Chapter 478 The Great General Wang Dugu For My Ambition

"It seems that you have a plan here!"

"[Tianxiameng] has enmity with our [Qinglonghui], we naturally hope to deal with [Tianxiameng] together, but after [Tianxiameng] dissipates, what can we [Qinglonghui] get?"

Su Chen looked at Hai Wuya and said.

Disputes between rivers and lakes, grievances and hatreds.

Among them, interests are the most critical.

Hearing Su Chen say this, Hai Wuya's face showed joy.

"I want to see what kind of experts the [Azure Dragon Club] dispatches. If the [Azure Dragon Association] can dispatch a master who concentrates in the sea, it will naturally allocate more."

Hai Wuya said.

Bu Yunxiao, the besieged leader of the world, could not have killed him without the concentrating masters in the sea.

The Tianxia League has been in the Lingjiang area for hundreds of years and has a profound foundation. Bu Yunxiao took charge of the Tianxia League 50 years ago and turned the Tianxia League into the sole overlord of the Lingjiang area.

Those who disobeyed him were killed by him.

"I don't know, but how many masters of the sea are you planning to dispatch to deal with Bu Yunxiao?"

Su Chen looked at Hai Wuya and said.

He really wanted to see the details of Hai Wuya's side.

"We can dispatch two experts who concentrate in the sea, one who transforms the sea in his dantian, and three ordinary masters with nine difficulties."

"These two strong men in the sea, one of them is my father, and the other is a master who came from the side of the Great General King."

"So if we can win the [Tianxiameng] this time, I will take [-]% of the interests, whether it is territory or others."

Hai Wuya said.

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, Su Chen was slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the leader of the Haisha Gang, who hadn't noticed before, could reach the strength of Haizhong's concentration.

This was beyond his expectation.

As for the great general king who has a master of concentration in the sea, Su Chen is not too surprised.

"If I (Qinglonghui) send out a strong man who concentrates in the sea, how much can we get?"

After thinking for a moment, Su Chen said.

"Twenty percent, and another twenty percent needs to be given to other allies!"

Hai Wuya said.

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, Su Chen's face changed slightly; "Master Hai, are you kidding me? If we send out a strong man in the sea, we [Qinglong Club] will only get [-]% of the benefits."

"You need to know that there are strong and weak people in the sea."

Su Chen didn't expect the other party to occupy [-]%, while he only occupied [-]%.

"Headmaster Su, although our Sea Shark Gang takes up [-]%, we still have to share [-]% with General Wang San and Governor Lingjiang. In fact, our Sea Shark Gang only gets [-]%!"

Seeing this, Hai Wuya said immediately.

"You ask the general Wang Haizhong's Ningshen master to take action, give [-]%, and we [Qinglong Club] will give [-]%, Haishao Gangzhu, you are not sincere, you want our [Qinglong Club] to send a strong Haizhong Ningshen, We also need [-]%!"

Su Chen shook his head.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Hai Wuya's expression didn't change much, but he secretly said in his heart: "I didn't expect that [Qinglonghui] would be so greedy that it would need [-]%."

"Don't think it's not worth it. If you are sure to kill Bu Yunxiao, you don't need to ask us [Qinglonghui] for help. Forty percent is not much."

"Master Hai, if it's [-]%, I will definitely persuade the [Qinglonghui] master Haizhong to make a move."

Su Chen didn't say that Sicheng could send someone, but that he could persuade him.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Hai Wuya became thoughtful and said, "I want to contact my father about this matter. I will come to visit you when the time comes."

Su Chen made it very clear here, insisting on [-]%, he can't decide this matter at all.

So he needs to ask his father for instructions.

"Original manager, send Hai Shao gang leader off!"

Su Chen didn't intend to send Hai Wuya away by himself, but asked Yuan Suiyun to send Hai Wuya away.


Yuan Suiyun waved his hand and took Hai Wuya away,

The hall became silent,

Su Chen tapped the handle of the wooden chair with his right hand, and the sound of rattling echoed in the hall.

[Tianxiameng] and [Qinglonghui] will fight sooner or later. Now that he is replenishing manpower, as long as he gives himself enough time, he can take down [Tianxiameng] with a thunderbolt. In that case, the territory of Tianxiameng, he able to take over.

However, the Sea Shark Gang must have planned for a long time to move the Tianxiameng.

Otherwise, I wouldn't think about attacking [Tianxiameng],

Two tigers are fighting each other, maybe my side can benefit from it.

So Su Chen asked for [-]% of the benefits,

[-]% of the profit will be half of it, and the Sea Shark Gang and the General King may not be willing.

Although the Sea Shark Gang was the main force in this matter, the appearance of people around the Great General Wang showed that the Great General Wang was involved in dealing with the matter of the [Tianxiameng].

"Now that General Wang Dugu has been transferred back to the capital from the South China Sea region for me, what does he want to do when he takes action against the Lingjiang region?"

Su Chen stood up slowly and headed towards the study at the back of the hall.

In the study, Su Chen unfolded a geographical map of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

View the terrain of the Lingjiang area.

After looking at the terrain, Su Chen's eyes lit up. Why is Lingjiang called Lingjiang? It's because they are close to a river named Mangjiang.

The Mang River runs through most of the Zhou Dynasty,

The starting point is outside the Great Zhou Dynasty Great Wall, the end point is the South China Sea area, and the thirteen counties in the Lingjiang area are at the left end of the Mangjiang river. If you control the Lingjiang area, and then control the thirteen counties in Cangling on the right end, then you can The interests of the northward transportation of the Mangjiang River Basin are all swallowed up.

"What a great handwriting, but I don't know if the Great General King has won the Cangling area!"

"It seems that Hai Wuya's negotiation this time is just a test. What they want in the end must be the water and land power in the Lingjiang area. The Sea Shark Gang is in charge of the water and land, and the others can't say anything?"

"Maybe they can really agree to my [-]% interest!"

Su Chen thought to himself,

in a while
Yuan Suiyun came to the study, saw the map on the table, glanced at it unintentionally, his eyes moved slightly,

"Teacher, their goal is to control the water and land in the Lingjiang area, maybe they can promise us [-]% of the benefits!"

"If we agree, will we really send someone to do it?"

"As long as we remain stable for a while longer, it won't be a problem to win [Tianxiameng]."

Yuan Suiyun was reluctant to cooperate with the Sea Shark Gang.

"Although we occupy the nine counties in the north, our [Blue Dragon Club] and [Tianya Pavilion] have too few basic personnel."

"The development of basic personnel cannot be completed overnight, so if they are willing to contribute [-]% of the benefits, let Li Chenzhou go there!"

Su Chen said,

Although there are some people who signed in, they are all masters. Others have too few basic personnel,

Except for some disciples drawn by the Beggar Gang last time, the others have never been drawn again.

Bai Choufei invested a huge amount of money in the Golden Wind Drizzle Tower to train personnel, but the time was too short and the results were slow.

"Time, what is missing is time!"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

He didn't even think about how long he had traveled here,

With such a scale, if others know about it, they will be absolutely shocked and cannot believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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