Chapter 499 Hai Wuya's Borrowing, Killing is a Sword

Sea Shark City.

Within a house.

Zhuang Xuanji was looking at the ledger in her hand.

She is currently sorting out the bank in the Lingjiang area.

Sea Shark City is the site of the Sea Shark Gang, and the banker also has a large bank here, and has many transactions with the Sea Shark Gang.

However, the bank in Sea Shark City was a bank she had traded with Su Chen in the early stage, so she had to check some accounts first.

Of course, she came here to wait for news from Jiangbei Huojiazhuang.

"Miss, for such a long time, there has been no news from Jiangbei. Do you think [Blue Dragon Club] has failed!"

The maid beside her spoke.

"Even if it fails, there will be news from over there. It should be that it hasn't been shot yet?"

Zhuang Xuanji put down the ledger in her hand and said calmly.

As long as you haven't made a move, it doesn't mean you failed.

At this time, a maid appeared outside the door: "Miss, Hai Wuya from the Sea Shark Gang is here and wants to meet you!"

"I didn't expect that the young leader of the Sea Shark Gang would know of our arrival as soon as I arrived in Sea Shark City. It seems that someone in our bank leaked my news."

Zhuang Xuanji frowned slightly,

She came secretly, just to check the accounts, so as to prepare for the transaction, and didn't want to alarm others.

But just one day after arriving, the young leader of the Sea Shark Gang came to find him. It is conceivable that it is impossible to calm down next time.

"Let's go, let's meet the young leader of the Sea Shark Gang."

Now that the other party has come, Zhuang Xuanji still wants to meet the other party.

After all, this is the territory of the Sea Shark Gang,

And the opponent is the second force in the Lingjiang area.

Although it is very different from [Tianxiameng], it cannot be underestimated.

Zhuang Xuanji brought two maids to the front hall of the courtyard,

Hai Wuya, dressed in brocade and blue robes, was sitting in the hall.

Inside the hall, there was a faint scent of sandalwood.

Wearing a veil, Zhuang Xuanji walked gracefully into the hall from outside the door.

Looking at Zhuang Xuanji who entered the hall, Hai Wuya's eyes lit up. Although Zhuang Xuanji was wearing a veil, her graceful and graceful figure was revealed.

There is a tender temperament and charm in every move

With an exquisite and undulating figure, the long white dress is even more gorgeous and moving, and it sets off the exposed skin, making people unable to move their eyes.

Hai Wuya restrained his mind, retracted his gaze, and thought to himself: "The third most beautiful woman on the list of immortals is really different, but I don't know how beautiful the face is under the veil."

"Meet Miss Zhuang!"

Hai Wuya got up and said.

"Master Hai, please sit down, I don't know if I came to find Xuanji, what's the matter?"

Zhuang Xuanji looked at Hai Wuya in front of her, her voice was soft, and she called herself Xuanji, revealing a sense of intimacy.

After Hai Wuya sat down, he said, "The main reason I came to see Miss Zhuang this time is to trouble Miss Zhuang with one thing, that is, we want to borrow 2000 million taels of silver from the dealer's bank."

Although he appreciates Zhuang Xuanji's beauty, Hai Wuya also knows the purpose of his visit this time,

Hearing Hai Wuya's words, Zhuang Xuanji frowned slightly, 2000 million taels of silver is not a small sum.

Normally, it is possible to mobilize all the banks in the Lingjiang area to collect this amount.

But now the bank in the Lingjiang area has been reserved by Su Chen,

If he decides to mobilize the silver in the Lingjiang area, Su Chen may think that he has the intention of taking time out of the bank.

It is extremely detrimental to their cooperation.

"Miss Zhuang, we can borrow money from Gui Qian Zhuang twice as much as in the market. The time is three months. After three months, we will pay the money plus interest to Gui Qian Zhuang in one lump sum. We Seashark City and other urban properties are mortgaged."

Hai Wuya said.

"According to the logic, I can't refuse Master Hai's proposal, but with such a large amount of money, I need to ask my father for instructions!"

Zhuang Xuanji said in a deep voice.

Banks in this world are not simply exchanging silver, but also depositing silver and lending money.

Exchange of silver taels means that the banknotes are exchanged for cash, which is then exchanged with the imperial court for the price difference.

This is why there are bank notes from other banks, or general bank notes.

"Then there will be Ms. Laozhuang. Tomorrow, I will host a banquet for Ms. Zhuang in the Sea Shark Gang, and by the way, Ms. Zhuang will introduce some heads of forces in Haisha City!"

Hai Wuya said.

Just like a bank, a bank needs certain connections. If you have more contacts, your bank will have more deposits.

"Master Hai, I'm here to check the accounts, and I may not be free for the time being, so thank you, Master Hai, for your kindness."

Zhuang Xuanji said.

The purpose of her coming here is to check the accounts, so that she can hand over to Su Chen.

I don't want to show up for now,

So declined Hai Wuya's banquet.

"Is that so? Then I'll wait for Miss Zhuang's good news, and I won't bother Miss Zhuang here anymore!"

Hai Wuya's face was calm, there was no displeasure on his face because of Zhuang Xuanji's refusal, he stood up and saluted slightly, and then left.

Zhuang Xuanji stood up and sent Hai Wuya out of the hall.

Seeing Hai Wuya leaving, Zhuang Xuanji frowned.

"2000 million taels of silver, this is a huge amount, why did the Sea Shark Gang suddenly need to use so much taels of silver?"

Zhuang Xuanji was a little puzzled.

But she didn't plan to dig deeper, she needed to contact Xiaopang, and asked Xiaopang to contact Su Chen to see if she could do this business.

outside the courtyard
on a carriage.

Hai Wuya walked into the carriage.

Inside the carriage, there was also a woman in a black dress sitting. The woman was gorgeous and half lying on the couch in the carriage, her figure was extremely charming.

It gives people the impression that there are all kinds of styles, a stunner of a generation.

When Hai Wuya got into the carriage just now, he raised the curtain, and the breeze blew by, and the black long skirt moved with the wind, immediately clearly outlining that perfect and sexy body.

"Master Hai, I don't know if Zhuang Xuanji is as beautiful as my servant!"

The woman looked at Hai Wuya who came in and said softly.

"I haven't seen the real face, but in terms of figure, Zhuang Xuanji is still not as good as Miss Liu."

"However, Zhuang Xuanji didn't agree to my loan right away. She said she wanted to ask for instructions. It may take a long time to ask for instructions. It may delay our plan, so Miss Liu, you can take action here."

Hai Wuya said.

"Young master Hai, you really don't know how to be sympathetic and cherish jade at all!"

The half-lying Miss Liu sat up straight and said softly.

"In front of Huangtu Baye, all beauties are pink skulls!" Hai Wuya said calmly.

"Okay, I'll make Zhuang Xuanji agree to your deal!"

After finishing speaking, Miss Liu leaped, turned into a black shadow, and rushed out of the carriage.

The carriage that was going forward did not stop, and continued to move forward.

Suddenly, a flash of sword light flashed, the movement of the driver's hands stopped, and then his body fell to the ground.

Inside the carriage, Hai Wuya's expression froze, and he rushed out of the carriage.

But the moment he rushed out of the carriage, a black figure appeared beside him in an instant,

Seeing this, Hai Wuya's complexion changed drastically, and he let out a low drink.

"Raging Sea Divine Art, Raging Sea Shocking Waves Fist."

A huge blue energy barrier appeared around him, and this energy barrier formed a defense like ocean waves.

And he clenched his palm into a fist, and punched out,

The fist is like a tsunami in a storm, enveloping the person coming.

The strength of the Five Difficulties of Heaven and Man broke out in an all-round way.

It was just that the man in black who appeared had drawn his long sword out of its sheath.

With a stab of the sword, the sword light passed through Hai Wuya's fist, pierced his qi shield, and finally pierced into his throat.

A sword pierced through the throat,
Look at the long sword at the throat.

A trace of surprise flashed across Hai Wuya's originally gloomy eyes.

"Sorrowful Sword, you are Sad Fengshan."

When he said these words, the long sword was drawn back.

The previous black figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared among the crowd,

After a brief calm.

Some people exclaimed, they recognized who was killed
Young Leader of the Sea Shark Gang

The head of the Sea Shark Gang was assassinated with a sword in Sea Shark City. This is definitely a big deal.

Moreover, some people vaguely heard the words, Beijijian, Beifengshan.

(End of this chapter)

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