The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 489 Killing the real culprit, the position of deputy leader of the money gang

Chapter 489 Killing the real culprit, the position of deputy leader of the money gang
"Could it be that Shangguanhe is from Chu Tiantang, but it shouldn't be. Jin Feihong is only in seclusion and has not died yet. [Chu Tiantang] Chu Tianba will not do anything to Jin Yuting, and even if he does, he will not use Tianjue's soul palm." what!"

"I can't see through this Shangguanhe!"

"However, Shangguanhe's plan really succeeded this time. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly!"

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, Madam Yu thought to herself.

There is even more light flowing in the eyes.

"The person I'm looking for is really extraordinary, decisive and ruthless!"

"Bring back the corpses of the gang leader and Elder Qin, and inform Qian Qian to help all the elders go to the council hall for a meeting!"

The elder said sharply.

Some people quickly took Jin Yuting and Qin Chuan away with their bodies.

Shangguan Jinhong's room

Shangguan Jinhong put all the things he got into a dark place, removed the human skin mask on his face, and replaced it with Shangguan He's face.

"Elder Shangguan!"

At this time, a disciple of the money gang rushed in.

"What happened?"

Shangguan Jin Hong asked.

"Elder Shangguan had a big accident. Our secret vault was stolen, and the elder guarding the secret vault died tragically. Also, the second gang leader, Qin Chuan and the elder were beheaded outside Tianyun Bank!"

"I'm here to inform the elders to gather in the council hall!"

This money helped the disciple speak.


Shangguan Jinhong's complexion changed, showing surprise.

"Let's go, let's go to the chamber immediately!"

Shangguan Jin Hong didn't delay, and followed Qianqianbang's disciples, and quickly headed towards Qianqianbang.

In the meeting hall of the Money Gang.

Dozens of elders gathered here.

On the ground were two corpses wrapped in white cloth, and an old man in black with a gloomy face stood in the middle of the conference hall.

The aura emanating from the old man was so strong that the dozens of elders in the entire conference hall were afraid to say anything.

Some elders entered one after another, and they all stood aside just like the previous elders.

When Shangguan Jinhong came in, Mrs. Yu was already in the hall looking at Shangguan Jinhong. Shangguan Jinhong stood aside with a calm expression, but glanced slightly at the old man in black robe in the middle.

This old man, Shangguan Jin Hong, had never seen him before.

But the aura emanating from his body was definitely in the midst of heaven and man, giving him a strong pressure.

Madam Yu slowly walked behind Shangguan Jinhong.

Sound channel.

"This person is Jin Feihong's housekeeper!"

"After we came back, he appeared in the council hall."

Madam Yu sent a voice transmission to Shangguan Jinhong.

"Jin Feihong's butler, that is, the butler of the money gang leader, I didn't expect this butler to be much stronger than Jin Yuting."

Shangguan Jin Hong said to himself.

In addition to Jin Feihong, the leader of the Money Gang, his two younger brothers are very weak.

The reason why no one touched the Jin Yuting brothers.

Mainly because of Once Upon a Time.

Jin Feihong is ruthless and powerful. Although he retreats, no one messes with the money gang on the capital's side.

Only this time they offended the ruthless people.

"Steward Yang, I checked the wound, and the second sect leader died at the hands of the soul of Tianjue."

"Elder Qin's throat was pierced with a sword, and the speed of the person who drew the sword was extremely fast."

"There is also the treasury. The other party destroyed Elder Mu and two guards, but got news from some disciples that the other party entered the secret vault pretending to be Elder Qin!"

An elder spoke.

This elder is about fifty years old, and his strength is among the three difficulties between man and nature, but he is helping the elders of the older generation with money.

"I also saw that the wound of Clan Master Yuting was indeed hit by Tianjue's soul palm. Please spread this matter to me."

"I want to see Chu Tianba's reaction."

Butler Yang said.

"Steward Yang, do you want to inform the leader of this matter, Chu Tiantian, in our capacity, Chu Tianba doesn't care about us at all."

The elder who spoke earlier spoke.

"Not for the time being. The guild leader is currently at a critical juncture and cannot leave the customs. Let's investigate the matter clearly first, and see [Chu Tiantang]'s reaction by the way!"

"You guys also go back and investigate this matter. Whoever finds the clues to the real culprit who killed the leader of Yuting and Elder Qin, I will report to the leader and give rewards. Whoever kills the real culprit, I will suggest that the leader be promoted to become the deputy of the money gang." Helper."

Steward Yang said.

Hearing Steward Yang's words, the eyes of a group of people in the meeting hall shone with light.

People in the rivers and lakes.

Apart from martial arts, what power is most concerned about.

If you become the deputy head of the money gang, you will have power,

"I will definitely avenge the Second Gang Leader and the others!"

Dozens of elders said in unison.

Then he quickly walked out of the meeting hall, and Shangguan Jin Hong and Madam Yu also left with them.

inside the hall,

Apart from Butler Yang, there were three other elders who did not leave.

Among them was the elder who spoke earlier.

"For this matter, our money gang must have the other party's internal response, otherwise, the other party would not have such an accurate grasp of the whereabouts of the second gang leader!"

"However, it's hard to say whether the death of the second gang leader has anything to do with [Chu Tiantang]."

"Although the opponent uses the Soul Palm of Tianjue, there is no guarantee that this kind of unique knowledge will be rumored, not to mention that Chu Tiantang's people will not leave obvious flaws."

The elder who spoke earlier said.

"Perhaps [Chu Tiantang] just let us have such an idea."

"You said that the soul palm is extinct today, but Chu Tianba's unique skill, there are no more than four people in [Chu Tian Ba] who can learn his palm." "Who is it?"

Another elder frowned.

Although he also had some doubts in his heart, there are not many people in [Chu Tiantang] who can learn from Juejue Soul Palm this day.

"Things are a bit strange. It seems that someone is going to deal with our money gang."

"Sort out the forces that have recently conflicted with our interests in the capital, and see if we can find any clues."

"However, when the news of Yuting's gang leader Si Tianjue's soul comes out, I believe [Chu Tiantang] will make a move. Perhaps they may come to us."

"Let's see what [Chu Tiantang] said first!"

Director Yang said in a deep voice.

"You guys also go back and investigate to see if we can find any useful clues."

Butler Yang said to the people beside him.

"Yes!" Several old men also left quickly.

After everyone left, Steward Yang went to Qin Chuanhe's body and carefully inspected Qin Chuanhe's wounds.

Looking at the wounds on Jin Yuting's body now, there are not many clues

"The swordsmanship is fierce and fast, and Qin Chuanhe's throat was pierced by the opponent's sword when he made a mistake. Such a person must be among the seven difficulties of heaven and man, and his swordsmanship is profound. Does [Chu Tiantang] have such a master? "

"If [Chu Tiantang] has such masters, it is really possible that they did it."

"At this time, they are attacking me [Money Gang]. Could it be the Seventh Prince's intention? Is this the Seventh Prince's warning to us?"

Steward Yang murmured.

Previously, Jin Yuling cooperated with Lord An, and Lord An wanted to get closer to the Seventh Prince.

After Jin Yuling's death, Jin Yuting severed this connection.

That is to say, the cooperation with the Seventh Prince was cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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