Chapter 476 Sad sword, sad wind is good (subscribe)

late at night.

Mo Feng and Mr. Fang are in the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion.

Drinking in a verandah.

"This Longbei County is one of the best cities in the nine counties in the north. I didn't expect [Qinglonghui] not to arrange people here."

Mo Feng drank a glass of wine.

"I haven't figured out the structure of the [Blue Dragon Club]!"

"According to the logic, they should belong to that mysterious and powerful force, but now they have become a little more obvious and become the overlord of the nine northern counties."

Mr. Fang shook his head.

"It's a little strange, and it may be for money. Then Su Chen may be the agent created by [Qinglonghui], to give a title of young dragon head, and let him collect money from the forces of martial arts in the nine counties in the north."

Mo Feng said softly.

"If that's the case, maybe it's in our favor!"

"If you have time, you can visit Wen Yifan, the governor of the nine northern counties, and see if you can get in touch with Su Chen through him."

The old man surnamed Fang said.

"Wen Yifan, it's a pity that he planned for so long to become the governor of the nine northern counties."

"But I didn't expect that there would be a [Qinglonghui] in the nine counties in the north, and his power would be cut by half in an instant. Now I can only rely on others."

When talking about Wen Yifan, Mo Feng couldn't help saying.

There was some disdain and pity in the tone.

"Don't underestimate Wen Yifan, he is very tolerant. After taking office, there has been no movement at all, but you don't really think that he has no power in his hands, do you?"

The old man surnamed Fang said while shaking the fan in his hand.

His expression changed, and he looked at the middle-aged butler standing not far away.

At this moment, the middle-aged housekeeper's body fell on the ground, his eyes were astonished, and his head wanted to look back.

He wondered who had sneaked up on him.

It's just that the other party didn't give him a chance,

Kick the body that fell on the ground, and kick it directly on the stone pillar not far away.

"who are you?"

Seeing this, Mo Feng and the old man surnamed Fang stood up at the same time, and Mo Feng yelled at the visitor.

When he was yelling, he also saw clearly the appearance of the person who came, a pale young man was walking towards the two of them step by step.

"I'm the one who came to take your life!"

The youth's voice was cold.

"Looking for death, kill him for me!"

Seeing this, Mo Feng let out a low shout, and several figures appeared around the courtyard, attacking the young man at the same time.

But when these people were about to attack the young man, the long sword pinned to the young man's waist pierced out instantly.

In the darkness, several rays of light flashed.

The person who attacked the young man clutched his throat and fell to the ground.

They all had their throats cut by the young man's sword.

"Are you from [Blue Dragon Society]?"

Seeing this situation, Mo Feng frowned.

There are many swordsmen in [Qinglonghui], among them A Fei and Jing Wuming are fast swordsmen, so the first thought in Mo Feng's mind is someone from [Qinglonghui].

"You dug Xiao Bieyi's grave, did you take anything from him?"

The visitor did not answer Mo Feng's words, but asked.

"take things?"

Hearing what the visitor said, Mo Feng and the old man surnamed Fang looked at each other and said.

"We just checked each other's scars, didn't we see anything?"

Mo Feng said.

The eyes are staring at the person who came, the aura of the other person is restrained, the butler who just killed him did not use the slightest strength in his body, just relying on the speed of the sword in his hand, he killed his butler and just surrounded him people.

So he can't know the opponent's strength.

"That is to say, it's useless to keep you!"

The voice of the visitor said very coldly.

"How arrogant, you think you can kill us."

"Don't you feel something in the air around you?"

"Is the Qi and blood in your body not flowing smoothly?"

Mr. Fang, who was holding a cattail fan, spoke.

The old man surnamed Fang was originally named Fang Muhe, and he was good at using poison. When the young man appeared, he planted poison around him.

Now the toxin permeates the entire courtyard.

The youth spoke so many words and inhaled a lot of poison.


When his voice fell, the young man started to cough. He took out a white handkerchief from his pocket and covered his mouth. There was some dark red blood on the handkerchief.

Seeing this situation, Mo Feng's eyes became gloomy and cold.

"It seems that you are poisoned, just like you, I don't know if you can pass a few tricks in my hands!"

While Mo Feng was speaking, he jumped up, his palms protruded into claws, and there was a cold breath on his fingertips, and he grabbed the young man's head.

The speed is extremely fast, and the claws are fierce.

Facing the young man he was attacking, his expression did not change at all. When he approached, a cold light flashed in the young man's eyes, and the long sword stuck in his waist pierced out instantly,

The sword light pierced through the shadow of the claw, like a thin bamboo, piercing Mo Feng's throat,

The terrifying sword light caused Mo Feng's pupils to shrink suddenly, and an incomparable feeling of shock surged all over his body in an instant.

He wanted to step back and forcefully twisted his body.

But the opponent's Jian Guang seemed to know the direction of his twisting body, waiting for him there.

Jian Guang directly inserted into his throat

"I didn't expect, I didn't use too much energy to solve you, it's really disappointing!"

The moment his throat was pierced, he heard the young man's sigh.

the other side

The face of the old man surnamed Fang changed, and his figure jumped, several black rays of light flew out of the cattail fan in his hand, shooting towards the opponent.

clang clang

It's just that these bursts of black light were all blocked by the opponent's long sword.


At this time, Mo Feng's body, whose throat was pierced, fell to the ground.

The old man surnamed Fang who jumped out appeared next to Mo Feng's body, looked at Mo Feng's body, and looked at the young man opposite him with stern eyes.

"You killed him!"

"Who the hell are you? Why aren't you poisoned."

The old man surnamed Fang asked with a low growl.

"Desecrate the body of leader Xiao, you all deserve to die!"

"Also, who am I? My name is Beifengshan."

The pale young man said in a deep voice.

"Beifengshan, the extremely sad sword in the hands of the three masters of swordsmanship under the lord of the Tianxia League, Beifengshan!"

As soon as Bei Fengshan signed up, the expression of the old man surnamed Fang changed.

Turn around and run away.

He is no match for Sad Feng Shan.

It's just that he just went backwards.

Beifengshan's figure flashed in front of him, appearing in front of him like a teleportation,

The face of the old man surnamed Fang changed drastically,

"I don't know about President Xiao, you let me die!"

He begged for mercy.

It's just that when the voice of begging for mercy fell, he clapped his palms out.

"Sirius Anti-Drug Palm!"

Boom boom boom!
Just begging for mercy just wanted to buy time for myself. Anyone who knows the sad wind and kindness knows that this person is cruel and will not care about his begging for mercy.

The dark green vigor from the palm of the hand blasted towards the opponent's body overwhelmingly,

It's just that when the shadow of his hand was close to the sad wind, it was completely blocked by the sword light, and his palm hurt and was covered with bloodstains.


The old man surnamed Fang was full of astonishment,

He made a move by himself, but he didn't do any harm to the opponent, and the opponent's sword energy even pierced his palm.

When he was terrified, a sword light pierced his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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