The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 500 Returning to the sea with one knife, the person who moves the main thing dies

Chapter 500 Returning to the sea with a knife, the one who moves the master and the thing dies
Sad sword, sad wind, no one has seen,

But the Jianghu warriors in the Lingjiang area have all heard of his name.

Kendo No.1 under the leader of the Tianxia League.

No one has seen him, and those who have seen him are dead.

Beifengshan killed Hai Wuya, the leader of the Haisha gang, what does it mean.

It shows that [Tianxiameng] may want to take action against the Sea Shark Gang.

when some people think.

A group of Hai Sha Gang disciples appeared beside Hai Wuya, and seeing the lifeless Hai Wuya, their expressions changed drastically.

"Quickly, bring the body of the young gang leader back to the Sea Shark Gang!"

The disciple's face was pale, and he said nervously.

A group of people quickly transported the corpses of Hai Wuya and the driver to the headquarters of the Sea Shark Gang.

at this time,

The coquettish woman who was separated from Hai Wuya appeared in Zhuang Xuanji's house,

Turning around, under the night, only a blurry figure was seen, quickly heading towards Zhuang Xuanji's study.

Zhuang Xuanji returned to the study with a trace of doubt, and continued to check the books. She needed to speed up the progress, check the accounts, and connect with Su Chen.

Hai Wuya's loan of 2000 million taels of silver was definitely not needed by Hai Wuya himself, but by the Haisha Gang.

What do they want to do with this huge sum of money?has been entangled in Zhuang Xuanji's head,

It made her heart a little restless.

At this time, the sound of something hitting the ground sounded in the courtyard outside the study,

Zhuang Xuanji's complexion changed, and she followed her maid, and rushed out of the study room. A corpse was lying on the ground. The sound just now was the sound of the corpse falling on the ground.

"Xiaohuan!" The maid beside Zhuang Xuanji, seeing the corpse on the ground, couldn't help but go towards it.

"Are sisters deeply in love?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the courtyard.

Then a black figure fell from the sky, and its palm was like a sharp knife, grabbing the maid's head.

"Elder Li!"

Seeing this, Zhuang Xuanji immediately spoke up.

Suddenly, within the courtyard, a gray figure appeared in the courtyard.

It was an old man in a gray robe.

The old man stepped on the ground, his body shot out violently, and he slapped the black figure with his palm.

It's just that the black figure who struck out turned his other hand, and dozens of black rays of light burst out, sweeping towards the old man in gray robe who struck out.

Seeing this, the gray-robed old man turned around to avoid the black light that was coming.

But at this moment, the black shadow's sharp blade-like palm had already inserted into the maid's head.

Blood flowed from her fingers,

One wave.

The corpse was thrown at the old man in gray robe.

And the figure followed the corpse, and slapped it out.

The gray-robed old man had just avoided the black glow, and when he saw the corpse coming towards him, he slapped it out.

When the palms of the two collided, the maid's body exploded, and blood and flesh sprayed in the courtyard.

After one hit.

The black figure fell down, the enchanting figure, through the moonlight, revealing endless charm, looking at Zhuang Xuanji.

It's just blood and flesh all over the ground, revealing a trace of deep cold.

"Who are you, we don't seem to have offended you!"

Mr. Li, the man in gray, looked at the enchanting woman in front of him, and said solemnly.

Just now, the opponent's strength is not weaker than him.

"You didn't offend me, it's just that you didn't agree with Hai Wuya's matter, so you offended me. We really need your money."

The alluring woman said in a cold voice.

"We don't allow you to borrow money, so you will kill people?"

Zhuang Xuanji's face showed anger, she didn't expect it to be for the money.

"Yes, I don't kill people, how do you agree, Miss Zhuang, I want to make sure now, when will you be able to transfer that money to Sea Shark City."

"Think clearly before answering. If you answer wrong, I think your beautiful face may leave a scar."

When the coquettish woman was speaking, she brushed her finger over her own lips, and the blood on that finger was faintly flowing, revealing a sense of coldness and cruelty.

The gray-robed old man beside Zhuang Xuanji's eyes narrowed, and said in a cold voice: "It seems that we are going to fight!"

Stepping forward, energy flows through the whole body.

"Young girl, first defeat the old man and then talk.

The gray-robed old man let out a low cry, and a violent energy appeared all over his body. The energy flowed like a tide, and the energy burst out like a heaven and a man.

With a kick, the old man shot out, and a cyan dragon shadow appeared in the palm of his hand.

He patted the alluring woman.

"Old man, he doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all!"

The coquettish woman's figure changed and turned into a black shadow, without colliding head-on with the old man.

The old man's body is nimble, and the old man is taking a fierce route. He slapped his palms and his energy flowed, but he still couldn't hit the opponent.

The figure of the other party is like a butterfly, and there is a special smell around him, which affects his mind.

Seeing this, the old man's heart trembled.

My own body skills can't keep up with the opponent's. Judging from the opponent's skills, the body skills are much higher than my own.

The opponent also has a charming spirit, which makes his movements slow down. If this continues, he will lose sooner or later.

"Girl Tianmei!"

At this time, the alluring woman let out a low cry, and her figure transformed into several women in naked robes, surrounding the old man.

"Miss, you leave first!"

Seeing this, the old man in gray robe gritted his teeth and shouted.

But then a hint of obsession appeared in the eyes,

Just this moment.

The palm of the alluring woman was like a sharp knife, and inserted into the heart of the old man.

"I didn't expect to be able to resist my Tianmei poison until now!"

Withdrawing her palm, the coquettish woman said in a cold voice.

Then he looked at Zhuang Xuanji.

"I don't think you have anything to rely on now, so obediently mobilize the money, maybe you can leave with your life!"

"Otherwise, I think the third most beautiful woman on the list of immortals, there are many people who hope to have a good night with you."

Hearing what the woman in black said, Zhuang Xuanji's face turned pale.

She didn't expect to encounter such a thing when she came to Sea Shark City.

Even if I mobilize the money, I will come over.

I'm afraid the other party won't let him leave easily.

"The bank in the Lingjiang area, I gave it to a big man, if you kill me, you will die too!"

Zhuang Xuanji calmed down and said in a cold voice.

Now she can only use Su Chen as an example to see if she can make the other party afraid,

"Don't play tricks on me like this, a big shot, no matter how big the big shot is, can't save you!"

The alluring woman said,

But at this moment, the face of the alluring woman changed, and the hairs all over her body stood up instantly.

A feeling of extreme fear and palpitations appeared in her heart.

She felt that she was surrounded by a wave of great danger and death.

His eyes looked around, trying to find out where the danger came from.

In her eyes.

Suddenly, a black knife light, like a bright comet in the night, cut through the night and appeared in front of her.

She tried to resist the knife,

But her energy was shattered like glass under this knife, and she couldn't stop it at all.

After the knife light.

A man in black wearing a long knife appeared in the courtyard.

The man's face was indifferent, and his eyes were even more ruthless.

Looking at the coquettish woman, he said: "Whoever moves the things on the main body will die!"

The voice is indifferent and makes people tremble.

"who are you?"

The alluring woman looked at the man in black, wanting to know who he was.

But when the words fell, her body exploded directly, turning into a puddle of flesh and blood.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Xuanji was dumbfounded.

The coquettish woman who killed successively was beheaded by the other party.

And the other party just said, "The master's stuff."

"Excuse me, who is the master you are talking about?"

Zhuang Xuanji stammered.

"My lord, Su Chen, the leader of the Azure Dragon Guild, my name belongs to Hai Yidao."

"Sea Shark City is no longer safe, I'll take you away!" After speaking, he grabbed Zhuang Xuanji and jumped away.

(End of this chapter)

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