The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 477 The Sea Shark Gang, Hai Wuya, Siege and Kill the Leader of the World, Bu Yunxiao

Chapter 477 The Sea Shark Gang, Hai Wuya, Siege and Kill the Leader of the World, Bu Yunxiao (Subscribe)

Immediately, the old man surnamed Fang felt that the energy and blood in his body began to drain instantly, and the energy began to fail to circulate.

"Why are you not affected by my poison at all!"

The old man surnamed Fang held his chest, looked at the sad wind and said kindly.

He was covered with toxins around him, and the opponent's shots and breathing absorbed his toxins.

"Maybe I took too much medicine, maybe your poison is not strong enough!"

The sad wind said in a cold voice.

"Someone will avenge us, you will die!"

After the old man surnamed Fang finished speaking, his body plopped down on the ground.

"The strength is too weak, the next one is Su Chen!" Bei Fengshan's figure disappeared into the courtyard.

next day
The drizzle still didn't stop.

The surrounding air seemed very humid, and the breeze was blowing, and there was a breath of spring rain.

The news that the new sheriff was killed made the whole Yuanbei County seem a little sudden.

In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were many forces in the world, but they also followed certain rules, that is, they did not move the chief officer of a county.

But the new sheriff was killed as soon as he came to Yuanbei County.

This is a bit of a slap in the face of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely be angry about this matter.

Some city lords in the Yuanbei County who had been notified by the new county guard returned halfway.

The new sheriff was killed. Don't look at this matter, it involves too much,

It has nothing to do with them, it's better to avoid them.

Within a house.

Li Chenzhou and Liu Sheng Yijian were standing in the courtyard.

"Some people say that Mo Feng's death was caused by our [Blue Dragon Society], what do you think?"

Li Chenzhou said.

"I saw the corpse in the county guard's mansion. It was shot by a master swordsman. The shot was fierce and extremely fast."

"It's somewhat similar to A Fei and Jing Wuming's swordsmanship. There shouldn't be such a master in Yuanbei County. I suspect that it might be done by someone from [Tianxiameng]."

"[Tianxiameng] There are three masters of swordsmanship under the leader's seat. Among them, the famous sword died under my sword. There are also two masters of swordsmanship. One of them is Xiejian Qiuhuatang. This person's weapon is a sword that sucks people's blood."

"The other person is named Beijijian, Beifengshan. This person is very mysterious. I don't know his age, nor his face, but this person is the head of the three swords, and his strength should be among the famous swords I killed. On, it may be this person!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a sword.

Liu Sheng Yijian and Xue Yiren are particularly dedicated to the way of swordsmanship, so when they investigated [Tianxiameng], they paid special attention to [Tianxiamengzhu]'s three major swordsmanship masters.

"From this point of view, the Sword of Sadness should be in Yuanbei County."

"But what did he mean by killing the new county guard? It's impossible to blame us. After all, there is no real evidence, and the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty will not take action against us [Qinglonghui]."

Li Chenzhou frowned slightly and said: "Recently, I will stay in Yuanbei County to see the development of the situation, and you will pass the situation here to the master!"

"Xue Yiren probably won't be able to return to Shanhemen in a few days."

After Li Chenzhou got Xiao Bieyi's gloves and the jade tablet, he asked Xue Yiren to deliver the things to Su Chen at Shanhe Gate.

That glove can help Su Chen increase his strength.


inside a secret room

The lights were brightly lit, and Su Chen sat cross-legged on the futon, his exposed body was as red as blood, and the blood all over his body was like boiling water, which raised the temperature of the whole room by a few points.


These rolling qi and blood flowed through the meridians of his body, forming a huge rotating energy, constantly tempering his body.

Although Su Chen is improving in vigor, it is a bit slow, so he is still increasing his strength in terms of vigor, blood and physical body.

to be frank.

He is under a lot of pressure now, the summoned character is powerful, but his own strength is too different from the summoned character, which he does not want to see.

The overlord of any era must be strong,

As time passed, Qi and blood circulated around his body like the ebb and flow of waves, and the momentum was overwhelming.

This state lasted for a long time before the Qi and blood in his body gradually calmed down.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Chen slowly opened his eyes,

The eyes are full of thoughts.

Now my physical body and energy and blood are comparable to those of the Seven Difficulties of Heaven and Man, but I am afraid I cannot resist the attacks of the Eight Difficulties of Heaven and Man.

In terms of sharp blades, I have golden silkworm clothes that can resist,

The overall strength has improved a lot compared to before.

There are still some Celestial Pills on his body, which can increase his strength if he takes it by himself.

But my strength improvement is already against the sky!
Su Chen thought in his heart.

After the improvement of his physical body this time, he plans to practice Qi Jin for a period of time, and then continue to improve his physical body and blood strength.

"But the seventh layer of Shanhe Kung Fu still hasn't broken through!"

Su Chen felt a little regretful.

There is no bottleneck compared to his own method of obtaining exercises in the system, but Shanhemen's Shanhegong, before practicing, he tried to break through the seventh layer of [Shanhegong], but the result was not satisfactory.

Previously, he stepped into the realm of heaven and man with the help of the sixth level of Shanhe Gong.

Thinking of continuing to improve Shanhe Gong but found that the seventh floor is very difficult

Compared with the mountains and rivers on the sixth floor, the seventh floor expands one's own dantian.

If the dantian becomes bigger, after reaching the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, it will be much stronger than ordinary Ninth Difficulty Warriors.

"Qi Jin is still a bit weak, it seems that Qi Jin needs to be improved to complete the seventh level of Shanhe Kung Fu!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

adjust pranayama for a while

Su Chen got up and walked out of the secret room,

Outside the secret room, a disciple of Shanhe Sect was standing at the door of the secret room. When he saw Su Chen coming out, he stepped forward and said, "Teacher, when the original elder asked you to come out, go to the Hall of Mastery!"

"Say that Hai Wuya, the leader of the Haisha Gang you promised to meet earlier, is in the hall."

"I almost forgot about this!"

With a move in Su Chen's heart, he immediately walked towards the teaching hall,

in a while
Su Chen stepped into the teaching hall
In the main hall, a young man in blue was talking with Yuan Suiyun. When he saw Su Chen stepping into the main hall, he immediately stepped forward and bowed.

"Hai Sha Gang Hai Wuya has met Headmaster Su!"

Hai Wuya looks ordinary, neither handsome nor ugly, but his eyes are different from others, they are blue.

"Cultivation has forgotten the time, Master Haishang forgive me!"

Su Chen said.

"I was the one who interrupted Master Su's cultivation. I came to see Master Su this time because I actually wanted to cooperate with Master Su, or to cooperate with Master Su's [Blue Dragon Society] behind Master Su to deal with [World Alliance] "

Hai Wuya explained his purpose of coming here.

"[Tianxiameng] is the overlord of the Lingjiang area, isn't it so easy to deal with?"

Su Chen walked to the middle seat in the hall and sat down.

"It's not easy, that's why we thought of joining forces with [Blue Dragon Club]."

Hai Wuya said.

"You guys, it seems that your Haisha Gang is not the only one who has taken action against [Tianxiameng]?"

Su Chen couldn't help being interested.

"Just because I, the Sea Shark Gang, doesn't have the courage to challenge [Tianxiameng] at all."

"My Sea Shark Gang has joined forces with Qihai Building, Liujiabao, Qinchuanmen, Shenyimen, Tianyuan Villa and other forces to form an alliance force to fight against [Tianxiameng] together."

Hai Wuya said.

"Although these forces are good, even if they are added together, they can't beat [Tianxiameng]."

Su Chen shook his head.

Su Chen has seen the forces in the Lingjiang area.

"Of course we are far behind, but with [Blue Dragon Club], I think we will be able to win [Tianxiameng]."

"What's more, there are people in [Tianxia League] who want to rebel against Bu Yunxiao. As long as we plan properly, we can kill Bu Yunxiao, the leader of the Tianxia League!"

"As long as Bu Yunxiao dies, the Tianxia League will collapse!"

Hai Wuya said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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