The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 480 Power Gang 4 Dharma Guardians, Bai Shoufei's Subordinates, 3 Gangs

Chapter 480 Power Gang Four Protectors, Bai Shoufei Ten Subordinates, Three Hundred Gangs

In a courtyard.

Xue Yiren handed over what he got from Xiao Bieyi to Su Chen.

Su Chen checked the glove first.

[The weapon-level weapon Qingsha Blood Refining Hand, rewards 1 orange lottery card. 】

"This thing is Qingsha's blood trainer!" Su Chen carefully checked the efficacy of this weapon.

After checking, a smile appeared on his face.

nice weapon.

Then he opened the brocade box containing the jade tablet, and a rat-shaped jade tablet appeared in front of him, holding the jade tablet with both hands.

[Zodiac mouse card, reward 2 orange lottery cards. 】

"Yeah. Zodiac cards!"

Su Chen frowned slightly, and checked the information of the zodiac mouse card.

Collect all the jade cards of the twelve zodiac signs, and you can get [Twelve Lighting Nerves] to break open the gate of heaven.

Seeing this introduction, Su Chen frowned slightly.

To be honest, Su Chen still has a vague concept of Tianmen.

What is this heavenly gate?
Previously, all the papers he got were fragments.

But the [Twelve Lighting Nerves] mentioned this time are complete, and they can break through the gate of heaven after cultivation.Something unusual.

Put the zodiac rat card into the brocade box and send it to the space ring,

Looking back at the 3 orange lottery cards he got this time, plus the 1 that Su Chen accumulated during this period of time, he now has four orange lottery cards.

Su Chen didn't keep the 4 orange lottery cards, so he just drew them.

[Acquire the four guardians of the Power Gang, ten people under Bai Shoufei's subordinates from the Golden Wind Drizzle Tower, 300 ordinary members from the Golden Wind Drizzle Tower, and 10 Celestial Pills. 】

Seeing this information, Su Chen felt like he had exploded this time.

"I didn't expect my luck to be so good!"

Su Chen said softly.

He immediately checked the strength of these people.

The strength of the four guardians of the power gang is not equal, two of them are in six difficulties, and two are in five difficulties.

Bai Choufei's ten subordinates are even more different in strength, seven of them are heavenly and human, and three of them are at the peak of soul refining.

The strength is not very strong, but ordinary gang members have this strength, which is not ordinary.

"It's a bit worse than the Beggars' Gang, but it's okay."

Su Chen compared these people with the Beggar Gang, and shook his head.

Then he said to the Xue Yiren below: "Mr. Xue, for the time being, you should stay in the Shanhe Gate to comprehend the remnants of the Dao of Extinguishing Sword that I obtained earlier!"

There are Li Chenzhou and Liu Sheng Yijian in Longbei County, and there is no need for Xue Yiren to come here for the time being, he just stays to learn the way of swordsmanship!
"Then this subordinate will leave first!"

Xue Yiren bowed and exited Su Chen's room.

On Su Chen's side, he changed his clothes, walked out of the Shanhe Gate, came to a valley, and summoned Bai Choufei's 10 subordinates and 300 gang members,

"I have seen the Lord!"

Everyone in the valley saluted Su Chen.

"You wait here. Someone will come to tell you about the situation in this world later. After learning about the situation, you all go to the capital to follow your former landlord Bai Choufei," Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen talk about Baichoufei, everyone was overjoyed.

They are all Bai Choufei's subordinates.

Naturally, he hoped to return to Bai Choufei's name.

Before, they thought they were the only ones who came to this world, but they didn't expect that Bai Shoufei was also in this world.

"Swear allegiance to the Lord!"

The group bowed down again.

Then Su Chen took a look, and the three of them said: "The three of you are at the peak of the Soul Refining Realm. Here are three Celestial Pills. If you swallow them and refine them, your strength can reach the level of Heaven and Man."

Su Chen just drew 10 celestial beings, and gave three of them to three of them.

"Thank you, Lord!" The three of them hurried forward to take the Celestial Pill.

"Don't go out of this valley for the time being, and someone who will come will take you away from the back!"

Su Chen then gave an order and turned to leave,

This is the forbidden area behind the mountain, and people from Shanhemen are not allowed to enter it.

So don't worry about other people knowing.

He has to go back and ask Yuan Suiyun to come over and explain the situation in this world.

As for the four guardians under Li Chenzhou, Su Chen arranged them at Shanhe Gate, waiting for Li Chenzhou to come back,

[Tianxiameng]'s action must be Li Chenzhou's action.

Although Li Chenzhou killed Xiao Bieyi.

But it is not famous all over the world.

If he killed Bu Yunxiao, the leader of the Tianxia League.Then it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

Returning to the Shanhe Gate, Su Chen felt a little calm in his heart.

Previously, it felt that there were insufficient staff at the bottom.

Now there are a bunch.

I believe that after solving [Tianxiameng], some ancient books will come back, and we should be able to get some lucky draw cards by then.

After all, Su Chen has basically read all the classics brought back by [Tianshan School] and [Red Sandalwood Palace].

I can't say that it's finished, it's triggered.

I'm afraid I won't be able to get the lottery card for the time being.

So conquering [Tianxiameng] is also a good trigger source.

Su Chen first found Yuan Suiyun and asked him to go to the back mountain to guide him, and bring some bank notes along the way.

There are more than 300 people in a group, and food, clothing, housing and transportation are all expensive expenses.

He returned to the secret room to continue his cultivation, and he still had 7 Celestial Pills left in his hand, which would allow him to improve his strength a lot.

However, there may be too many celestial pills taken, and the realm has been raised to the five difficulties of celestial beings, so the efficacy of celestial pills is already a little weak.

After refining all the seven celestial pills, Su Chen estimated that he would step into the six difficulties of celestial beings.

at this time
Governor's Mansion of the Nine Counties in the North.

Wen Yifan was sitting in the hall, frowning tightly.

A warrior with a sword came in from outside.

It was Baili Xiao, the commander of Fusi in Beizhen, Yuanbei County.

"Find out who killed Mo Feng?"

Wen Yifan looked at Bailixiao standing up and asked.

"No, the wound is a sword wound, either sealing the throat with a sword, or piercing the heart with a sword. The wound of the sword is very thin, it should be a very thin sword!"

"This subordinate has not found anyone using this sword for the time being!"

Baili smiled and said.

In fact, Baili Xiao had a vague suspicion in his heart that it might have something to do with the Tianxiameng.

But he dare not say,

Because once he said it and asked him to check it, he felt that he didn't have the life to check it.

"Did you say it has something to do with the [Blue Dragon Club]? I think there are only a lot of sword masters in the nine northern counties of our [Blue Dragon Club]."

When Wen Yifan saw Bailixiao say this, a gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Standing up, he sat down slowly and said.

Hearing this, Baili Xiao frowned slightly, and looked at Wen Yifan.

Wen Yifan was looking at him, and the meaning conveyed by his eyes was obvious, that he wanted to introduce the matter of Mo Feng to the Qinglong meeting.


Wen Yifan has been the governor of the nine northern counties for so long, and there has been no movement,

But this time I wanted to move.

Mo Feng is a person sent by the Ministry of Officials, who died as soon as he took office, and the Ministry of Officials and their Zhenfu Division will send experts to come.

If this matter is brought to the [Qinglong Society], then the officials and the masters of the Zhenfu Division will definitely visit the [Qinglong Society], and once the [Qinglong Society] conflicts with it.

Then it may change the current situation of the nine northern counties.

With one trick to divert the water to the east, Wen Yifan can reap the benefits of the fisherman, and it is not impossible to take charge of the nine northern counties at that time!
"Indeed, as your lord said, among the nine counties in the north, only [Qinglonghui] has such a strong swordsman. The subordinates here will submit this method to the Ministry of Officials and the Zhenfu Division in the capital."

Bailixiao didn't want to say [Tianxiameng] at this time, so he could only echo Wen Yifan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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