It was totally different from what she expected,

He looked at Su Chen with some astonishment in his eyes, but Su Chen didn't express anything.

Zhuang Xuanji looks good, but she hired a killer to kill her fiancé.

Such a woman, no matter what, is not an ordinary woman.

Su Chen doesn't want to have too much contact with the other party yet.

What's more, when the other party took off his veil to see him today, he already had the intention of charming him.

Zhuang Xuanji looked a little lonely and followed Yuan Suiyun to leave.

in a while.

The original returned with the cloud.

"Teacher, this Zhuang Xuanji's face can be said to be peerless, worthy of being a teacher."

Yuan Suiyun said.

Yuan Suiyun has been by Su Chen's side all the time, and his age is also similar. To Su Chen, Yuan Suiyun can be regarded as his reborn existence.

In his previous life, he was known as the Batman, because he was blind, and in the darkness, he had ambitions.

He still has this ambition now, which is to assist Su Chen to become the lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Emperor Zhou was able to control mountains and rivers with Wu.

They can also assist Su Chen to become the lord of the dynasty.

As for Tianmen, Yuan Suiyun didn't know what was behind Tianmen, and he didn't dare to speak big words.

"This Zhuang Xuanji is beautiful, but no matter what the reason is, she is a bit ruthless when attacking Huo Xingchen!"

Su Chen said.

"My lord, who should we send to kill Huo Xingchen? Do you want to inform the leader Qiao in the south of the Yangtze River?"

The original follow the cloud.

"No, send another person to take action this time!"

While Su Chen was speaking, a figure appeared in the room.

A man in black appeared in the room, his face was pale, he was holding a black knife tightly in his hand, his eyes were bright, he saw Su Chen, moved his feet, his feet were a little limp, but it didn't affect his moving speed .

"I have seen the Lord!"

Fu Hongxue spoke, his voice was a little cold and lonely.

In the previous life, I was a revengeful person, but the hatred was not my own hatred, but just making wedding dresses for others,

In this life, he was given the mission to be loyal to the person in front of him,

"Fu Hongxue, this world is different. You actually came to this world, then your new life is about to begin. This is a complicated world of martial arts. Suiyun, Fu Hongxue came to a world of your own with you, and you can be regarded as a person from the era behind you."

"He is stronger than you. In your world, he has a famous name, Undefeated Sword God!"

"Take him to understand the situation in this world first!"

Su Chen said.



Yuan Suiyun politely took Fu Hongxue away, and told Fu Hongxue everything about the world.

Fu Hongxue had never shown his face in this world before. He went to Jiangbei to kill Huo Xingchen. No one knew that he came from [Blue Dragon Society].

This is in line with Zhuang Xuanji's request.

Satisfying customer requirements is what they [Qinglong Club] will do.

In this way, the business of [Blue Dragon Club] can last for a long time.

a day later

Fu Hongxue left from the Shanhe Gate, except for Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun, no one in the Shanhe Gate had seen Fu Hongxue, didn't know that he appeared, and didn't know that he left.

Lingnan County

In an ordinary courtyard,

Zhuang Xuanji and her two maids were among them.

"Miss, do you think the [Blue Dragon Club] will just take money and do nothing?"

said a maid.

"Then Su Chen is not simple. Judging from his attitude and momentum, there will be no problem. [Qinglonghui] is different from other killer forces."

"Other killer forces are afraid of the prestige of [No. [-] Village in the World], and we dare not show our true colors to contact the other party, so no one dares to make a move!"

"[The Azure Dragon Club] doesn't exist, that's why I showed up to trade with Su Chen, but I don't know who they will send here?"

Zhuang Xuanji said,

"By the way, is there any news from Yuanbei County?"

Zhuang Xuanji then asked.

"Miss, news has come that [Tianxiameng]'s famous swordsman, Ba Dao, Jiu Ba, and Gray Spear all died in Yuanbei County."

"It was Xue Yiren and Liu Sheng who made the move. The strength of these two people is not as rumored by the outside world. They have just stepped into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man. They are the strongest in the Dantian Sea Transformation Realm!"

"Then Xiao Bieyi of [Tianxiameng] didn't fight Liu Sheng with a sword, so he just ran away!"

"This is what happened a day ago, what happened today, we probably won't receive it until tomorrow."

Another maid said.

"This is completely unexpected. The one who showed the strongest strength earlier was Li Chenzhou, the leader of the three dragons. I didn't expect that there were two people hidden in the dark!"

Zhuang Xuanji's beautiful eyes moved slightly, she now believed in Su Chen's words even more in her heart,

Huo Xingchen was doomed this time.

"We also set off for the Lingjiang area, and wait for Master Su to deal with Huo Xingchen." Zhuang Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"For the sake of our family's wealth, he has been secretly injecting a chronic poison to my father. If Master Nanhai Shenni hadn't come to visit her and found out that my father had been poisoned, my father and I would have been blinded by him forever." Drum!"

When talking about Huo Xingchen, Zhuang Xuanji's eyebrows showed killing intent and hatred
She and Huo Xingchen were rumored to be a good story in Jianghu before,

Huo Xingchen, a gentleman, is the owner of the number one young village in the world, and her Zhuang Xuanji, the future owner of the third bank in the world, is also known as the third most beautiful woman in the world.

Outsiders seem to be a match made in heaven.

Before she found out, she thought so too.

But she didn't expect Huo Xingchen's heart to be so ruthless.

This was also the reason why Zhuang Xuanji had to kill Huo Xingchen.


The maid immediately arranged a carriage and left with Zhuang Xuanji,

The news of their departure was quickly known by Su Chen,

"Keep an eye on this Zhuang Xuanji, don't let anything happen, otherwise, after we kill Huo Xingchen, we won't be able to get the remaining [-] banks."

Su Chen instructed Yuan Suiyun.

Now his shop here is a bit big, so there is a lot of demand for silver, and he is very concerned about money.

"My lord, do you want Pavilion Master Zhu to send some people over? After all, the Tianshan faction has nothing to do for the time being."

Yuan Suiyun suggested.

"Has the Kunlun faction been found?"

Su Chen asked.

Before the [Tianshan School], it was the [Kunlun School] that controlled the outside of the Great Wall. Later, because of the [Tianshan School], this [Kunlun School] closed the mountain.

But now the [Tianshan School] is occupied by the East Pavilion of the [Tianya Pavilion]. If the [Kunlun School] is born, there should be some movement.

"For the time being, there is no movement from [Kunlun faction]!"

"Then let Guihai Yidao return from beyond the Great Wall and let him stare at Zhuang Xuanji!"

Su Chen said.

The realm of Guihai Yisao is among the most difficult among heaven and man, but his swordsmanship is extremely domineering, especially the three swords of Ah Bi Dao are extremely powerful.

Temporarily monitoring Zhuang Xuanji, there is no problem at all.

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