The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 483 Murong Qingchen's cooperation, the Ministry of Officials is stronger than the Zhenf

Chapter 483 Murong Qingchen's cooperation, the Ministry of Officials is stronger than the Zhenfu Division
"He didn't die unjustly. After accumulating for such a long time, it was his honor to kill him with one blow."

Bai Baiyu looked at the other party, stepped forward, and pierced the other party's heart with the long knife in his hand, and the gurgling blood poured into the long knife from the other party's body.

This is a kind of ability that Bai Tianyu discovered the magic knife on the way to the capital.

Perhaps it was because his strength improved and his connection with the magic knife increased, which triggered the original characteristics of the magic knife.

The corpse shriveled quickly, like an old man with withered bones.

Blood was drawn from the other 14 people in the same way.

After the absorption was complete, the magic knife shone with scarlet light, and a force poured into Bai Baiyu's body.

"I'll go back and refine these powers first!"

After speaking, Bai Tianyu returned to the carriage.

Nalan Rongyan has been paying attention to the battle outside, seeing this situation, her eyes moved slightly.

Whether it is Leng Huishan, Bai Baiyu, or Bai Choufei, the strength of these people has grown too fast.

"To other places, we will change to horses and leave. This way we can speed up to reach Jiangnan!"

After Bai Baiyu and Leng Huishan came in, Nalan Rongyan said.

The carriage driver continued to drive the carriage and left quickly.

After arriving at a station.

Nalan Rongyan and the others changed into men in black and left secretly on horseback.


【Golden Wind Drizzle Tower】

Looking at the message sent back by Nalan Rongyan, Bai Choufei frowned slightly.

"[Chu Tiantang] Qin Zhong, it seems that the Seventh Prince has settled accounts in the autumn harvest!"

Bai Choufei muttered in his mouth.

"However, [Chu Tiantang]'s strength is not ordinary. The chief hall master, whose strength is beyond the limit of heaven and man, is retreating to attack the sea of ​​transformation in Dantian."

"Ten hall masters, one of them has the strength of a hall master. In the nine difficulties of heaven and man, my current strength is far from theirs. If I do it, I will be a little weak!"

Bai Choufei said in a deep voice.

"Although the lord has added some basic personnel for me, but the high-end combat power, I can't use it here, which is still a bit inconvenient!"

"It seems that we still have to apply to the master to come here, at least it is difficult for man to come!"

"Otherwise, it will become more and more difficult for me in the future."

Bai Choufei thought to himself.

But after thinking for a while, Bai Choufei didn't write to Su Chen.

If there is someone on the Lord's side, it should be sent to the Golden Wind Drizzle Tower,

"The owner!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside the door.

"Come in, what's the matter?"

Baichou flew away.

"Someone outside wants to see the landlord!" The person who came in handed out a jade card.

Seeing this jade tablet, Bai Choufei's eyes froze.

"Invite someone in immediately!"

Baichou flew away.

But he secretly thought in his heart: "Why did Murong Qingchen come to him suddenly?"

After a moment.

A man in a black windbreaker came in from outside.

Seeing this, Bai Choufei frowned slightly, waved his hands to let his subordinates leave, and closed the door.

Inside the house, Murong Qingchen took off the black windbreaker on her body.

"I met Miss Murong, please sit down!"

Murong Qingchen has a relationship with Su Chen, so Bai Choufei is very polite to Murong Qingchen.

"Lord Bai, you don't have to be so polite. I'm here this time to cooperate with you."

"It's my cooperation, not the cooperation of Tianjian Division?"

Murong Qingchen sat down and spoke.

"Miss Murong, I don't understand your position in the Tianjian Division. It seems that you don't have a grasp of the Tianjian Division."

"That's why I didn't cooperate with Miss Murong before!"

Murong Qingchen clarified the words, Bai Choufei didn't hide anything, and said.

"I really don't know the director of the Tianjian. Today, the director of the supervisor is still under the control of the previous chief, Xue Pingsheng. I think this is why he chose me!"

"Because my foundation is shallow, I can't threaten his status."

"However, I still have some strength on my side. The royal family can't count on it. I still have people from my mother's family who can use it!"

"My surname is Murong, and I follow my mother's surname. I believe you should understand the strength of the Murong family."

Murong said lightly.

"Miss Murong, I know the strength and influence of the Murong family, but it seems that the Murong family doesn't seem to have any support for you and the fourth prince."

Bai Choufei said

If the Murong family fully supported the fourth prince, then the fourth prince's momentum should be stronger, instead of appearing weak.

"They don't support my fourth brother, but they will support me because I changed my surname to Murong. It's just that I haven't used the power of the Murong family!"

"I can use the power of the Murong family. Even my fourth brother and my father don't know about it. Besides the head of the Murong family, Mr. Bai is the first person to know!"

Murong Qingchen said.

"Is that so? I don't know how Miss Murong plans to cooperate."

When Bai Choufei heard this news, his heart moved slightly, he didn't ask why Murong Qingchen was able to use the power of the Murong family.

This is the secret of Murong Qingchen and the Murong family.

"I would like to ask you to help me kill a person. If Lan Chengjiao, the deputy head of the Supervisory Division, kills him, I will be able to pull out a nail that Xue Pingsheng has nailed to the Tianjian Division."

Murong Qingchen said.

"Lan Chengjiao, Xue Pingsheng's eldest disciple, his strength is beyond heaven and man. To be honest, I really want to help Miss Murong, but now I can't do it with the strength of [Golden Wind and Rain Tower], the two pavilion masters Already left, return to [Tianya Pavilion]."

Hearing this, Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

"The two pavilion masters have returned to [Tianya Pavilion], if you ask for instructions, how long will it take!"

"I am willing to give you some special files in [Tianjian Division]."

Murong Qingchen said,

Murong Qingchen doesn't have much money here.And Bai Choufei is not necessarily interested here,

However, she believed that Bai Choufei would be interested in some files in Tianjian Division.

Hearing Murong Qingchen's words, Bai Choufei's eyes flashed, he knew too little about some mysterious things of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

If you can get information from Tianjiansi.

It's definitely a good thing for him.

But he doesn't have much relationship with Murong Qingchen, so Bai Choufei is somewhat wary.

"Miss Murong, why don't you use the power of the Murong family? With the power of the Murong family, it shouldn't be a problem to kill Nalan Chengjiao."

Bai Choufei asked suspiciously.

"The power of the Murong family can't be moved for the time being. There are some grievances between the Murong family and my father. If I move now, some people may pass the word to my father. I want to see Lan Chengjiao. Look at Xue Pingsheng's actions."

"See if Xue Pingsheng is under the command of my father!"

Murong Qingchen said.

"Miss Murong, are you saying that Emperor Zhou is still in control of the Tianjiansi now, and Emperor Zhou has not retreated?"

Hearing this news, Bai Choufei frowned slightly.

"I don't know, so I want to try."

Murong Qingchen said.

"Is that so? Feige from my side sent a message to [Tianya Pavilion], how can I contact Miss Murong then."

"Ten days later, I will come to [Golden Wind and Rain Tower] again. The people around me are untrustworthy, so I can only come here in person."

Murong said lightly.

"it is good!"

Bai Choufei nodded.

"By the way, you are friends with Su Chen. By the way, tell him that the Zhen Fusi and the Ministry of Officials should send people to Yuanbei County to investigate the killing of the new county guard, so that he had better not conflict with the other party. The Ministry of Officials is actually more The Zhenfu Division is stronger."

After speaking, Murong Qingchen put on the cloak, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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