Chapter 479 Castle in the Air

Su Chen's current team seems to be very strong.

But it's just that the top is strong, and there are too many people at the bottom.

The mainstay is missing.

There is a phenomenon of castles in the air.

However, this phenomenon is inevitable and requires a long period of precipitation.

"Teacher, do you want me to go to the Sea Shark Gang to investigate this matter in person?"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"You are not suitable, let's see Hai Wuya's reaction first!"

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then said.

Although Shanhe Sect is under his control, the foundation of Shanhe Sect is too weak. In fact, Su Chen doesn't understand that Shanhe Sect's Shanhe Kungfu is a very unusual martial art from the current point of view.

With such martial arts, Shanhemen shouldn't be too weak.

Could it be that after moving to Lingnan County, the qualifications of the Shanhe Sect's past generations of teachers are too poor!
Su Chen can only attribute it to this point now.

"Master, according to the itinerary, Xue Yiren should arrive at Shanhe Gate tomorrow."

"Also, Mo Feng, who had just arrived in Yuanbei County after receiving the news, was killed. It is suspected to be the hand of [Tianxiameng]'s tragic sword."

Yuan Suiyun told Su Chen the news he had just received.

"Sorrowful sword, under the leader of [Tianxiameng], the most mysterious of the three masters of swordsmanship, why did he kill Mofeng? Could it be that [Tianxiameng] has enmity with [Xiemeng]?"

Su Chen said.

Recently, he researched [Tianxiameng] and found that [Tianxiameng] is more powerful and powerful than he imagined.

"[Tianxiameng] should have no enmity with [Xiemeng]. Lord Sanlongshou recently sat in Yuanbei County to watch the development of the situation!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"Let's see what [Tianxiameng] wants to do first, but they have lost so many people in a row, and I'm afraid they will retaliate against us."

"The Azure Dragon Society doesn't have any bases anywhere, and they can't take revenge even if they want to. But I'm in Shanhemen, and they might attack me."

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

[Blue Dragon Club] Although it is a castle in the air, it also reflects the benefits of the castle in the air at this moment.

"The subordinates will increase the inspection of Shanhemen."

The original follow the cloud.

"My strength has stagnated recently, and I may have to leave Shanhemen for a while. I am going to leave the nine counties in the north. When the time comes, you will go with me. The affairs here will be handled by Xiao Qiushui and Zhuge Shenhou. "

Su Chen said.

"Headmaster, is he going to the capital?"

The original follow the cloud.

Now their forces have not made much progress in the capital.

Maybe some are suppressed.

If Su Chen went to the capital, it would definitely relieve the pressure on the capital.

"No, I won't go to the capital for now, I'm going to the Jiangnan area!"

Su Chen said.

The vortex in the capital is too big, if he goes to the capital, he may be deeply involved in it. With his current strength, it is not suitable for him to fall into it for the time being.

"How to deal with the matter of the League of Heaven that day!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

Hai Wuya's coming here seems to have been planned for a long time, once they agree to join forces to deal with the Tianxiameng.

I'm afraid it will be done soon.

"We will leave after the matter of the Tianxiameng has been dealt with!"

"However, I believe that the three dragon heads are fully capable of solving the matter of the Tianxia League."

Su Chen said.

Compared with other people, Li Chenzhou is a real overlord-level figure, leading the Power Gang, the number one force in the Jianghu in Wenshu, which shows his talent.

Of course, the most prosperous period of the power gang must be the period of the Yan Kuangtu, but Li Chenzhou's strength cannot be denied.

not to mention

Appearing in this world with a new identity, Li Chenzhou's strength has further improved.

He believed that even if they faced each other, Li Chenzhou, the leader of the Tianxia League, Bu Yunxiao, would still have the strength to fight.

Judging from the information he got, Bu Yunxiao and Li Chenzhou belonged to the same kind of people.

The same domineering, the same fists.

"Then my subordinates will learn more about the situation in various regions in the south of the Yangtze River!" Yuan Suiyun bowed and exited the room.

Su Chen is going to Jiangnan, so he has to figure out some situations in Jiangnan.

He must remember the customs of various places, what is there, and what forces are there.

Lingnan County

In the county town, within a single courtyard.

Hai Wuya pushed open the door.

inside the house.

A man in black was sitting, and the man in black was drinking, and there was a black spear on the table in front of him.

The spear is dark and cold.

This person didn't seem to notice Hai Wuya who was pushing the door, and was just drinking.

Hai Wuya walked up to the man in black and bowed, "Master, Su Chen wants to share [-]% of [Tianxiameng]'s benefits, in order to persuade [Blue Dragon Club] sea-focused powerhouses to make a move."

This person is Hai Wuya's master, and the third master under the throne of the Great General, known as the Nether Ghost Spear Liu Heiyi.

A ray of light flew out from the drinking man's hand, it was a piece of letter paper, Hai Wuya caught the letter paper and started to check it.

After investigating, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Xiao Bieyi, who just became the second leader of the Tianxia League, and Bu Yunxiao, the leader of the [Tianxia League], died in the hands of Xue Yiren and Liu Shengyijian of the [Blue Dragon Club] !"

Seeing this information, Hai Wuya couldn't believe it.

Hai Wuya is the young leader of the Sea Shark Gang, and he knows the strength of these people.

Outsiders thought that Xiao Bieyi came to power suddenly,

But as the head of the Sea Shark Gang, he must know something about Xiao Bieyi.

Xiao Bieyi's strength is in the realm of dantian transforming into the sea, and it is rumored that he has a first-class weapon in his hand, which can defeat the strong man in the sea.

But now he died in the hands of the [Blue Dragon Society].

"Xiao Bie died in the hands of Li Chenzhou, and was beheaded by Li Chenzhou with his fists. Li Chenzhou's strength should have reached the concentration in the sea!"

"Also, Xue Yiren and Liu Shengyijian are both at the level of Dantian Huahai. We still underestimated this [Qinglonghui] before."

The man in black put down his wine glass and said in a deep voice.

"The meaning of the master is that he is willing to give them [-]% of the benefits!"

Hai Wuya said.

"Wuya, our ultimate goal is not for the territory of the Tianxia League, but for water and land transportation in the Lingjiang area. After two days, you can find Su Chen again. You can give them [-]% of the benefits, but the water and land in the Lingjiang area must belong to the Sea Shark Gang. !"

The man in black spoke.

"Disciple understands, disciple will go to [Shanhe Gate] after two days"

Hai Wuya bowed and said.

"Master, the Great General King has returned to the capital. Is there any position for the Great General King in the capital?"

Hai Wuya then asked.

"No, but the capital is fighting, don't bother me, we just need to complete the task assigned by the general king."

"You have to believe in the strength of the Great General King!"

said the man in black.

"Disciple, I believe in the strength of the Great General King, but why at this time, the capital will let the Great General King return. Could it be that the Nine Princes want to take this opportunity to enter the South China Sea area."

Hai Wuya said.

"The Great General Wang has guarded the South China Sea area for so many years, and his roots are deeply rooted. Whoever goes there at this time will die."

"To tell you the truth, the General Wang guessed that it was not the prince who transferred him back to the capital this time, but maybe Emperor Zhou!"

Although the man in black said not to ask more questions, he revealed a lot of information.

Hearing this, Hai Wuya's face changed slightly, but he didn't ask any more questions.

There are too many involved, it is better not to know.

"Go back to the Sea Shark Gang. Your strength hasn't improved. It just so happens that you've been fine for the past two days. Let me supervise your practice!"

The man in black looked at Hai Wuya and said.

(End of this chapter)

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