The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 472 Xiaobie's 1 purpose, Yagyu's 1 sword's 1 sword

Chapter 472 Xiao Bie's One Purpose, One Sword of Yagyu's One Sword (for Subscription)
"He probably has a premonition of something bad!"

Li Chenzhou said in a deep voice.

The three masters besieged and killed Xiao Bieyi. I don't know if it was Xiao Bieyi's luck or sadness.

"Xiao Bieyi has been hiding for a whole day, someone from [Tianxiameng] should come to pick him up."

Liu Sheng at the side spoke with a sword.

All three of them appeared because they wanted to prevent other experts from [Tianxiameng] from coming,

Otherwise, Xiao Bieyi really isn't worth the three of them fighting together.

The atmosphere in front of the carriage was somewhat silent.

The groom who was driving looked nervously at the man in black who was blocking them.

A look at these is malicious.


In this silent atmosphere, a blue figure flew out of the carriage, and the palm was facing the head man in black, and the speed of the palm was very fast.

Before the man in black could react, he was hit by the opponent's palm, and with a bang, he flew upside down, spit out blood in the air, and hit the ground, his eyes lost his breath in surprise.

As for the other men in black, several black rays of light appeared in the hands of the woman in blue shirt, swish, swish, swish.

A long black needle appeared in the center of everyone's eyebrows, piercing through the center of the eyebrows, standing where they were, and then fell to the ground.

The figure of the woman in the blue skirt returned to the carriage.

"move on!"

The voice of the woman in the blue skirt rang in the ears of the coachman.

"What a sharp method!"

In the dark, Li Chenzhou looked at the woman in blue skirt and said.

"I'm going to see Xiao Bieyi's strength."

Liu Sheng opened his mouth and said with a sword. When he spoke, his figure was like a ghost, and he walked towards the direction of the carriage.

at this time.

The sky became dark and gloomy, and a drizzle formed in the sky.

In the drizzle, the driver put on his coir raincoat and bamboo hat and continued on his way.

Neither fast nor slow.

Inside the carriage, Xiao Bieyi frowned slightly as he watched the drizzle outside the window.

"Xiaoyu sent me home, I don't know if I can get out of this Longbei County!"

Xiao Bie opened his mouth and said.

While speaking, he slapped the carriage away with his palm, kicked his feet, and rushed into the rain curtain.

Inside the carriage
Zhao Xiaodie and the woman in the blue skirt looked at the half-splitting carriage with dull expressions, and the drizzle fell from the sky. Zhao Xiaodie picked up the oiled paper umbrella inside the carriage and propped up the oiled paper umbrella to block the drizzle.

The woman in the blue skirt beside her also held up an oil-paper umbrella and watched Xiao Bieyi leave.

"Did you say he found something?"

The woman in the blue skirt spoke.

"If he finds out, he should kill us first, and kill us with his strength, we can't stop it!"

Zhao Xiaodie said.

"Daughter, don't worry, when I leaked the news, the people from the [Blue Dragon Society] promised to protect our lives!"

"He didn't do it, he should have sensed something?"

The woman in the blue skirt said softly.

"In this case, let's follow the past to see!"

"You go back first, don't send us off!"

A piece of broken silver appeared in Zhao Xiaodie's hand and fell into the hand of the coachman. The coachman took the broken silver and drove away in the broken carriage.

On the other hand, Zhao Xiaodie is heading towards the direction that Xiao Bieyi left earlier.

in the drizzle
Xiao Bie stayed in one place, looking at Liu Sheng, who was wearing black clothes and had two long swords stuck in his waist, who was facing him, as if waiting for him for a long time.

When the drizzle fell, it was automatically bounced off by his protective energy, without staining his body at all.

Liu Sheng made a sword, his face was deep, as sharp as a knife, and his eyes were as quiet as a deep pool, which made people feel a deep chill.

"Yusheng Yijian, I didn't expect you to deal with me!"

Xiao Bie looked at Liu Sheng with a calm voice.

"Could it be that President Xiao wants to wait for others to come?"

Liu Sheng looked at Xiao Bie with a sword,

In fact, he has a doubt in his heart, that is, what kind of person Xiao Bieyi is, he should not use Zhao Xiaodie as a cover to leave.

After all, there are many ways for such a strong person to leave.

Especially if you leave alone, it will be more hidden.

Even if they mobilize all the forces in Yuanbei County, they may not be able to find traces of a strong man like Xiao Bieyi.

"I'm waiting for your three dragon heads, Li Chenzhou!"

Xiao Bie looked at Liu Sheng and said with a sword.

This time, the leader's four masters died tragically.

If I go back like this, then with the personality of the leader, even if he does not die, he will probably lose his power in the [Tianxiameng],

[Tianxiameng] is actually different from other forces.

Power is absolute concentration,

The leader of [Tianxiameng] is the emperor of [Tianxiameng]. His words alone can determine the life and death of people in [Tianxiameng].

It can decide the fate of people in [Tianxiameng].

That's why he did it.

He didn't want to lose everything after returning, so he wanted to gamble.

It was a head-to-head confrontation with [Blue Dragon Club].

Just when Xiao Bie's voice fell, a figure rushed out from the darkness, this figure was a bit burly, wearing a gray robe, with an indifferent expression, pointing at a black stick in his hand, the stick was very thick, faintly exuding A chill.

A burly man appeared, and stepped on the ground with his foot. Not long after the drizzle started, the ground became wet, and a huge deep hole was created by his foot.

However, his body suddenly came towards Liu Sheng with a sword, and his whole body was like a cannonball,

Xiao Bieyi is the second leader of the Tianxia League.

Naturally, he has his own confidants.

The person who made the shot was one of them. Although his strength had just stepped into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, he had cultivated a solid body of skills. Ordinary attacks could not break through his defense at all.

The strength of Liu Sheng's sword may reach the level of dantian Huahai.

But he felt that this Liu Shengyijian should have just stepped in. After many people stepped into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, they could not find the opportunity to transform the dantian into the sea.

But some people are different. After they step into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, it is easy to find out their own artistic conception of martial arts and set foot on the level of dantian Huahai.

He believed that Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren were such people.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the two of them not to be the dragon heads of the [Blue Dragon Society]
After all, Yan Nantian and Ding Peng, who appeared earlier, are not as powerful as Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren.

As to why he believed so.

Because Xiao Bieyi is such a person,

"Blue Dragon Stick Shadow!"

At this time, the burly man gave a low shout, and a huge energy appeared in the iron rod in his hand, and the energy formed a blue dragon shadow in the long stick,

The dragon shadow enveloped Liu Sheng's sword, and he wanted to kill Liu Sheng with a stick,

But his stick shadow is fast, and Liu Shengyijian is also fast. Under his stick shadow, Liu Shengyijian's figure seems to be teleported, and when the opponent's stick shadow falls, he appears in front of the opponent.

The burly man who made the shot was startled, and wanted to turn back the stick in his hand,

But Yagyu drew his sword with one stroke.

The sword light flashed, and a gray sword energy roared out.

The burly man retreated rapidly, and a black energy appeared all over his body.

These vigor flowed around his body, his body was like iron.

But the gray sword energy was like cutting vegetables, tearing apart the opponent's defense and penetrating his body


The burly man who made the shot looked at his chest in disbelief. Why did he dare to make a shot? It was because he believed in his own defense, which could definitely block Liu Sheng's sword.

But he thinks differently

Yagyu Ichiken's sword was too sharp, and his defense was vulnerable.

So the burly man died on the spot.

Xiao Bie, who was watching not far away, suddenly shrank his pupils. He didn't expect that his subordinates failed to block the opponent's sword.

"Leader Xiao, you should play next!"

Liu Shengyi moved towards Xiao Bieyi with his sword body.

(End of this chapter)

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