The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 468 The dynamics of all parties, Emperor Ye, return to the chapter in the future

Chapter 468 The dynamics of all parties, Ye Di, return in the future


At this moment, spring thunder appeared in the sky.

Thunder appeared, and after a while.The rain fell spatteringly.

Zhao Xiaodie watched the rain fall from the eaves, her eyes moved slightly.

"I hope my decision is right this time!"

Zhao Xiaodie thought in her heart.

Outside the house, far away.

In the courtyard, a woman in a blue skirt appeared, but now she has changed into a very simple coat, just like a farm woman going to the market, carrying a vegetable basket and holding an oil-paper umbrella in her hand, walking in the rain , the direction turned out to be Yagyu Yijian, the courtyard where they were.

From this it can be seen that,

This [Elysium Palace] has certain members in Yuanbei County,

In other words, they charmed some forces in Yuanbei County,

And at this moment

Sheriff's House
The county guard Mo Feng and Mr. Fang had ugly expressions at the moment, "You mean, the [Tianxiameng] people, except for Xiao Bieyi who left, everyone else is dead!"

Mo Feng looked at the housekeeper in front of him, and asked again.

"Master, the gray gun and famous sword of [Tianxiameng] died under the sword of Liu Shengyijian, and he led the team to leave Jiuba before and died under the sword of Xue Yiren."

When the housekeeper in front of him spoke, his expression trembled a little.

The news of the investigation completely horrified him.

"Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren are so strong, how is it possible?"

Mr. Fang, an old man at the side, asked with some uncertainty.

But he was just asking, and he couldn't go wrong.

"The old slave has confirmed it several times!"

the butler replied.

"You go down first, and continue to pay attention to the movement outside!"

Mo Feng waved his hand.

The steward left,

After the butler left, Mo Feng looked at Mr. Fang beside him: "Mr. Fang, [Blue Dragon Club] is more terrifying than we thought!"

"It's a bit scary. I will refine it as soon as possible for Ji Le San, and try to control the leaders of the forces in Yuanbei County first!"

Mr. Fang said in a deep voice.

"I can only do this, first control some people, and then see if I can get close to Su Chen!"

Mo Feng said in a deep voice.

"I'm going to refine Ji Le San first. You can collect more information about Su Chen and see how to do it."

The old man surnamed Fang said.

"I will collect more information on Su Chen and [Blue Dragon Club], but with my strength, I'm afraid I'm here in North County."

Mo Feng said with some worry.

At any time, you still need confidence in doing things.

What is confidence, the strong is confidence.

"When I came, the adults said that they would send someone to come, and I think that person will arrive soon."

After finishing speaking, Mr. Fang stood up and walked out.

"It seems that I still have to take Zhao Xiaodie as soon as possible!"

"Saving your own life is the most important thing!" Mo Feng murmured.

"Come on!"

Mo Feng whispered, and then a black shadow appeared in front of him.

"Where is Zhao Xiaodie now?"

"I went out today, and in the evening, I will return to the previous house from outside!"

The man in black spoke.

"Is that so? It seems that tonight is my chance, but I have to transfer the woman in the blue skirt beside her first!" Mo Feng murmured.

Another place.

Su Chen was at the window of the third-floor building, looking at the setting sun that was about to fall on the horizon: "Tomorrow, Zhuang Xuanji will give us an answer about the date. Do you think Zhuang Xuanji will agree to our request?"

"There is news from Lianchengbi that Zhuang Xuanji is married to Huo Xingchen, the No. 1 villager in the world. According to the regulations, Zhuang Xuanji should marry Huo Xingchen after one year."

"According to the information we have obtained, there is no problem with Zhuang Xuanji's identity as the young master of the number one village in the world. Lian Chengbi didn't find out why Zhuang Xuanji wanted to kill Huo Xingchen!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Maybe it's just an appearance! Since you can't find it, don't look it up, and wait for Zhuang Xuanji's reply!"

"What's going on in Yuanbei County?"

Su Chen asked.

"There was news from Liu Shengyijian earlier that Xiao Bie went to Yuanbei County for other purposes, but the purpose has not been found out yet, but Master Li, the head of the three dragons, has already gone to Yuanbei County to meet Liu Shengyijian and the others. Cooperate, no matter what [Tianxiameng] plans in Yuanbei County, they can't take anything away!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

when he speaks.

A bird flew into the house from the window and landed on Yuan Suiyun's shoulder.

"New news from Yuanbei County!"

Yuan Suiyun took out the bamboo slips from under the bird's claws and examined them.

"Teacher, Xue Yiren and Liu Shengyijian have already broken through to the level of Dantian Huahai, thank you for the gift, and there is not only Xiao Bieyi here, but also the leader of [Tianxia League] Sitting down are four generals, the famous sword Cao Zhengyang, the name of the gray spear stone tomb, the overlord sword Zuo Feiyun, and the wine overlord Nangong Jiu. These four have already died under the sword of Xue Yiren and Liu Shengyijian. Xiao Bieyi escaped and hid himself. , Liu Sheng's sword has made all the forces in Yuanbei County find Xiao Bieyi."

"And the things that Xiao Bieyi came to Yuanbei County to take away should be on his body."

The original follow the cloud.

"This Xiao Bieyi really has face, let the three masters surround and kill him at that time."

"But don't underestimate [Tianxiameng]. If something is important, someone from them should come to meet Xiao Bieyi."

Su Chen said.

"Teacher, there is someone outside the door claiming to have a three-day appointment with you, and he came to pay homage to the mountain today!"

A disciple reported outside the door.

"A three-day appointment, it seems that she has made up her mind, Suiyun. You go and bring her here."

Su Chen said.


Yuan Suiyun pushed the door and followed the disciples there to leave.

When he left, two figures flashed in through the window.

"I have seen the Lord!"

The two figures are exactly [Yedi] and [Future] who came back from the capital.

"Thank you, both of you!" Su Chen thanked.

"My lord, here are some information about the power of concentrating in the sea that we obtained from [Xiemeng]."

Ye Di took out the divine power information from his bosom and handed it to Su Chen.

When Su Chen saw the information on the divine power in Ye Di's hand, his face showed joy, he took it, and opened it to check.

[Get the introduction of the Concentration in the Sea of ​​Nine Difficulties for Heaven and Man, and reward 2 orange lottery cards. 】

When Su Chen read these materials, he got some rewards accordingly.

"I didn't expect [Xiemeng] to be able to collect so many powers. It seems that [Xiemeng] is probably more complicated than what we saw!"

"Just what is the reason for doing this? What they did had a great impact on the rule of Emperor Zhou. It is really strange how Emperor Zhou would tolerate their existence."

Su Chen said.

Judging from the information obtained, the headquarters of [Evil League] should be the capital.

But the capital is the territory of Emperor Zhou, the core area of ​​the Great Zhou Dynasty. With the strength of Emperor Zhou, it should not be difficult to destroy [Evil League].

Is it true that Emperor Zhou is closed to death like rumors from the outside world?

Su Chen had some doubts in his heart.

"My lord, we have learned something when we go out this time, and we want to retreat for a while!"

At this time 【Ye Di】 opened his mouth and said.

"The back mountain is the forbidden area of ​​Shanhemen, Ding Peng and the others are also retreating there, you can go there!"

Su Chen said.

"My lord, let's take our leave first!"

Yedi and the future saluted slightly, and with a flash, he jumped out of the window grilles and headed towards the back mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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