in the palace.

In a silent, dark hall.

A man in black knelt down in front of Emperor Zhou, and the standing Emperor Zhou looked gloomy.

"Huo Mufeng of [Tianshan School] was killed, and it was [Tianya Pavilion] East Pavilion who shot. I didn't expect [Tianya Pavilion] to destroy my plan."

Emperor Zhou said in a deep voice.

"What action did they take to occupy the [Tianshan School]?"

Emperor Zhou asked.

"They are looking for traces of the [Kunlun faction]. According to the investigation and analysis of their subordinates. They may want to destroy the [Kunlun faction] so that they can control the entire area outside the Great Wall."

The man in black replied.

"What a big ambition!"

"You go down!"

Emperor Zhou waved his hand.

The man in black bowed and exited the hall,

"What do you think of [Tianya Pavilion]?"

Emperor Zhou turned around and said to Xue Pingsheng who was standing beside him.

"This [Tianya Pavilion] now has the East Pavilion and the North Pavilion. The combat power displayed by the East Pavilion is higher than that of the North Pavilion."

"It may be that the division of labor is different, but this also reflects their ambitions. This force is not within our monitoring range, so the subordinates think it is necessary to restrain it!"

Xue Pingsheng said,

"It seems that you have a way to suppress it, let's hear it!"

Emperor Zhou has been with Xue Pingsheng for a long time, knowing that Xue Pingsheng said so, he must have thought of some way.

"Aren't they looking for the [Kunlun School]? Then let the [Kunlun School] come out and test this [Tianya Pavilion] East Pavilion."

"On my side, I can let the Kunlun faction secretly assassinate He Daosheng, one of the three elders of the [Kunlun faction], in the name of [Tianya Pavilion]."

Xue Pingsheng said in a flat tone.

"Just follow this method. Beyond the Great Wall cannot be peaceful, there must be struggle."

"However, I'm a little curious. Huo Mufeng has the Gu worm that planted on him. Now that Huo Mufeng is dead, how do you think the one who is far above the gate of heaven will react!"

Emperor Zhou spoke up.

From his words, Emperor Zhou knew the existence of the person behind Huo Mufeng.

"It won't affect this side for the time being, even if she sends someone down, it will take time!"

"This is a natural moat, which prevents us from stepping into it, and also prevents them from coming."

Xue Pingsheng shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, I have also received news that the plan of the [Evil Alliance] in the south of the Yangtze River has also been destroyed, and a force called the Beggar Gang has emerged."

"The leader of the beggar gang is named Qiao Feng. According to the information I got, his strength may reach the level of concentrating in the sea."

When talking about the Beggar Gang, Xue Pingsheng frowned slightly.

[Tianya Pavilion] The expansion of power has limitations no matter what.

But this gang of beggars is a little different. They gather beggars.

Now that Emperor Zhou is doing something, there will inevitably be many fluctuations in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As long as there are fluctuations, beggars will continue to appear,

If all these beggars join this beggar gang, then the number of beggar gangs will be terrifying.

Such a force may threaten the Zhou Emperor's Great Zhou Dynasty.

"The beggar gang? I didn't expect someone to take advantage of this!"

"Think of a way to mix spies into the beggar gang and see what they want to do?"

Emperor Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Emperor Zhou was a very domineering person.

Now he wants to stir up trouble, but it must be within the scope of his permission. [Tianya Pavilion] This is just one side of the forces, and they are fighting against the forces of the world.

This is what he allowed,

But the beggar gang is not, so he needs to know what the other party thinks?
"I have arranged people to lurk and investigate, but this gang of beggars killed the members of the Lie family. I think the Lie family should deal with them."

Xue Pingsheng said.

"The Lie family, Lao Qi's mother family, they control 36 different races in the south of the Yangtze River. It should not be difficult to solve this beggar gang."

Murderous intent was revealed in Emperor Zhou's eyes.

"Your Majesty, I have followed your plan and tried to transfer him back to the capital!"

"I don't know how His Majesty will arrange him next!"

Xue Pingsheng said.

"After so many years in the South China Sea area, he has become so arrogant that he doesn't take my royal family seriously."

"Think of a way to poison him, seriously injure him, and save his life for the time being!"

"In this case, there should be chaos in the South China Sea for a while, weakening some of his power in the South China Sea!"

Emperor Zhou said.

"The subordinates will make arrangements!"

"However, the martial arts of the Great General King are not simple, and it may be difficult to keep him from being poisoned."

"Nine poisons old man recently developed a colorless and tasteless poison, which can affect the martial artist's posture. You can hold my warrant and go there to get some!"

Emperor Zhou said.

"My subordinate understands!"

Xue Pingsheng bowed and said.

"What do you think of the [Zhenwu Daoguan] people who came to the capital this time!"

"[Zhenwu Taoist Temple] is very self-respecting and doesn't want to participate in the royal affairs, but this time they sent people to the capital, and the subordinates think that they want to support a certain prince this time."

"And it should already have a goal!"

Xue Pingsheng replied.

"I didn't expect that one of my sons would have a relationship with [Zhenwu Daoguan]. Do you know who it is?"

"I haven't found it yet, but it should not be the nine ruling princes."

"Your Majesty's heirs are all dragons and phoenixes among men, and the people in [Zhenwu Daoist Temple] seem normal!"

Xue Pingsheng said.

"I really like what you said!"

"Let's go, Eunuch Tao just dug out some fine wine from my collection recently, let's have a good drink."

Emperor Zhou said with a smile.

The two left from the dark place of the palace.

The entire palace returned to silence.

Longbei County

A large carriage left from the east city.

Inside the carriage
Zhao Xiaodie sat in it, and Xiao Bie sat on the side in the carriage.

The woman in the blue skirt is beside Zhao Xiaodie.

"Thank you Miss Zhao this time!"

Xiao Bie in the carriage opened his mouth and said.

"We also just left, President Xiao, you don't need to thank us."

Zhao Xiaodie said softly.

"No matter what, I still want to thank Ms. Zhao. I'll toast Ms. Zhao with tea instead of wine!" Xiao Bie raised his teacup and said.

Just when I picked up the teacup.

His expression was slightly taken aback.

Their carriage stopped at this moment, and a group of men in black appeared in front of the carriage.

Xiao Bie frowned slightly, the strength of the people who intercepted their carriage was a bit low.

Zhao Xiaodie also frowned, ready to lift the curtains to investigate.

"Miss Zhao, the governor wants to see you off, so please wait here for a while," the leader said.

Hearing this, Xiao Bie was slightly taken aback.

He didn't expect that the person who came was for Zhao Xiaodie, or the new sheriff, looking at Zhao Xiaodie.

At this moment, a frost appeared in Zhao Xiaodie's beautiful eyes.

Sheriff Mo Feng stopped her when she was leaving the city.

The idea speaks for itself.

"I didn't expect that Ms. Zhao's side would be watched by Mo Junshou!"

"The newly appointed Sheriff of Yuanbei County is a bit unusual!"

Xiao Bie said out loud.

He has no intention of making a move.

The people inside the carriage could get rid of the people outside without him taking action, but he didn't know why a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

dark place
The three figures were looking at a group of men in black who appeared in front of the carriage.

These three people are exactly Xue Yiren, Li Chenzhou, and Liu Shengyijian, they are here to send Xiao Bieyi on his way.

"The people from the Sheriff's Mansion stopped Zhao Xiaodie here and wanted to see Zhao Xiaodie off. Does the Sheriff have any ideas?"

Li Chenzhou among the three spoke.

"I'm really not sure about this! But I don't know what Xiao Bieyi in the carriage would think?"

Xue Yiren said softly.

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