The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 494 Sword Dao Crazy Demon Swallow 3, Baiyun City Master Ye Gucheng

Chapter 494 Sword Dao Mad Demon Yan Thirteen, Lord of Baiyun City Ye Gucheng

Listening to the old man's report, Chu Tianba's expression was extremely gloomy.

"Chairman, we have encountered a strong enemy, but it may be our opportunity. We can take this opportunity to snatch some banks from the Money Gang."

"It doesn't matter if they did it or not, as long as we push it to their [Money Gang], it's their [Money Gang] who killed our [Chu Tiantang] people.

Lu Biao, the master of the Tianpyg Hall, said.

This Lu Biao has always been very aggressive.

"Lord Lu, the other party obviously wants us to have a conflict with the [Money Gang]. If we do this, I'm afraid we will fall into the enemy's trap."

The old man said before.


Others chimed in.

"Okay, this matter, Lu Biao is right. At this time, it is most beneficial for us to take action against the [Money Gang]. We must mobilize our people to take action against the [Money Gang]."

"Lu Biao, you are in charge of this matter. I hope you can get money tomorrow to help one-third of the bank in the capital."

"All halls must obey Master Lu's instructions, Lu Biao, don't let me down."

Chu Tianba looked at Lu Biao and said.

"Headmaster, don't worry, this subordinate will definitely win one-third of the [Money Gang] bank!"

Lu Biao said excitedly.

"I will definitely assist Hall Master Lu to complete the task."

Others in the hall immediately echoed.

Lu Biao's strength has reached the level of nine difficulties, and he is the most powerful person in the nine halls of [Chu Tiantang].

He has no problem leading the others.

"Go down!"

Chu Tianba waved his hands.

"Yes!" Everyone quickly left the hall and began to mobilize their troops overnight.

Looking at the figures of the people leaving.

"Go and keep an eye on that Lu Biao. If you find any abnormalities in him, shoot him immediately without reporting!" Chu Tianba said.

In the darkness, the figure of the man holding the long sword disappeared.

"Come on!"

Chu Tianba said.

An old man came in from outside the hall.

"How is the situation on Mr. Lu's side? Have you caught up with Nalan Rongyan? If you don't catch up, or if you can't find him, let Mr. Lu go back to the capital first."

"Now we [Chu Tiantang] are probably facing the greatest crisis in history. Someone wants to attack us. We need to concentrate our strength."

"After contacting Mr. Lu, I will send an invitation to the Seventh Prince. I want to meet the Seventh Prince!"

Chu Tianba said,

Once there is a helping hand for money.

Money helps him don't care.

But if there is a problem in other areas, support is needed.


The old man who entered immediately bowed and exited.

the other side.

[Money Gang] also received the news that the four hall masters of [Chu Tiantang] were killed.

Within the courtyard
Luo Ziyan frowned.

"It seems that our opponent is not easy. You just went to [Chu Tiantang] during the day and were injured by Chu Tianba, and those people attacked at night. The opponent can easily kill Liu Sanchui there. The strength is not simple!"

Luo Ziyan said in a deep voice.

"Ma'am, Qin Zhong of Chu Tiantang was beheaded before, and now four hall masters have died in succession. It can be said that Chu Tiantang suffered a heavy loss."

Steward Yang said.

Hearing Butler Yang's words, Luo Ziyan frowned slightly.

"You said Qin Zhong from [Chu Tiantang] was beheaded earlier, do you know who killed it?"

Luo Ziyan asked in a deep voice.

"This subordinate did not find out. Chu Tiantang's population is very strict, and it is not known who died at the hands of the time, but his subordinates found out that on the day after Qin Zhong's death, Lu Huayuan, who was beside Chu Tiantang, went to the Seventh Prince's house. mansion."

"As for talking to the Seventh Prince? No one knows!"

"Ma'am, do you suspect that this matter may have been killed by those people?"

Butler Yang said with a slightly moved expression.

"There is a possibility. You should first investigate the cause of Qin Zhong's death, and then take precautions against [Chu Tianba]. I'm afraid it was directed and acted by Chu Tianba himself. In this case, he may help us with money."

Luo Ziyan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the subordinate will arrange it here!"

Butler Yang immediately left the yard.

He also notified the money gang all night, and sent spies to investigate the movement of [Chu Tiantang].

next day
When everyone just woke up from their sleep, Chu Tiantang's people started raiding the Qiangbang bank.

Although the Qiang Gang's banks were on guard, the opponent's gathering strength was too strong. The Qiang Gang lost five large banks and more than a dozen small banks in the capital.

The capital has a vast territory.

The Money Gang has 100 large banks and more than [-] small banks in the capital.

After the loss of these banks, the Money Gang immediately dispatched personnel to rob them, but after the robbing came back, all the accounts and money in the banks were transported away, leaving an empty shell.

Chu Tiantang's business is not a bank, so they don't know how to run a bank. They occupy the bank just to grab money.

When the money is snatched back, it will naturally be shipped away.

However, this also led to the start of a war between the two sides.

The [Money Gang] is not weak, and they have formed a confrontation with Chu Tiantang, fighting each other.

During this process
Shangguan Jinhong gradually grasped some power.

And he beheaded a hall master of Chu Tiantang in the first battle, showing the strength of the five difficulties of heaven and man, and the strength of killing six difficulties of heaven and man.

He won the appreciation of Butler Na Yang.

Become the supervisor of the North District of the Money Gang.

The Money Gang has five major areas, the southeast, northwest, and middle of the capital.

It can be said that he is the main core figure of the money gang, and his status is higher than that of ordinary elders.

Shangguan Jinhong took this step and became the Qiang Gang. Now the five power holders are only under that Steward Yang.

In Shangguan Jinhong courtyard.

Madam Yu stood in front of Shangguan Jinhong

"Your goal has been achieved this time. Now the Money Gang has no leader, but Steward Yang is in charge, but Steward Yang is not in charge of specific matters. It can be said that your real power is not weaker than Steward Yang's."

Mrs. Yu said.

"That's not the point, I want more than that!"

"I asked you to check the news, how did you check it, and who is controlling the money gang now."

Shangguan Jinhong asked.

"I've already found out that Jin Feihong's wife, Luo Ziyan, is now in charge of the money gang!"

"This woman was one of the two big oirans who caused a sensation in the capital. I thought she was just a skin, but I didn't expect her to be in charge. Moreover, in the battles with Chu Tiantang these few times, she commanded unusually."

"This is not good news for you!"

Madam Yu said.

"It's fine if it's not Jin Feihong, now I can't beat Jin Feihong!"

"It's great to have this Luo Ziyan as a buffer!"

Shangguan Jin Hong said.

"Haha. Congratulations, Brother Shangguan, for becoming one of the five stewards!" While the two were chatting, Murong Fu, dressed in brocade attire, came in from outside.

"Brother Murong, this is it!"

Seeing Murong Fu, Shangguan Jinhong pretended to be a little puzzled.

"I am here to congratulate you on behalf of the twelve princes. The twelve princes hope that our cooperation will be closer!"

Murong Fu said softly.

"Shangguan He has already contacted the Twelfth Prince, or in other words, he has contacted him before!"

Madam Yu thought to herself.

"Is this the confidante of Brother Shangguan? I'm Murong Fu!"

Murong Fu said to Madam Yu.

Shangguan Jinhong wants to subdue Mrs. Yu, so Murong Fu must of course help.


Su Chen put down the letter in his hand, with a look of joy on his face.

He didn't expect Bai Choufei and others to cooperate in the capital to make such a big commotion.

Fu Hongxue should be able to arrive in Jiangbei in a few days.

"I don't know how many days Fu Hongxue can kill Huo Xingchen?"

Su Chen thought in his heart
"According to the schedule, Hai Wuya should return to the Sea Shark Gang now. Is there any time for him to take action against the Tianxia League?"

Su Chen asked
After Hai Wuya agreed to Su Chen's conditions a few days ago, he returned to the Sea Shark Gang.

Now Su Chen is waiting for news from the other party.

"Not yet? But there are some problems outside the Great Wall. Pavilion Master Zhu sent a letter saying that they were attacked, and the attackers may come from [Kunlun faction]."

Yuan Suiyun opened his mouth and said,

"Kunlun faction? They attacked Zhu Wushi's Tianya Pavilion and East Pavilion?"

Now the Tianshan faction has Zhu ignoring the leader.

The ancient three links are in the Shanhe Gate. Although Su Chen has an experience card here, he still needs a master to prevent the tower from being stolen.

"Let Zhu ignore that matter and handle it by himself."

"The Kunlun faction actually appeared, so take down the Kunlun faction. In this way, the resources and territory outside the Great Wall are under our control, and the rare things outside the Great Wall flow into the customs, and they are under our control. We have money and resources. background!"

Su Chen said,

"Miss Murong from the capital sent us a letter asking us to pay attention to the situation of the officials. The Lord Bai sent a list of the people who came this time. Among them, there were three people from the officials department, and two people from the Zhenfu Division, a total of five people. .”

"Among them, what we need to pay attention to is Qin Qingyi, the left servant who came from the Ministry of Officials this time. The information from Bai Choufei did not find out the strength of this person, but we must pay attention to it."

"Subordinate, do you want to contact Xi Mufeng?"

The original follow the cloud.

"He just returned to the capital not long ago, so don't use him for the time being!"

Su Chen shook his head and said

"There's Li Chenzhou in Longbei County who can't turn the tide."

Su Chen then said.

"Pay close attention to the movements of the Sea Shark Gang. This time to deal with the Tianxia League is also an opportunity for us [Qinglonghui], and then I will go to the Lingjiang area in person!" Su Chen said.


Yuan Suiyun bowed and exited,

The reason why Su Chen wanted to go to Lingjiang District was that he encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation recently, and he also needed to fight to improve his strength from the battle.

Then I checked the lottery card in my mind,

During this period of time, he accumulated 2 orange draw cards.

Start drawing directly.

[Get the character Yan Shisan, get the character Ye Gucheng. 】

"Sword madman Yan Shisan, Lord of Baiyun City Ye Gucheng."

A look of shock appeared on Su Chen's face, he didn't expect to get two such characters this time.

The swordsmanship of these two people is at the extreme level.

"I didn't expect that I would have such luck. These two people got them out all at once."

Su Chen thought to himself.

Immediately, he began to check the information of the two of them. He really wanted to see what state the two of them were in.

(End of this chapter)

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