The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 490 Feng Wu Demon Princess Liu Yu, Sima Kuang, a Crazy Man in Troubled Times

Chapter 490 Feng Wu Demon Princess Liu Yu, Sima Kuang, a Crazy Man in Troubled Times
Steward Yang looked at the corpse and pondered for a while, then headed towards the backyard of the Money Gang.

The backyard, within a large courtyard.

A woman in a long purple dress was standing, her long black hair curled up like a waterfall, exuding a charming aura.

An oval face, delicate features, light makeup, revealing skin as white as snow, almost flawless, beautiful eyes like autumn water, tactfully filled with autumn waves.

The purple long dress is slightly exposed, and the delicate collarbone is fully displayed. With the emerald hairpin inserted in the hair, the whole person looks bright and charming.

Behind her, there were two people standing. One was a woman with an enchanting figure, wearing revealing clothes, a long black dress with fair skin, and a cold glint in her eyes.

On the other side was a burly man, about [-] meters tall, standing there like a heavy iron tower, with a strong evil spirit exuding from his body, his eyes drooped, as if he didn't pay attention to anything.

Steward Yang, who had left the conference hall earlier, appeared in the courtyard, came to the woman, bowed and said: "Ma'am!"

In the money gang, the only one who can be called a wife is Mrs. Jin Feihong, the leader of the money gang, Luo Ziyan.

One of the two most famous oirans in Jingshi Ningxuefang back then.

[Zi Yan is half-opened to fascinate the capital, and the red clothes are all over the sky. 】

In this poem, Ziyan is the Ziyan in the poem.

"From the wound, what can be seen?"

Luo Ziyan said coldly.

"Ma'am, judging from the wounds, the second gang leader indeed died at the hands of Tianjue's soul, and Qin Chuanhe died at the extremely fast speed of the sword."

Steward Yang said.

"Tianjue Soul Palm, let [Chu Tiantang] give us an answer."

"Also, I asked you to release the news that whoever finds the person who killed the second gang leader may become the deputy gang leader, did you say it?"

"Mrs. Hui has already said it!"

Steward Yang replied.

"Okay, I really want to see if under this momentum, there are no masters in my money gang."

"The Money Gang is too silent and has no vitality. The leader is now at an important moment of retreat and cannot appear. I am afraid that someone may test the leader's situation in this way, so at this time, the Money Gang must remain fierce."

Luo Ziyan said.

"Also, you go to the Tsingyi Building immediately, and offer a reward of 2 million taels, no matter how you kill the person who attacks Yuting and the others first!"

Then Luo Ziyan ordered.

"I think many people will be tempted by the 2000 million taels of silver!"

There was a killing intent in Luo Ziyan's eyes.

"Subordinates arrange immediately!"

Butler Yang said.

"Go to [Chu Tiantian] and meet Chu Tianba."


The money gang offered a reward, and it appeared at the Tsing Yi Building, causing a sensation in the entire capital.

Many people couldn't help swallowing their saliva when they saw the reward amount.

【Chu Tiantang】

Within the main courtyard.

Because of the money gang, Chu Tianba quickly gathered the head of [Chu Tiantang].


"I have seen the chief hall master,"

Nine hall masters of [Chu Tiantian] stepped in one after another, bowing to Chu Tianba.

Chu Tianba's eyes were indifferent, like a sharp falcon, scanning the nine people who came in, his eyes were so sharp that everyone's scalp was numb and their hearts were palpitating.

"Tell me about the money gang and Jin Yuting, what's going on, why are there rumors that I [Chu Tiantang] sent people to do it?"

Chu Tianba asked with a gloomy expression.

"Return to the chief hall master, this has nothing to do with us, it is rumored by the money gang!"

"Jin Yuting exterminates the soul palm, and they say that I [Chu Tiantang] did it, chief hall master, we should give the money gang a warning."

Lu Biao of Tianmang Hall said.

"Hall Master Lu is not allowed. If we do this, then [Money Gang] will think that we are deceiving people too much, and may fight us at that time."

"This matter is obviously a kind of framing. Once we fight the [Money Gang], it may allow others to reap the benefits."

A hall master said.

"Could we just let this storm intensify, when the time comes, I'm afraid someone will attack us [Chu Tiantang]."

One person spoke not far from Lu Biao.

This man was dressed in black, with a short knife stuck in his waist, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

At this time, it is not the time to lie down, you must be strong.

If [Chu Tiantang] does not move.

Then others will move.

At that time [Chu Tiantang] may become the target of many people.

The capital has always paid attention to the law of the jungle.

Once you show weakness, then you may become food for others.

Regardless of whether they did it or not, they must be strong now.

Sitting on the first seat [Chu Tiantang] remained motionless, listening to the conversation of the people below.

Suddenly his face darkened, his eyes turned cold, and his figure suddenly rushed out of the meeting hall and appeared in the courtyard outside the hall
Several screams came out suddenly.

Then the corpses of several [Chu Tiantang] disciples were thrown into the courtyard from the outside.

The chest of the body was smashed by a palm, and the whole body was bloody.

Following Chu Tianba rushed out of the nine [Chu Tiantang] hall masters, their expressions all changed.

"Presumptuous, what come out!"

A sharp sound came from the mouth of a hall master.

Then a figure leaped in from outside.

It was the alluring woman beside Luo Ziyan.

"Master Chu, we came to [Chu Tiantang] at the order of the leader, and we want you [Chu Tiantang] to give us an explanation."

"Heaven Jue Soul Palm, but your Master Chu's unique skill, being able to use Tianjue Soul Palm must have a great connection with your Master Chu."

The coquettish woman looked at Chu Tian domineeringly.

"Fengwu Yaoji Liuyu, you came to [Chu Tiantang], killed my [Chu Tiantang] disciple, and asked me to explain to you. You really didn't take me, Chu Tianba, seriously."

Chu Tianba looked at Liu Yu with cold eyes.

Liuyu, the phoenix dance demon girl, and Sima Kuang, a mad man in troubled times, are the two strongest subordinates of Jin Feihong. Their strength is second only to Jin Feihong in the [Money Gang].

Since Jin Feihong retreated, the two disappeared in the Money Gang.

Did not expect to appear at this time.

Could it be that Jin Feihong came out of the retreat.

Chu Tianba's thoughts turned, but he said in a cold voice: "Today I will leave you behind and let Jin Feihong personally come to me [Chu Tiantang] to redeem you!"

While speaking, a breath erupted from Chu Tianba's body.

People from the Qiang Gang came to [Chu Tiantang] and killed his [Chu Tiantang] disciples. No matter what, Chu Tianba would give these disciples an explanation.

"It seems that President Chu doesn't want to say anything anymore,"

The alluring woman's eyes were fixed, and her palms suddenly rose.

Chi Chi Chi!
Frost stars burst out from his hands.Heading towards Chu Tianba,

"court death!"

Chu Tianba let out a low cry, and slapped out his palms, a powerful energy burst out from his palms, blocking all the energy of those cold stars that came violently.

And with one shot, he went towards the alluring woman.

When the coquettish woman made a move, she backed away.

Seeing the cold light reflected towards him, as if he had expected it long ago, he moved his hand around his waist, and instantly the snow-white sword light burst out.

A sharp voice broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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