Chapter 501 Quick attack, split in half with one knife

outside the city.

Zhuang Xuanji looked a little embarrassed, and she was carried out of the city by Gui Hai.

Looking at Guihai Yidao wearing a bamboo hat not far away, there was a trace of complaint in his eyes.

"When I just left the city, why did the streets in the city seem a little chaotic!"

Zhuang Xuanji calmed down and said.

"Hai Wuya was killed, with a sword piercing his throat! Wait for a while, the city will be even more chaotic!"

Gui Hai said in a deep voice.

As for who killed Hai Wuya, Gui Hai knows who killed Hai Wuya.

Although they are not in the same system as the [Blue Dragon Club], they are clear about the personnel information of the [Blue Dragon Club].

not to mention

Xue Yiren came to Zhuang Xuanji's mansion first, and the two met face to face.

As for why he was able to sign up just now, the main reason is that they are secret agents under the East Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion].

The spies outsiders didn't know their names, even if Dongge killed the [Tianshan School] at that time, they didn't reveal their true identities in front of outsiders.

not to mention.

He had just slashed the body of the alluring woman with a single blow, and no one else could detect the trace of his slashing.

"What? You said that Hai Wuya was killed."

Zhuang Xuanji was horrified when she heard the news.

Hai Wuya just approached her to discuss a loan, and even sent someone to attack her.

In such a situation, Hai Wuya's death, she escaped from the city at this moment.

The Haisha gang must think that Hai Wuya's death has something to do with her,

"Don't worry, Hai Wuya's death probably won't find you, do they know who killed him?"

"However, the background of the woman I killed should not be simple. I believe that the people of the Sea Shark Gang will find you."

"Sea Shark City is no longer safe, you can't stay here anymore!"

Gui Hai looked at Zhuang Xuanji with a knife and said.

"Will you always follow me?"

Zhuang Xuanji looked at Gui Hai and said with a sword.

"I am following you to temporarily protect your safety, to ensure that the transaction between the Lord and you is completed, don't complete the task, you have an accident, and the transaction cannot be completed."

"According to the time calculation, I think that Huo Xingchen should die within a few days."

Gui Hai opened his mouth and said.

Hearing Gui Hai's words, Zhuang Xuanji's face showed joy.

"The bank in Haicheng is a large bank in the Lingjiang area. I haven't checked the accounts of the bank, and I can only trade after it is completed!" "I made an agreement with shopkeeper Zhu that I will hand over the bank's title deed here in three days?"

Zhuang Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"Is that so?"

Guihai Yidao frowned slightly when he heard this.

"You wait here for a moment!"

After Gui Hai finished speaking, his figure quickly disappeared in front of Zhuang Xuanji.

"What is he going to do?"

Seeing Gui Hai Yi Dao who left, Zhuang Xuanji was startled,

in a while
Guihai Yidao reappeared, with a black robe in his hand, and a bamboo hat,

"Put on these clothes, and we will return to the city."

Gui Hai handed over the clothes in his hand to Zhuang Xuanji.

It's just that Gui Hai's eyes froze suddenly.

looking at one place,

There came a swish, swish, swish,

Then two figures appeared in front of Guihai Yidao and the others.

One was wearing a half-face mask, a burly man like an iron tower, holding a bronze mace in his hand, looking fiercely at Gui Hai's knife.

As for the other person, his face was pale, like a zombie, his eyes were dark, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, looking at Guihai Yidao and Zhuang Xuanji.

"After killing the enchantress, you still want to leave, it's really whimsical."

"Zhuang Xuanji, the third most beautiful woman on the list of immortals, I am very interested in you, and I want to play with you tonight."

"Brother Tian, ​​it's important to do business. Kill this kid first, and then take Zhuang Xuanji away."

The burly and strong man before said.

"It seems that there is something on us that allows you to catch up so quickly?"

Guihai Yidao said calmly,

As soon as they left the city, the other party found them before they stayed for a long time. It can be seen that they have something that the other party can track.

"Boy, if you dare to kill the enchantress, I will smash your head today!"

The aura on that burly body soared, forming a burst of strong energy, and his eyes were fiercely staring at Gui Haiyidao who was wearing a bamboo hat.

The stellar energy on his body formed a wave of air, like overwhelming mountains and seas, with astonishing power.

The green dragon mace between the palms is tightly clenched.

The figure moved towards Guihai with a knife.

When the bronze mace in his hand blasted out, Gui Hai Yidao slashed out with the long knife in his hand, and the saber's energy collided with the opponent's bronze mace.

The bronze mace in the hand of the burly man collided with the sword energy, and his body was knocked back a few steps.

But when the strong man stepped back.

The man surnamed Tian with a gloomy expression before jumped up and grabbed Zhuang Xuanji.

This black-robed man is Zhuang Xuanji's guard, so if Zhuang Xuanji is taken down, this black-robed man will be cautious, and he can deal with it as he wants.

Although they didn't stay in the courtyard for long, they still saw Yao Ji's body bursting into flesh and blood, and they knew that the opponent's sword skills were powerful and domineering.

The palm sticks out, it's as black as ink.

This sinister man of prey practiced poison kung fu, and when he approached Zhuang Xuanji, he had a vicious and cruel smile on his face.

Seeing this, Gui Hai swung his body around and wanted to intercept it.

However, the burly and domineering man who was hacked away by him before kicked off the ground again, and his strong tower-like body rushed out.

When rushing out.

The skin of the strong man's body began to change, and the veins of his whole body burst out, like a boiling volcano.

A fiery and violent breath erupted from the opponent's body.

This burly man seemed to use some trump card, and the blood in his body suddenly rose, and his aura rose steadily when he charged violently.

The bronze mace in his hand, also under the action of this blood energy, turned into a blood-colored dragon, shaking the space and making a sound of explosion,

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, the burly man's own strength skyrocketed.

The figure collided with the air, making a sound like thunder, and the surrounding air waves billowed, and Mace Shadow slammed towards Guihai with a single blow.

A fierce and violent shroud returned to the sea with a knife.

A chill flashed in Gui Hai's eyes.

Qi flowed around his body, he raised the long knife, held it with both hands, and slashed out with the knife, the knife energy went towards the burly man like waves.

But after a knife cut out.

The figure of Guihai Yidao disappeared in place.

"Catch someone in front of me, you are still far behind!"

The voice of Gui Hai's knife appeared in the ear of the sinister man.

Hearing the voice, the sinister man's face was startled, but then a sense of fear came to his heart.

"How will you be here!"

When his voice fell, there was a knife whistling sound in his ear.

Accompanied by the sound of the knife whistling, a beam of knife light appeared in front of him.

The light of the knife appeared to cover the vicious man's vision, and the grasped palm couldn't help but pause slightly.

Then he wanted to continue sticking out his palm.

But there was an extreme chill in his heart, and a shadow of death appeared in his heart.

He felt a pain in his brow.

Then the whole person lost consciousness, and there was a look of horror and disbelief in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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