The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 495 2 Concentrating in the sea, a sneak attack by sad wind and good

Chapter 495 Concentrated in the two seas, a sad and kind sneak attack

After Su Chen checked the information, he felt a little shocked,

Yan Shisan has the title of kendo madman. He practiced thirteen deadly swords in his life, and later created the No.14 sword. In the final battle with Xie Xiaofeng, he created the No.15 sword, which represents destruction.

Originally, he could kill Xie Xiaofeng with this sword, but in the end he chose to die himself.

It's a pity.

The character information is the same as the ancient three links and the others, with notes broken, and their own strength has reached the concentration in the sea.

As for Ye Gucheng

Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City, is one of the six characters who reached the peak of martial arts in Gu Long's novel "Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", and one of the top ten heroes in Gu Long's novels.

With a sword coming from the west, immortals fly from the sky.

Some people also call him Sword Immortal, just like Ximen Chuuxue in Lu Xiaofeng's legend, he likes to wear white clothes, white clothes are better than snow, people are like flying immortals in the sky.

Flying immortals outside the sky is his unique skill, not a sword in the world,

His introduction, like Yan Shisan, also has the word "broken", and his strength is also the same as Yan Shisan, reaching the level of concentrating in the sea,

"Is this my character explosion?"

Su Chen looked at the information of these two people and was excited.

However, the image of Ye Gucheng is the character image in the novel, which is somewhat different from the Ye Gucheng in the TV series Lu Xiaofeng Legend.

In the TV series The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng, Ye Gucheng is the number one owner of Tsing Yi Building, a character who learns kendo in Dongyang and kills his wife to prove the way.

The shot is fierce, but he is not the appearance of a gentleman.

"These two people are born, I can arrange again in the capital!"

"Yan Shisan can go to the capital to help Shangguan Jin Hong secretly, and Ye Gucheng stays with me to deal with the Tianxiameng with Li Chenzhou."

Su Chen thought in his heart,

As for these two people, Su Chen didn't intend to define them as the dragon's head.

He is going to set up the [Green Dragon Club] Ten Great Kendo Masters.

Ye Gucheng and Yan Shisan can become one of the two great sages, and when Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren's power reaches the sea, they can also be included in the ten sages of the sword,

In a good mood, Su Chen stepped out of the room.

Now the strength here has risen sharply, and many things have been easily solved.

I don't have to be too careful anymore, although Hai Wuya doesn't move, but he can encroach on the area near the nine counties in the north, [Tianxiameng],

The weather is getting hotter,

There is no cool wind anymore, only hot wind.

There was no one else in the courtyard, Su Chen was going to walk around the Shanhe Gate.

Recently, he was not practicing, but triggering some lottery cards, and rarely came out to walk around.

Now under the leadership of Zhuge Zhengwo and Xiao Qiushui, Shanhe Sect is becoming more and more powerful, and the next step is to send some people to the Nine Commanderies to sit in the Nine Commanderies and collect money and resources.

For Xiao Qiushui, Su Chen felt that the definition was a bit weak when it came out in the early stage

Xiao Qiushui is the existence of Yan Kuangfu who can be compared in Wenshu. Yan Kuangfu Su Chen has an experience card here, which has reached the broken level of the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man.

Compared with Xiao Qiushui, there is a huge difference,

However, Xiao Qiushui's aptitude is there. With the help of Shanhemen's resources, Xiao Qiushui's strength has reached the seven difficulties of heaven and man. It can be said that he has made rapid progress.

As for the strength of Zhuge Shenhou, it is a bit worse, and he has only recently reached the five difficulties of heaven and man,

"I've seen the headmaster!"

When some people saw Su Chen, they bowed and saluted,

Su Chen nodded, walked around the Shanhe Gate, and then returned to his courtyard,

The moment Su Chen stepped into the courtyard, he was startled,

next moment

A sword light turned into a phantom and pierced Su Chen's heart,

Under the extremely fast sword light, Su Chen's footsteps had no chance to move at all, the sword light pierced Su Chen's heart,

It's just that this sword didn't pierce Su Chen's heart.

Su Chen has a golden silk silkworm garment on his body, and his terrifying physical body is like iron, and the ordinary long sword can't pierce his body at all.

The qi and blood in Su Chen's body soared, and the whole person was like a demon ape, exuding terrifying qi and blood fluctuations.

The fist turned into iron, and punched the person who made the shot
The person who made the shot missed the blow, turned around, and the long sword in his hand did not retract, but exuded a terrifying sword aura.

Just now, in order not to disturb the people in the Shanhe Gate, he concealed his aura.

Even when he drew the sword, he didn't use the sword energy, but wanted to pierce Su Chen's heart with a sword.

But I didn't expect that Su Chen actually had a treasure coat on his body,

And now Su Chen's body has a strong energy and blood force, and under this force of energy and blood, his physical body has reached the point where it is as hard as gold.

So even if he doesn't hold back, I'm afraid he can't do it. One hit will kill him.

Seeing this, his eyes were fixed, and the sword energy burst out, cutting towards Su Chen.

It's just that when he erupted with sword energy, four figures appeared in front of Su Chen. These four figures slapped out their palms, blocking the eruption of sword energy in the hands of the person who brought out the sword.

The two sides played against each other by mistake.

In this staggered moment.

Su Chen punched out from the palm of his hand, with a strong vigor and a fierce and fierce aura, he bombarded towards the opponent,

The person who had just been blocked by the four ghosts of Xiangxi, turned the long sword in the palm of his hand, and the sharp sword light burst out.

collided with Su Chen's fist,

The moment the two sides collided, a bright flame and a powerful vibration erupted, and they moved in all directions.

The two figures stepped back.

Su Chen clenched his palm and made a metallic sound.

The black gloves, filled with a terrifying and fierce aura, combined with Su Chen's own magic-splitting skill, make people dare not underestimate them.

"Green Sha Blood Refiner."

"I didn't expect Li Chenzhou and the others to deliver this fist to you!" The visitor looked at the murderous intent in Su Chen's eyes.

"You know this glove, it seems that you are from [Tianxiameng]? Who are you?"

Su Chen stared at the other party,

The opponent attacked him just now. If he exploded with all his vigor, although he would not die, he would definitely be seriously injured.

"[Alliance of the World] Sad wind is good!"

The shooter looked at Su Chen and said.

"I didn't expect [Tianxiameng]'s most mysterious sad sword, what a pleasure to meet!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

He was a little surprised that a master like Beijijian would come to kill him.

"[Azure Dragon Club] is a young dragon head, and it's not easy to be surrounded by masters. It seems that I can't kill you today, but you have been targeted by me. The next time I make a move, you will die."

After Bei Fengshan finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

But when he turned around, the four Xiangxi ghosts beside Su Chen instantly merged into one and attacked each other.

"Since you're here, why are you willing to leave? You underestimate me, the young dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Society] too."

Su Chen said in a cold voice.

The four ghosts of Xiangxi appeared for a short time, but with the help of pills, they raised their strength to a higher level.

Now even those who can transform the sea in Dantian are capable of fighting.

This Beifengshan's strength is good, but he will definitely not be in the stage of concentrating in the sea.

Bei Fengshan didn't say a word when he saw this, he knew that if he wanted to leave, he might need to fight fiercely, the energy flowed around his body, and an invisible sword energy burst out from him.

The sword was like a sad wind, and suddenly there was a sense of sadness in the courtyard,

With this sense of sadness, the fierce sword energy moved towards the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi.

(End of this chapter)

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