The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 482 [Chu Tiantang] Qin Zhong, cut off his arm with one knife, beheaded with one punch

Chapter 482 [Chu Tiantang] Qin Zhong, cut off his arm with one knife, and killed with one punch
"Inside the city, it's not appropriate to do it. We're going to do it outside the city. This time we took down Nalan Rongyan, and then I'll ask the chief hall master for your credit!"

Hallmaster Qin said.

The faction they belong to is called [Chu Tiantang], and there are ten halls in the capital, and this Hall Master Qin is one of them, named Qin Zhong.

Behind this [Chu Tiantang], attached is the Seventh Prince Liu Yu, and Liu Yu's link with the Daoist Taoist Taixu died in Lingnan County.

More or less related to [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower].

When [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] entered the capital, he wanted to deal with [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower], but the death of Princess Danyang made him unable to deal with Jinfeng Drizzle Tower for a while.

During the recent period, Princess Danyang died, and after checking, he was a little bit attracted to Ximen Lieyang, Duke of Zhenguo, which made him feel that the matter was difficult, so he didn't move for a while.

Later, Nie Chong, the son of King Liewu, was killed, causing King Liewu to be furious.

He wanted to personally investigate the affairs of Nie Chong and Princess Danyang.

For a while, there was a gap on his side, so he focused on [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower].

"Yes, Hall Master!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the group of people behind him.

They don't care who Nalan Rongyan is, what they care about is the reward.

Although [Yedi] and [Future] in the North Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion] behind [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] are very strong, there are rumors that [Yedi] and [Future] have left the capital.

[Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] no longer has that much deterrent effect.

"Leave in secret, don't let the spies of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] find anything?"

Qin Zhong opened his mouth and said.

A group of people left one after another.

Jingshi Street itself has a lot of crowds, and they are heading towards the gate of the city from another street.

The east gate of the city.

inside the carriage
Nalan Rongyan, Leng Huishan and Bai Baiyu squatted among them.

Leng Huishan sat cross-legged, while Bai Baiyu was holding his magic knife. Now his strength is constantly improving, and his spiritual connection with the magic knife is getting stronger and stronger.

As for Nalan Rongyan, she was looking at the book in her hand.

The combination is a bit weird.

It seems that they do not interfere with each other.

The carriage drove forward for a while.

Suddenly stopped, the expressions of the three people in the carriage changed slightly.

"Get me down!"

A deep voice came out, and then the driver was sucked away by a huge force. Leng Huishan's eyes froze in the carriage, his figure rushed,

Straight out of the carriage, he grabbed the driver in his hand.

Then he put him back into the carriage and looked at the group of people stopped by the carriage. There were 15 people in the group.

Seeing it
Leng Huishan sneered, stepped on the ground, and shot out violently.


He punched the headed person with a punch.

The leader's eyes were fixed, he didn't expect that there were other people in the carriage.

From the momentum of the opponent's attack, he knew that the strength of the opponent was in the realm of heaven and man.

The long knife in his hand cut out instantly.

Leng Huishan punched, turned around, and avoided the knife, and after dodging the knife, he was like a wolf or a tiger, and quickly rushed into the crowd behind him,

When Leng Huishan and Bai Baiyu went from Lingnan to the capital, Su Chen gave a lot of silver and elixir, and the two of them practiced hard along the way, and their strength grew rapidly.He Leng Huishan has reached the Three Difficulties of Heaven and Man from the realm of unity of spirit and soul, and is about to hit the Four Difficulties of Heaven and Man.

boom! boom! boom!
Corpses were thrown out by the fists.

Fourteen corpses lay neatly in a row, and finally Leng Huishan looked at Qin Zhong coldly.

"Your strength, I can't see clearly, but the group of men you brought are a little too rubbish!"

Leng Huishan looked at the other party and said in a cold voice.

At this moment, Qin Zhong's eyes were filled with anger, he drew his sword to meet Leng Huishan, but he didn't expect that Leng Huishan would kill his subordinate first.

These subordinates were all brought out by him at will.

Originally, with his strength, it would not be a problem to take down Nalan Rongyan. These subordinates were only responsible for detaining people.

But unexpectedly, they were all killed by Leng Huishan at once.

"Who are you? I didn't find any information about you in [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower]'s information."

Qin Zhong looked at Leng Hui and said kindly.

Although this person's vigor and breath are not as good as his.But there was a wave of great power fluctuations from his body.

"Leng Huishan, guest of the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower!"

Leng Huishan and the others in Jinfengdriyu Building are defined as guest qings, they don't take orders from anyone, they just assist Bai Choufei in handling matters.

"Cold and regretful!"

Qin Zhong frowned slightly, he had never heard of Jinfeng Drizzle Tower and Ke Qing.

I feel a little reckless in doing things this time, but I have already made a move, so there is no need to say more.

"No matter who you are, I will kill you today and take Nalan Rongyan away!"

While speaking, the wide palm raised the long knife in his hand, and slashed towards Leng Huishan, the knife technique was extremely sharp.

The strength of the Five Difficulties of Heaven and Man exploded from his body
Dao Qi, coupled with Qi Jin suppresses Leng Huishan.

Leng Huishan's eyes narrowed, and the aura of the other party suppressed him somewhat.

But he still punches,

"The strength of the Three Difficulties of Heaven and Man can take my sword!"

Seeing this, Qin Zhong snorted coldly, he didn't believe that Leng Huishan could take his knife.

Of course, using the sword is just a way for him to confuse the opponent. What he is really strong in is his palm kung fu.


The saber energy collided with the strength of the fist, Leng Huishan's figure was knocked back several steps, and his footsteps were planted on the ground to stabilize his figure.

But just now when the two fought, the fist wind and sword energy also blew away the black cloth in front of each other.

Inside the carriage, Nalan Rongyan, who was observing the outside, saw the other person's face, and her expression changed slightly.

"Mr. Bai, the one who intercepted us was Qin Zhong, one of the top ten halls of [Chu Tiantang], whose strength is in the five difficulties of heaven and man, and is about to step into the sixth difficulty of heaven and man. , the knife technique is probably a deception!"

Nalan Rongyan said.

Looking out of the eyes is a little worried.

Touching the long knife, Bai Tianyu looked out of the window, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

But he didn't make an immediate move.

On this side Leng Huishan was shaken back, a trace of blood appeared on his fist, but there was light in his eyes.

The stature rushed out violently, and continued to punch, the qi above the fist formed a storm and enveloped Qin Zhong.

"The last knife didn't kill you, but this knife will kill you!"

This time, Qin Zhong's long sword was extremely fast, passing through the shadow of the fist, and heading towards Leng Huishan's mouth at an inconceivable angle.

When Leng Huishan saw this, the qi in his body exploded, forming a qi gang.

Block this knife.

But at this time, a sneer flashed in Qin Zhong's eyes.

The palm of the hand suddenly separated from the long sword, and then the palm spread out, and the palm moved towards Leng Huishan's head.

It's just when the palm of your hand is attacking.

Suddenly, a terrifying saber intent came out, and his figure stopped abruptly.

At this moment,

Bai Tianyu's figure in the carriage disappeared.

Appeared in front of each other in a blink of an eye.

Ah Bidao slashed out three times.

The hands of Qin Zhong who struck out were chopped off.Let out a miserable cry.

Originally, he punched back to block the long knife Leng Huishan, and punched out.

The figure of Qin Zhong flew upside down, his chest collapsed, and he died tragically on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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