The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 481 Nalan Rongyan leaves Beijing, someone wants to do it

Chapter 481 Nalan Rongyan leaves Beijing, someone wants to do it
Jingshi, Tianjian Division
Murong Qingchen looked at the report in his hand and frowned slightly.

"The Governor's Mansion of the Nine Counties in the North and the Fusi of Beizhen did not investigate who killed the new Yuanbei County Sheriff, and the suspected target is locked on the [Blue Dragon Club]."

Wen Yifan and Bailixiao from the Governor's Mansion reported Mo Feng's case to the Ministry of Officials and the Department of Zhenfu, and naturally they also got a copy from the Department of Supervision.

"Yes, they suspect that it was the [Blue Dragon Society] who made the move, and recently the [Blue Dragon Society] killed many experts from the [Tianxiameng] in Yuanbei County."

Beside Murong Qingchen, Caiwei in yellow clothes spoke.

While speaking, he told Murong Qingchen what happened in Yuanbei County.

"[Azure Dragon Club] has such a strong strength?"

A look of surprise appeared on Murong Qingchen's face.

"Yes, miss, you said that [Qinglonghui] has such a strong strength, so why can't Su Chen come to the capital to help you?"

"As the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Association], if I stand on the lady's side, I believe it will help the lady to scare many people!"

Caiwei said with some complaints.

"Caiwei, Su Chen doesn't owe me anything? Last time I invited him to the capital, it felt a little abrupt!"

"He is the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Association], and he is in charge of the nine counties in the north. How can he leave at will?"

Murong Qingchen waved his hand and said.

"Help me keep an eye on this matter. If there is any situation, tell me immediately, and a letter from me to Su Chen. Tell him about this matter so that he can prepare."

Murong Qingchen went to the desk next to him, wrote down the information he got here, put it in an envelope, and handed it to Caiwei, asking her to pass it on to Su Chen immediately.

The sheriff of Yuanbei County was beheaded and killed as soon as the court dispatched him. This matter will not end like this.

Su Chen still needs to make some preparations.

There are great forces in the world, but the biggest force in the world is still the Great Zhou Dynasty.

She didn't want Su Chen's [Blue Dragon Club] to confront the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Yes!" Caiwei took the envelope and bowed out of the room.

After Caiwei exited the room, Murong Qingchen frowned slightly.

"Caiwei, who are you? Why did you trick me into letting Su Chen come to the capital?"

Murong Qingchen murmured in his heart.

After Su Chen rejected Murong Qingchen's proposal, Murong Qingchen recalled what happened and found some problems.

Although Su Chen is the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Association], he is only the head of the young dragon.

【Blue Dragon Club】The previous display of strength was not very strong.

A young dragon head like Su Chen didn't help her much when he came to the capital.

Maybe it can put Su Chen in crisis,

After all, in the nine counties in the north, several of her brothers planned for a long time, and they were finally acquired by the [Blue Dragon Club].

Su Chen came to the capital, but he didn't have many friends.

There are only enemies.

Murong Qingchen himself is a quick-witted person, so he soon became suspicious of Caiwei.

But it was never found out who she was.

"Heaven Supervisor!"

Then Murong Qingchen looked at the plaque behind her, on which was written the word Tianjiansi.

"My strength is still low, and it is difficult to take charge of the Tianjian Division. Is this why Xue Ping chose me in his life?"

Murong Qingchen said with a sigh.

He has been in charge of the Tianjian Division for so long.

She already knew her situation in Tianjian Division.

Few resources can be mobilized.

"Looks like I'm going to find Bai Choufei privately."

Murong Qingchen thought to himself.

at this time
the other side.

In the golden wind and light rain building.

There was a smile on Bai Choufei's face.

"Landlord, it seems that there is something good."

Nalan Rongyan looked at Bai Choufei and said.

Under the operation of Bai Choufei, the Golden Wind and Rain Tower temporarily blocked the erosion of other forces, but because of the manpower, they were still in a relatively suppressed situation.

"Of course it's good news. After the two pavilion masters went back, they sent me my previous ten subordinates, and by the way, two hundred members of the Golden Wind and Rain Tower."

"You said that my Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower is fully manned!" Bai Choufei said,

Hearing Bai Choufei's words, Nalan Rongyan also showed joy on her face.

To be honest, Golden Wind and Rain Tower lacks too many people.

The previous team simply couldn't adapt to the power structure of the capital.

If [Tianya Pavilion] sent Bai Choufei's ten subordinates and two hundred gangs to station in the Golden Wind and Rain Tower, then this is the real Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower.

"Don't know their strength?"

Nalan Rongyan asked softly.

"The ten subordinates are all in a difficult situation, and the two hundred gang members are in the state of concentration."

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said
"Heaven and man are in a difficult situation, and the state of concentration."

Hearing this, Nalan Rongyan's face showed joy.

Although this is the capital, the team is also very strong.

"It will take them half a month to get here!"

"Recently, we still need to stabilize!"

"By the way, what's going on with Mr. Shangguan recently?"

Bai Choufei has been getting close to Nian Jinlun recently, and has been connected with the eldest prince, so he pays too much attention to Shangguan Jinhong's affairs.

"All the silver coins have been robbed, and Jin Yuting's right-hand man Wei Xing'an has been successfully eradicated."

"Moreover, Mr. Shangguan has also hooked up with the Twelfth Prince and is colluding with the Money Gang. It is estimated that it will not be long before Mu Yunhai, the right arm of Jin Yuting of the Money Gang, will disappear too!"

Nalan Rongyan said.

"Is that so? It seems that their plan is going on, and you should start secretly to go to Jiangnan!"

"Establish contact with Gang Leader Qiao as soon as possible. In this way, we will temporarily have intelligence information on the Jiangnan area."

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

"Yes!" Nalan Rongyan originally wanted to talk about going to Jiangnan.

"Go and don't expose your traces. The Beggar Gang is in the Jiangnan area. I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the Lie family and other forces!"

Bai Choufei ordered.

"I will be careful, I will leave with Mr. Leng and Mr. Bai today!"

After Nalan Rongyan finished speaking, she exited and was about to go to Jiangnan.

Nalan Rongyan tidied up here briefly, then left the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower with Leng Huishan and Bai Baiyu, and headed towards the east of the capital city.

Opposite the Golden Breeze Building.

Above an inn, a middle-aged man in a green robe with a stern face was looking at the carriage leaving from the Golden Wind and Rain Tower.

Sharp eyes.

The palm of this person is unusually wide, and it can be seen that the hands are very skillful.

"Golden Wind and Rain's Nalan Rongyan is Bai Choufei's confidant. If she is taken down, she may be able to know more about the Golden Wind and Rain Tower. I never thought that I would gain such a reward if I came here by accident."

The middle-aged man said coldly.

"Hall Master Qin, we haven't fought against Jinfeng Xiaoyulou now, if we win Nalan Rongyan, I'm afraid!"

A man beside him spoke.

"As long as no one is exposed, who knows that we did it?"

"Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower has a shallow foundation. Nalan Rongyan has not yet reached the Heavenly Human Realm, and we have investigated the Golden Wind Drizzle Tower. Except for Bai Shufei, no other masters of the Heavenly Human Realm have been found."

The person known as Hall Master Qin opened his mouth and said,

It wasn't long before Bai Tianyu and Leng Huishan came to the capital, because there was no need to make a move. During this time, they had been cultivating hard in the Golden Wind and Rain Tower, and the outside world didn't know about these two people.

(End of this chapter)

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