue Yiren didn't pursue, he had to go back and join forces with Liu Sheng to fight the enemy with a sword.

A stream of fireworks appeared, followed by streams of soot.

Xiao Bieyi confronted Liu Sheng with a sword, saw soot appearing in the sky, his expression changed, his figure turned into a white shadow, rushed out of the carriage, and headed towards the dense forest on the road.

Liu Sheng Yijian frowned, but he didn't rush out. Judging from the way the opponent left, he might not be able to catch up.

"Every intersection, I have arranged people here, it's not so easy to go out!"

The nine counties in the north are the territory of the [Qinglonghui],

When Liu Shengyijian followed him, he notified all the forces in Yuanbei County to pay close attention to Xiao Bieyi's movements.

All the forces in Yuanbei County were mobilized, and as long as Xiao Bie was mobilized, he would be able to know where the other party was.

The figure left quickly.

After he left, Zhao Xiaodie followed and watched the fireworks in the sky.

"It seems that [Tianxiameng] suffered heavy losses this time, but why didn't Liu Sheng Yijian fight with Xiao Bie?"

"Should Xiao Bie be allowed to leave like this!"

Zhao Xiaodie frowned slightly.

But she didn't stay here for long, turned around and left, and returned to the courtyard in Yuanbei County,

Longbei County

When Zhao Xiaodie returned to her house.

She saw a figure, Zhao Xiaodie was startled when she saw this figure, the figure that appeared in her courtyard turned out to be Xiao Bieyi who hadn't fought Liu Sheng before.

Xiao Bieyi did not leave, but returned to Yuanbei County,

"Miss Zhao, you seem surprised to see me!"

Xiao Bie said as soon as he saw Zhao Xiaodie.

"Leader Xiao left the city early this morning, but now he is in the little girl's house. Of course the little girl is a little surprised!" Zhao Xiaodie said. "I don't know Miss Zhao, how is your business going?"

"Are you planning to leave Longbei County? I want to take Miss Zhao's carriage and leave with Miss Zhao!"

Xiao Bie opened his mouth and said.

All his troops had an accident, and on the way here, he got information that Xue Yiren killed Jiuba, showing the strength of Dantian Huahai.

From this point of view, coupled with the fact that when I confronted Liu Shengyijian, I felt the strength of Liusheng Yijian, and I was also in the sea of ​​dantian.
Two Dantian Sea Transformation Powerhouses.

He is also a master of swordsmanship with fierce skills.

If he was besieged, he would not be able to get out of Yuanbei County at all, so he returned to the county.

He wanted to use Zhao Xiaodie's side to leave Yuanbei County.

There is no enmity between [Elysium Palace] and [Blue Dragon Club], [Blue Dragon Club] should not take action against Zhao Xiaodie.

So he left with the help of Zhao Xiaodie, there should be no problem.

"Leader Xiao, you are trying to drag me into the water!"

Zhao Xiaodie said softly.

But in her heart, she was thinking about how to deal with this matter. After seeing the strength of Liu Sheng's sword, she knew the horror of the [Blue Dragon Society].

Once Xiao Bieyi got into trouble with the [Blue Dragon Society], he might not be able to leave.

"How could it be? I just left with the help of your carriage. I believe Miss Zhao, you will not refuse!"

"I think you [Elysium Palace] also need the friendship of our [Tianxiameng]!"

Xiao Bie looked at Zhao Xiaodie and said.

"I'm leaving here tomorrow, leader Xiao can come with me!" Zhao Xiaodie said after hearing this, after a moment of thought.

"Thank you, I will come to the house tomorrow!"

As soon as Xiao Bie finished speaking, he turned and left, he didn't want to stay with Zhao Xiaodie.

As soon as Xiao Bie left, Zhao Xiaodie walked towards the hall, where the middle-aged woman in a blue dress was.

"Send the news of Xiao Bieyi's presence in Yuanbei County to Yijian Liu of the [Azure Dragon Society]!"

"Go out of the secret room, I'm afraid Xiao Bieyi is outside the mansion!"

Zhao Xiaodie said via voice transmission,

She decided to sell Xiao Bieyi in exchange for the favor of [Blue Dragon Club].

Sometimes, the more beautiful a woman is, the more ruthless she is.

(End of this chapter)

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