Chapter 488 Killing, Seizing Treasures, and Blame

within the vault
Shangguan Jinhong was standing in front of an old man in a gray robe.

The old man looked at Shangguan Jinhong with a livid face, gritted his teeth and said sharply: "You are not Qin Chuanhe, who are you? When did you poison me? Why didn't I notice it? It's impossible."

"Too much talk!"

Shangguan Jin Hong's whole body burst out of breath, kicked the ground, and attacked the gray-robed old man with a palm.

"Heaven and man have seven difficulties, with your strength, you want to fight this old man!"

"Even if the old man is suppressed by poison, he still has the strength of heaven and man!"

The old man roared angrily, his palm turned black, and he moved towards Shangguan Jinhong.Terrible power erupted in his palm, causing the air to burst.

The palms of the two collided, and Shangguan Jinhong's body was shaken backwards. After his feet supported the ground, he stabilized his figure.

Shangguan Jinhong was blasted out, the old man in gray robe had ferocious eyes, his figure flickered, and he went towards Shangguan Jinhong.

Extremely fast, he raised his palm and grabbed Shangguan Jinhong's head.

He wanted to take off Shangguan Jin Hong's head.

Just when he was about to rush in front of Shangguan Jinhong

A cold light flashed in Shangguan Jinhong's eyes, and a golden light burst out from Shangguan Jinhong's hand in an instant.

The old man raised his palm and grabbed the light with his palm.

The moment the palm collided with the light, the light suddenly split into two.

A ray of light collided with the palm.

Another ray of light hit his throat instantly.


The joint at the opponent's throat was instantly broken.

And the golden light that collided with the palm of the old man before was shot out again at the moment of being shaken back, hitting the opponent's heart
Shock the opponent's heart.

"You!" The old man in gray robe said such a sentence with the remaining strength, and fell to the ground.

Shangguan Jinhong took back the golden ring, took out a bottle of corpse water from his bosom, poured it on the opponent, and the opponent turned into a ball of corpse water in a blink of an eye.

Shangguan Jinhong walked towards the treasure house, and Shangguan Jinhong had already found out the location of Buyuan Pill.

Put it directly into your bosom, then packed some pills and treasures that you could bring, and took some away.

For other treasures, the objects are too large to fit.

Walking out of the treasure house, Jing Wuming was standing at the door.

The two bodies on the ground have been disposed of.

Both sides nodded, Jing Wuming left, and Shangguan Jin Hong quickly walked outside.

After Shangguan Jinhong walked out of the money gang, there was a voice of shouting in the money gang, but Shangguan Jinhong had already gone away.

"Someone is pretending to be Elder Qin, hurry up!"

Teams of people headed outside.

Some went towards Tianyun Bank.The boss must be informed about the treasure house.

Madam Yu also came out with the crowd.

She was a little dumbfounded. She had just entered the money gang when she heard shouts that Shangguan Jin Hong had already got something.

"This Shangguanhe, there are other people in the money gang who are his internal support."

Madam Yu's eyes lit up,

She didn't go to Shangguan Jin Hong, but followed the money gang and headed towards Jin Yuting.

She wanted to see how Jin Yuting died.

Outside Tianyun Bank

Bai Choufei and Murong Fu are looking at the street through the window in an inn.

They waited here until Jin Yuting.

"I will attack and kill Jin Yuting directly, and you should stop the others immediately."

Murong replied.

Jin Yuting must die in his hands.

Of course he will use [Chu Tiantian] Chu Tianba's unique skill, under the palm of Tianjue Soul.

"Qin Chuanhe's strength is among the seven difficulties of heaven and man. I can stop him. It is difficult to kill him. After you kill Jin Yuting, quickly join hands with me to kill Qin Chuanhe!"

Baichou flew away.

Bai Choufei's strength is at the same level as Qin Chuanhe's, and it is rumored that Qin Chuanhe has deep inner strength and is good at stick techniques, so he may not be able to win quickly.

"Okay!" Murong Fu nodded.

"They're here!" Bai Choufei said, looking into the distance.

At this time, a carriage came towards this side.

It was Jin Yuting's carriage.

Soon, the carriage stopped outside Tianyun Bank.

Jin Yuting, dressed in gold, got out of the carriage, followed by Qin Chuanhe.

Qin Chuanhe's face was stern, he was wearing a gray robe, and there was a copper-colored short stick around his waist. The short stick had a mechanism and could be turned into an instant.

With cold eyes, he followed behind Jin Yuting.

Qin Chuanhe protects Jin Yuting most of the time.

Of course, the Money Gang has some good relations with all the major forces in the capital, or no force is willing to make trouble with money.

Tianyun Bank, the treasurer, is waiting.

"Come on, let's go in!"

Jin Yuting nodded, and was about to step forward,

A figure came towards this side rapidly, and the long sword in his hand was like a spirit snake coming towards this side,

"court death!"

At this time, Qin Chuan and his figure rushed out in an instant, the long stick in his hand turned into a copper stick nearly one meter long, and attacked the person holding the long sword.

The long stick collided with the long sword.

Make a crisp sound.

And when he was fighting with a long stick and a long sword.

Another figure rushed over like an explosion, without any movement skills, just fast and domineering.

Turn around and appear in front of Jin Yuting.

He raised his palm and slapped it out. The palm was wide and carried a huge aura, and the palm was printed on Jin Yuting's chest.

Jin Yuting seemed to have a treasure coat, and his palm strength seemed to be hindered, but then he felt a violent palm force penetrate his armor.

His whole body flew upside down, his chest collapsed, and he died tragically on the spot.


see this situation.

Some people in front of Tianyun Bank roared in shock.

At this moment, Qin Chuanhe's complexion changed drastically. With a shake of the long stick in his hand, he shook away Bai Choufei's long sword. He turned around, wanting to go back to see Jin Yuting's situation.

But Bai Choufei would not let go of such an opportunity, the long sword in his hand was like a finger, and a thunder appeared.

The thunder pierced through the copper rod, causing Qin Chuan and his palm to slap.

Trembling all over.

At this moment, Bai Choufei pierced the opponent's throat with his long sword.


Afterwards, the two displayed their figures, rushed into an empty alley, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

From killing to leaving, it was really quick.

after a while
Only then did someone come back to their senses.

"It's not good, the second gang leader was killed!"

For a while, the crowd not far away came in an uproar.

When the crowd was in an uproar.

Many figures of the money gang came towards this side. Seeing the two corpses on the ground, everyone's eyes were horrified.

One of the elders appeared beside Jin Yuting and checked Jin Yuting's wound.

Look at the palm print on Jin Yuting's chest.

Celestial Extinction Soul Palm

"Chu Tiantian, Chu Tianba's unique skill!"

The elder exclaimed, and an angry expression appeared on his face.

"Chu Tiantang, you dare to help us with money."

The elder growled angrily.

Tianjue Soul Palm is Chu Tianba's unique skill.

If it wasn't Chu Tiantang, who else could it be.

Madam Yu, who was following in the crowd, looked at this situation, her face froze for a moment, she did not expect that Jin Yuting would die at the hands of Tianjue soul.

(End of this chapter)

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