Chapter 492 Keep Killing, Start a Fight

"These two are people close to the gang leader. You mean that Jin Feihong has appeared?"

Shangguan Jinhong looked at Mrs. Yu solemnly and said.

"It shouldn't be, Jin Feihong just devoured a group of drug slaves, logically he shouldn't be out!"

Madam Yu frowned slightly.

"Is that so? But the money gang sent people to [Chu Tiantang] and fought against Chu Tianba, so let the two sides fight."

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"You give me the information about Liu Yu and Sima Kuang, especially their martial arts characteristics, you must find out!"

Shangguan Jinhong looked at Mrs. Yu and said.

Judging from the previous situation, Madam Yu still has one heart with him for the time being.

Then he can also give some information appropriately.

Only in this way can Madam Yu be subdued.

When Shangguan Jinhong specifically mentioned the characteristics of martial arts, Madam Yu's expression changed.

She had always wondered in her heart how the person who killed Jin Yuting before would use the Heaven Jue Soul Palm, but now it seems that Shangguan Jinhong has such a master of imitation.

Beautiful eyes flowed, Shangguan Jinhong said so, telling her some information in secret.

This is accepting her,

"I will definitely give you the detailed information, and I will go back and sort it out now!"

As a member of the Money Gang, Madam Yu still knew some information about Liu Yu and Sima Kuang.Her use of poison was actually inherited from Liu Yu.

At that time Liu Yu trained them, among dozens of them, only three survived.

"it is good!"

Shangguan Jin Hong nodded.

a secret room

Shangguan Jinhong, Murongfu, Baichoufei and Jing Wuming appeared among them.

"Master Shangguan, there are still masters in the money gang, who are those two people?"

Bai Choufei asked in a deep voice.

"Jin Feihong's general has been guarding Jin Feihong and rarely shows up. Now that he shows up, I haven't found out who ordered him!"

"But this time I invited the two of you to come here because I want to aggravate the conflict between the Qianqian Gang and Chu Tiantang."

"Brother Murong, this is the information of those two people, please take a look!"

Shangguan Jinhong handed the information sent by Mrs. Yu to Murong Fu,

After Murong Fu read it carefully, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he handed the information to Bai Choufei.

"Master Shangguan, this is the person who wants me to use the martial arts of these two people to kill Chu Tiantang!"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said.

"Only the two sides fight, which is beneficial to the three of us. Lord Bai doesn't have to worry about Chu Tiantang's revenge for the time being."

"The Money Gang will definitely suffer Chu Tiantian's revenge. At that time, I can show my strength!"

"Also, Brother Murong, who was in contact with the Twelfth Prince earlier and wanted to control the Money Gang, he should help me then and let me go further in the Money Gang!"

"Of course, this requires Chu Tiantang and the Money Gang to fight constantly!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"No problem!" Hearing Shangguan Jin Hong's words, Murong Fu said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Then there will be Brother Lao Murong!"

Shangguan Jin Hong thanked him.

"Wait for my news!"

"However, we still need to ask the Lord to send experts to help us!"

Murong Fu opened his mouth and said.

"I received news today that the lord has arranged for people to go to Jiangbei to kill Huo Xingchen, the young owner of Huojiazhuang, the first village in Jiangbei. After the people kill Huo Xingchen, they will come to the capital to help us secretly. .”

Bai Choufei said.

Bai Choufei did not inform Su Chen of the situation here.

But Su Chen thought about the power of the capital, and still wanted to send a master to come.

It happened that Fu Hongxue was sent to Jiangbei, so Fu Hongxue was sent here.

"Is that so? That's a good thing, but the strength of the few of us also needs to be improved!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

External force is always external force, and one's own strength must be strong
"Recently, the Lord is preparing to deal with the Tianxia League. After the Tianxia League is destroyed, he will go to Jiangnan."

"We are in the capital, and we need greater achievements to allow the Lord to come to the capital!"

Baichou flew away.

"Today [True Martial Taoist Temple] Mu Qingxuan came to my Golden Wind and Rain Tower, and asked me to investigate the No.13 prince and No.15 prince of the royal family."

"Although I don't know the purpose of this woman, but the sword energy on this woman's body is fierce, and the aura is very strong. I'm afraid she is in the stage of nine difficulties for heaven and man."

"You two meet, be careful then."

Baichou flew away.

"[True Martial Taoist Temple] really deserves to be one of the holy places of Taoism, and the strength of the descendants who come out has reached the nine difficulties of heaven and man."

Murong Fu, Shangguan Jinhong, and Jing Wuming who had been standing on Shangguan Jinhong's face showed surprise.

According to the information obtained, Mu Qingxuan's age is around 20 years old.

At this age, one has reached the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man.

Not only can it be said that Mu Qingxuan has extraordinary aptitude, but it can also show that [True Martial Taoist Temple] has a profound foundation.

It is dreadful.

"Mu Qingxuan should have no conflicts with us for the time being. We don't need to worry about him. We should take down the money gang first and focus on solving [Chu Tiantang]!"

Shangguan Jinhong said
Compared to Murong Fu and Bai Choufei, Shangguan Jinhong is a bit more powerful.

"I'm going first! Tonight I'm going to kill a few [Chu Tiantang] hall masters!"

Murong Fu put on the black robe and walked out of the secret room.

Bai Choufei also turned and left.

An hour later.

Chu Tiantang,

Foreign Affairs Hall.Duanmuqing Mansion.

Duanmuqing's face was a little ugly at this time.

The matter of the Money Gang appeared too suddenly, and he was still investigating the situation of the Golden Wind and Rain Tower.

After several days of investigation in the Golden Wind Drizzle Building, no masters were found, only some disciples.

Bai Choufei has been reclusive recently and rarely appears.

As if to avoid their investigation.

"It seems that I have to go to [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower] to investigate in person."

Duanmuqing thought to herself.

Because of the matter of the [Money Gang], the chief hall master did not ask him about the situation of the Golden Wind and Rain Tower for the time being.

But he has to investigate clearly.

He also needs to investigate who killed Jin Yuting. Although other halls are doing this, it is the responsibility of their foreign affairs hall.

"It's a bit messy, it seems that a bloody battle is inevitable!"

Duanmuqing sighed.

Slowly close the information in front of you.

Turned around and left the study.

But the moment he walked out of the study, his expression changed, the courtyard was too silent, there was no sound,

The guards guarding the courtyard disappeared, and Duanmuqing's heart sank.

His eyes glanced around.

In his gaze, a figure was standing not far away, looking at him with stern eyes. The black robe was dancing with the wind in the night, and the stern eyes were like pearls in the dark night.

"who are you?"

Duanmu Qing sternly shouted.

"You guys from Chu Tiantang killed me, the second gang leader of the money gang, and today I want to avenge our second gang leader!"

With a low growl, the black shadow stomped on the ground, wrapping his whole body vigorously, like a shooting star in the dark night, he rushed to Duanmu Qing in an instant,

With one palm, the force of the palm was incomparably domineering. Under the force of Duan Muqing who saw the situation and resisted, his arm was broken, and he let out a scream, and his body flew upside down. His true energy flew, tearing the surrounding air apart.

The palm fell on Duanmuqing's head.

Head burst.

The black shadow immediately turned around and quickly disappeared and left.

(End of this chapter)

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