The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 469 The Lonely Swordsman, Fu Hongxue, Thin as Silk, Golden Silkworm Clothes

Chapter 469 The Lonely Swordsman, Fu Hongxue, Thin as Silk, Golden Silkworm Clothes
"It seems that the capital is the center of the storm!"

Su Chen looked at the figures of the two leaving, and thought to himself.

Then he looked at the two orange lottery cards he had just obtained, his eyes moved slightly, thinking about whether to draw them out.

when he thought.

Footsteps came from outside the door.

Yuan Suiyun appeared at the door with a woman wearing a white hat and a veil.

"Teacher, I have already picked him up!"

Yuan Suiyun stopped and said.

"come in!"

Su Chen nodded, Yuan Suiyun pushed open the door and led Zhuang Xuanji into the room.

enter the room

Zhuang Xuanji took off the hat and put it aside, and took off the veil in front of her eyes, revealing her beautiful face.

Seeing the other party take off the veil, Su Chen's eyes light up slightly, this Zhuang Xuanji is really beautiful, very glamorous, her eyes are clear and unobtrusive.

Her long hair hangs down, her eyebrows are picturesque, and she is dressed in white. The white clothes set off the exposed skin, giving her the feeling that her skin is whiter than snow.

The slender hand holds the veil, like crystal clear coral.

"Peerless youth, that's probably how you describe a girl, please sit down!" Su Chen said in admiration.

Everyone likes to appreciate beautiful things, and Su Chen is no exception.

"Thank you, Master Su!"

The voice was soft, with a trace of coolness.

At this time, Yuan Suiyun poured Zhuang Xuanji a cup of tea.

"This is the tea picked from a century-old tea tree in the mountain behind our Shanhemen. Miss Zhuang, taste it!"

Su Chen waved his hand.

When Su Chen was speaking, his heart moved slightly.

It is usually very lucky to meet beautiful things, Su Chen wants to see if he is like this.

He directly drew the 2 orange draw cards he had just obtained.

[Obtain a Fu Hongxue character card and a set of golden silkworm clothes. 】

Seeing this news, Su Chen was shocked.He didn't expect to be able to draw a character card this time.

Fu Hongxue is a character in Tianya Mingyue Dao. He has no father or mother. He is an orphan who was adopted by Hua Baifeng to avenge Bai Baiyu.

He is almost a character born for revenge. His whole life is to take Ma Kongqun's head. He is aloof, withdrawn, and taciturn. He is a very outstanding tragic hero.

Of course, his martial arts are also shocking, and his swordsmanship is cold and arrogant.Although he is disabled, no one can surpass his sword.

I don't know what level Fu Hongxue's strength is.

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Checked it out immediately.

Fu Hongxue's information, like Yedi's and the others, has notes on Shattered Void at the back.

His own strength is concentrating on approaching the sea.

"I'm about to concentrate, but I'm just a step behind Gu Santong and the others!"

Su Chen is still very satisfied with this information.

Then check the golden silkworm clothing, it is a piece of clothing woven from the silk that the golden silkworm swallows and spit out. The silkworm itself is like thin silk, but it can prevent hidden weapons from swords and swords, and it is a treasure clothing with excellent defensive power.

Good luck.

While Su Chen was meditating, Zhuang Xuanji kept paying attention to Su Chen, and when he saw the other party admiring him, he didn't make a sound.

He didn't even pay attention to her.

She couldn't help being startled in her beautiful eyes, and couldn't help but look sideways at Su Chen.

Although the other party praised his beauty, he didn't have any obsessions. Such a person is very firm.

"Here I have discussed with my father, and I am willing to transfer all the banks in the Lingjiang area to the [Qinglonghui], but I hope this matter will be transferred from the dark, we don't want people to know!"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"Yes! For us, we only need benefits!"

Su Chen nodded.

"However, Headmaster Su, the Lingjiang area is the territory of [Tianxiameng]. We will pay [Tianxiameng] a lot of fees every year. After you take over, you will have to bear this fee!"

Zhuang Xuanji looked at Su Chen and said.

"This should be handed over by us!"

"However, first trade with ten companies, you can run these ten companies, and you will arrange the salaries of the personnel. We only want the final benefit!"

"After all, I [Blue Dragon Club] may have conflicts with [Tianxiameng] recently!"

Su Chen said.

People from [Tianxiameng] were in Yuanbei County, and four of them died at once. In addition, Xiao Bieyi might not be able to leave Yuanbei County, so the battle between the two sides might start.

What's more, Su Chen's side is also expanding towards the Lingjiang area, so the [Tianxiameng] is an obstacle.

A war will break out between the two sides.

However, based on the information he has seen so far, [Tianxiameng] is stronger than he imagined.

Maybe say.Times have changed, and there are many people from the new generation of Tianxiameng, but some people occupy positions in the front, and some people cannot show it.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhuang Xuanji's face moved slightly.

Before coming, she also got news about the situation in Yuanbei County.

"There's no problem with this!"

Zhuang Xuanji nodded.

"Ms. Zhuang wants to kill Huo Xingchen, so she should have his information on her body. I wonder if you can give us a copy!"

Su Chen didn't want people to go to the JB area to investigate, so he asked.

Zhuang Xuanji wants to kill, so the preparation materials should be complete,

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhuang Xuanji's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, she took out a document from her pocket and put it on the table, and said: "This is the details of Huo Xingchen's daily life, as well as his martial arts practice, of course as the world's The young owner of Huojiazhuang, the first villa, may hide some things!"

"This needs to be mastered by your guild, but the information I gave is for reference, and you need to verify it yourself."

Zhuang Xuanji said.

He didn't say in his tone that the information he gave was accurate.

"Then thank you Miss Zhuang, we will verify the information ourselves!"

Su Chen nodded, and Yuan Suiyun put away the materials by his side.

"Su Zhangjiao, I hope that when the [Blue Dragon Club] makes a move, it is best to produce a master who is not recognized by everyone. In this case, it can delay Huojiazhuang's detection of the killer I invited here. !"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"Miss Zhuang, don't worry, I will make arrangements here!"

Su Chen said,

He happened to draw Fu Hongxue on his side, and when Fu Hongxue came forward to kill Huo Xingchen, no one would have thought that it was the [Blue Dragon Society] who did it.

With some strengths, you don't need to let the other party know who you are to kill.

"Then thank you, Master Su, I hope Master Su completes this assassination as soon as possible!"

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"Miss Zhuang, don't worry, give us a month, and we will kill Huo Xingchen!"

Su Chen said.

Huo Xingchen's strength is a bit good, but in front of the bosses of the [Blue Dragon Club], he really doesn't need to care! "

"Okay! These are the land deeds of ten banks in the Lingjiang area, and I have brought them here!"

After Zhuang Xuanji took out ten land deeds from her pocket and put them on the table, Yuan Suiyun stepped forward to check, nodded at Su Chen, and put away the land deeds.

"Then I'll wait for the news from Master Su. This month, I will go to the Lingjiang area. Master Su can arrange someone to hand over the business of the bank to me in secret."

Zhuang Xuanji said.

"I will arrange a new face to match up with Ms. Zhuang as soon as possible!"

"Master Yuan, you send Miss Zhuang back first!"

Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Zhuang Xuanji's beautiful eyes froze for a moment, she didn't expect Su Chen to drive her away like this.

(End of this chapter)

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