The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 491 Chu Tianba's Wrath, Shangguan Jinhong's Breakthrough

Chapter 491 Chu Tianba's Wrath, Shangguan Jinhong's Breakthrough
Just then, the wall behind her crumbled.

A burly figure appeared behind the alluring woman, the strong man appeared, kicked the ground, and his terrifying body rushed towards Chu Tianba.

The palm of the hand smashed towards Chu Tianba like a heavy mountain.

"Crazy man Sima Kuang in troubled times, I didn't expect you to come too!"

When Chu Tianba saw Sima Kuang, his face turned cold, and he punched out, with a black energy on the fist.

And that coquettish woman, at this moment, also looked like a ghost, rushed out, and the long sword in her hand turned into afterimages and rushed out towards Chu Tianba's neck.

The two work together very cleverly.

Seeing this, Chu Tianba continued to move forward without any change in his punching posture.

But during the transfer of body skills, he cleverly avoided the coquettish woman's long sword.

The fist collided, and the figure of Sima Kuang who shot was knocked back, hitting the broken wall, and the wall shattered.

Sima Kuang, who was punched out, let out a low growl.

"Furious fist!"

With a punch, Sima shouted wildly, and the breath in his body rose sharply, layers of terrifying power centered on him and spread towards the surroundings.

And a thick layer of vigor appeared above his fist.

Seeing this, Chu Tianba's face remained unchanged, but there was a powerful aura above his body.

"You are too arrogant, even if Jin Feihong came here, he would not dare to be so arrogant!"

Chu Tianba said sharply.

Before, he was afraid that Jin Feihong just wanted to take down that Liu Yu, but now these two people dared to fight him, which really did not put him in the eyes of Chu Tianba.

Then what else does Chu Tianba need to keep.

As soon as his footsteps stepped on the ground, his figure rushed out in an instant, and appeared in front of Situ Kuang. He slapped out his palm and collided with the opponent's fist.

That Situ Kuang screamed, and blood sprayed from the veins in his arms.

But at this time, the alluring woman Liu Yu waved her palm again, and a puff of black smoke came towards everyone.

"Toxic, back off!"

Seeing this, Chu Tianba paused, raised his palm, and slapped out a gust of palm wind, blowing away the black smoke.

But the two had disappeared in front of them.

"Chairman, the money gang is too presumptuous, we should take this opportunity to help money now!"

Lu Biao said.

"Teach them a lesson, don't do anything for now, let everyone in the hall stay still, but if the [Money Gang] provokes, then you don't have to be polite."

Chu Tianba waved his hands.

"Every hall, mobilize people for me to investigate who framed me [Chu Tiantang]."

Chu Tianba said sharply.


The people at the hall left quickly.

"Come on!"

After the nine hall masters left.

Chu Tianba said in a low voice.

A figure wearing a black robe appeared in front of Chu Tianba in the courtyard. The black robed figure was holding a long sword in his hand with a stern expression.

"Chairman, just now I can use my sword to kill the injured Situ Kuang."

The visitor said in a deep voice.

"There is a mystery in this incident. If we are not careful, we, Chu Tiantang and the Money Gang, may suffer heavy losses."

"Have to be careful."

"You investigate secretly. I want to know who is currently in charge of the Money Gang. Although today's style is a bit like Jin Feihong, he has retreated for so many years and has not made a breakthrough. It is impossible to break through at this time."

Chutian is domineering.

"This subordinate will investigate now!"

After speaking, the man in black with the sword stepped back quickly.

"The wind and rain are coming, I want to see who is making the wind and the rain here!"

Chu Tianba's voice was low.

at this time
Shangguan Jinhong Courtyard

in a secret room,

Shangguan Jinhong sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the Buyuan Pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.Then he calmed down, began to circulate the energy in his body, and began to refine the elixir.

As the name suggests, there is only one elixir for replenishing vitality in the money gang's treasury, and it is rumored that Jin Yuting prepared it for himself.

It's just that Jin Yuting's self-cultivation is too slow. Three years ago, he spent a lot of money to find two Bu Yuan Pills.

Taking one by him made his strength break through a level, thinking that he would reach the Seven Difficulties of Heaven and Man in his own cultivation, and then take another one.

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Jinhong was fulfilled.

With the refinement of Qi Jin, the huge medicinal power circulated continuously in Shangguan Jin Hong's body.

The true energy in Shangguan Jinhong's body began to flow along with the power of the medicine, impacting his own meridians, forming a kind of circulation, and then flowing towards his dantian.

With the passage of time, the power of this elixir is like a torrent, continuously pouring into the dantian.

A kind of aura formed in the dantian and began to flow back into Shangguan Jinhong's meridians,

This force is not as overbearing as before, but has a very gentle feeling.

Shangguan Jinhong's body began to absorb these forces like dry land,

At this time, Shangguan Jinhong opened his eyes and raised his hand to grab some pill bottles placed not far away.

Open it directly, and the pill inside was sucked into his mouth by him.

These elixirs were also brought out from the secret storehouse by Shangguan Jinhong.

These elixirs entered the body, quickly turned into medicinal power, and entered the dantian.

Time passes by little by little,

The aura on Shangguan Jinhong's body began to change continuously, and the air around him formed a storm in the secret room.

long after.

All the breath in Shangguan Jinhong's body was restrained into his body.

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes opened, with excitement on his face.

"I didn't expect that in this practice, I not only broke through to the eight difficulties of heaven and man, but also reached the peak. If I was a little bit less, I would enter the nine difficulties of heaven and man!"

Shangguan Jinhong said
Adjust your breath.

Shangguan Jinhong came out from the secret room,

In the courtyard
Madam Yu was sitting on a stone platform, waiting for Shangguan Jinhong.

After a while, Shangguan Jinhong appeared in the courtyard,

Sensing Shangguan Jinhong's aura, Madam Yu's expression brightened.

"You broke through!"

Madam Yu asked uncertainly.

"Of course, what's the current situation in the money gang?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"The defense within the money gang has become tighter, and I feel that there are several eyes staring at me when I enter the money gang."

"And Steward Yang went to Tsing Yi Building today to offer a reward of 2000 million yuan to catch the murderer."

"2000 million taels of silver, this amount of silver, Steward Yang can't use it at all. I suspect that there are other people in the money gang now coming forward!"

"But we didn't find out who it was?"

Madam Yu said,

while they were talking.

One of Shangguan Jin Hong's subordinates ran in from outside.

"Elder, I just got the news that the guardian of the guild leader, Feng Wu Yaoji Liu Yu and the lunatic Sima Kuang appeared in [Chu Tiantang], but they were injured by Chu Tianba and returned to the guild."

Someone came to report.

Shangguan Jinhong asked people to investigate the situation outside before retreating.

"Liu Yu and Sima Kuang?"

Shangguan Jin Hong frowned slightly, he had never heard of these two people in the money gang.

"These two are the subordinates of the gang leader Jin Feihong. They are second only to the gang leader in the face of the gang, and they have been protecting the gang leader."

Madam Yu said via voice transmission.

"You go down first, I know from here! This is your reward!" Shangguan Jinhong took out a silver bag from his arms and threw it to the other party.

"Thank you, Elder Shangguan!" The visitor took the purse and bowed to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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