Chapter 487 Linkage, impersonation, hands-on secret vault
Jing Wuming left.

Shangguan Jinhong continued to drink, and a gray bird landed. After investigating, Shangguan Jinhong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Exactly, I also want to ask you to help me a little."

Shangguan Jinhong murmured.

For Jin Yuting and his subordinates, Shangguan Jin Hong and Jing Wuming alone cannot do it, so they need the help of Bai Choufei and Murong Fu.

He knew that these two people were unwilling to be inferior to others, so their cultivation base would inevitably increase.

The next day.

In an inconspicuous residential courtyard, Bai Shoufei in a black robe walked into it. After entering, he entered the cellar, walked along a dark passage for a while, and then came out of the dark cellar.

Outside is a relatively large courtyard.

Murong Fu in white and Shangguan Jin Hong in brocade were sitting in it drinking.

"Brother Bai, please sit down!" Shangguan Jin Hong waved his hand.

Bai Choufei took off his black robe and sat down.

"I didn't expect Brother Bai's strength to improve recently. I didn't expect that it was me who was behind."

Shangguan Jinhong looked at Bai Choufei, said with a sigh, and poured Bai Choufei a glass of wine by the way.

Bai Choufei's strength has stepped into the Seven Difficulties of Heaven and Man, a little worse than Murong Fu.

"Master Shangguan, I just borrowed some external force and just broke through to the seventh difficulty."

"Bai invited the two of you this time because he wanted to form a linkage with the two of you. You two also know that [Golden Wind and Drizzle Rain Building], the landlord's position, was obtained through an active application by me and the master. Now I have encountered some difficulties here. , temporarily with my strength, I can't face it."

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

"What about [Chu Tiantang]?"

Murong replied.

"This time they attacked Nalan Rongyan and was killed, but with [Chu Tiantang]'s personality, they will attack me [Golden Wind and Rain Building] no matter what. I don't want to seek support from the Lord for the time being!"

Bai Choufei said in a deep voice.

"This matter can also be resolved. I have to deal with Jin Yuting here. When the time comes, Brother Murong will use Chu Tianba's unique skill to kill Jin Yuting. Then [Chu Tiantang] will have a conflict with [Money Gang]. Your line of sight here, temporarily divert."

"I am also planning to find the Buyuan Pill in the [Money Gang]'s secret vault. Once I get the Buyuan Pill, I will be able to step into the eight difficulties of heaven and man. With the help of the dragon and phoenix double rings, I should be able to fight against the masters of the nine difficulties of heaven and man. .”

Shangguan Jinhong said.

Hear Shangguan Jinhong's words.

Bai Choufei's eyes lit up.

"Then let's do that. I'm waiting for news from you, Shangguan."

Baichou flew away.

"Let me study Chu Tianba's unique skills here!"

Murong replied.

"Okay, I wish our plan this time well!" Shangguan Jin Hong raised his wine glass and said.

Two days later.

Madam Yu appeared in front of Shangguan Jinhong.

"Tomorrow is the chance to make a move? Jin Yuting will go to Tianyun Bank to check the revenue of the latest quarter tomorrow. He is not in the gang, and I have secretly injected a combination of poison on the elders of the secret storehouse. As long as you this incense Carrying the sac on the body can trigger the poison on that elder, and his strength will drop rapidly at that time!"

Madam Yu took out a brocade box from her bosom and gave it to Shangguan Jinhong.

"Very good, then tomorrow I will do it at the same time!"

Shangguan Jinhong said.

Hearing this, Mrs. Yu was startled.

"You mean you want to attack Jin Yuting too!"

"Yes, he should be dead too!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

Madam Yu's eyes flashed with surprise, she didn't expect Shangguan Jin Hong to do it when she said to do it.

"Are you timid?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"How come, Jin Yuting has never done anything to me, mainly because I am Jin Feihong's drug slave, but once Jin Feihong breaks through, my status as a drug slave will be useless, and then I will become Jin Yuting's private slave. "

"I really hope he dies, but I didn't expect it to be so soon!"

Mrs. Yu said.

"Then just wait for the news!"

Shangguan Jinhong said.

"Can I act with you? I can also help you to be some witnesses!"

Madam Yu looked at Shangguan Jin Hong and said,

Now she is putting her treasure on Shangguan Jinhong, once something happens to Shangguan Jinhong, her hope will be gone.

"Yes!" Shangguan Jinhong didn't object to Madam Yu fighting with him.

next day!

Jin Yuting took a group of people away from the money gang headquarters.

after they leave.

Madam Yu appeared in Shangguan Jinhong courtyard.

"They left?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"Already set off, about half an hour later, when we arrive at Tianyun Bank, we can start in half an hour."

Madam Yu said,

"No, let's do it now!"

Shangguan Jinhong entered the room and took out a human skin mask from his bosom.

The face of this human skin mask is Qin Chuanhe, the right arm of Jin Yuting's right-hand man.

After putting on the mask, he found a package, changed into the clothes Qin Chuanhe often wore, and walked out of the house.

When Madam Yu in the courtyard saw Qin Chuanhe coming out, her expression changed and she wanted to speak out.

"I am Shangguanhe, this is a human skin mask!"

Shangguan Jinhong said.

"If you want to join the money gang here, you can enter by yourself."

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

Shangguan Jinhong had planned for a long time to steal Buyuan Pill this time. He secretly found someone on the black market to make Qin Chuanhe's human skin mask.

I just want to use their identities to get close to the secret vault,

"Okay, I'll stay here for a few minutes and then leave." Madam Yu didn't expect Shangguan Jinhong to have such a thorough plan.

On her side, she can just join the Money Gang as a normal person.

"Then I'll go first!"

Shangguan Jinhong turned around and entered the cellar of the courtyard, and walked out of a courtyard not far away.

金钱 帮

Shangguan Jinhong returns as Qin Chuanhe.

"I've seen Elder Qin!"

Seeing this, the guard at the door bowed and said.

Shangguan Jin Hong nodded, and headed towards the money gang's secret vault.

But after Shangguan Jinhong entered, one of the guards didn't understand and said: "Elder Qin, didn't you just go out with the second gang leader? Why did you return?"

"It is estimated that something will happen when I come back!"

Another person said.

Shangguan Jinhong, who entered the money gang, went straight to the secret vault where the Buyuan Pill was stored.

He is very familiar with Shangguan Jin Hong inside the money gang, and soon came to the secret vault of the money gang.

There were guards outside the secret vault. Seeing Qin Chuanhe, the guard immediately stepped forward and said, "I have seen Elder Qin."

Qin Chuanhe is Jin Yuting's most trusted person, and has a high status in the money gang.

"I want to enter the secret vault, see Elder Mu, you open the gate,"

Qin Chuan shouted.

The guards had no doubts, and opened the gate of the secret vault. After Qin Chuanhe entered the gate, the two guards closed the gate.

after they closed the gate.

Suddenly a sword light flashed in front of them.

The two looked horrified, but they didn't have a chance to speak, and a sword mark appeared on their throats.

It was Jing Wuming who shot.

When Shangguan Jinhong entered the secret vault, he would definitely fight with the elders in that secret vault, and the movement made at that time would attract the attention of the outside world, so Jing Wuming took action and dealt with these two first.

(End of this chapter)

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