The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 603 The killers gather again, Emperor Wuhou, Zhenwuyuan are all moving

Chapter 603 The killers gather again, Emperor Wuhou, Zhenwuyuan are all moving

"Uncle Zhao!"

When Pang Tong saw the butler in Tsing Yi push the door in, he looked very kind.

This green-clothed old man is not only the butler of Pang Taishi's mansion, but also the number one expert in Pang's mansion besides his father.

Pang Tong did not regard him as an outsider.

"Butler Zhao!"

On the other side, the old man with hazy triangular eyes bowed and saluted

"Master, let me tell the young master, just gather [Chu Tiantang], and [Money Gang] don't be greedy!"

"As for Guanshi Huang's death, the young master can arrange for people to go there when Qin Juyuan makes a move, capture Jing Yi alive, and refine him into a medicine man."

Butler Zhao's tone was flat.

In his eyes, Jing Wuming was insignificant at all.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhao came to remind me, I know what to do."

Pang Tong nodded.

"The young master knows, the old slave will leave first."

After the old man in Tsing Yi came to salute, he left the room and closed the door by the way.

"I didn't expect that Qin Juyuan from [Zhenwuyuan] would personally deal with [Money Gang] Shangguanhe."

"Is he trying to make an example to others?"

After Steward Zhao left, the skinny old man with triangular eyes said.

"No matter what he wants to do. [Zhenwuyuan]'s popularity has plummeted, and it is not so easy to restore it."

"Guan Liu, you keep an eye on [Zhenwuyuan] and [Money Gang]. As long as [Zhenwuyuan] makes a move, you will leave with the four evils, and you must bring that Jing back."

Pang Tong said harshly.

Just when the two were discussing things.

somewhere out of town

A dark underground space with flickering lights

Seven figures gathered together.

These seven figures were filled with gloom and coldness, and there was a terrifying and oppressive aura emanating from their bodies.

The air in the secret room cannot circulate smoothly.

These seven figures were all wearing loose black robes and masks on their faces. Their faces were unclear,

"Everyone! Sorry for being late!"

At this moment.Three figures walked in, the head of which was Tiansheng Hall Master.

Behind him are the Yinshan Twin Devils.

"Everyone, this time I gathered a few people together. I must have understood the purpose. Emperor Wuhou will leave the capital in two days, so I hope that some people will take action to kill Emperor Wuhou tomorrow."

"This time I'm just the convener. I won't take one point from Emperor Wuhou's reward, and the other seven will share it equally."


He hasn't finished speaking yet.

One of the seven people, a burly man wearing an iron mask, said, "Master Tiansheng, if it is divided equally, it is not attractive."

The burly man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

When the burly man finished speaking, a woman wearing a mask and a black robe, but still able to see the bumpy figure, said, "I don't agree with the equal share, after all, there are three Dantian Huahai in here." How can warriors at the same level be divided equally with us."

"Although both of them have reached Concentration in the Sea, in front of Emperor Wuhou, the two of them can't do three tricks, which is no different from the level of Dantian Huahai."

Hearing what the two said, the Master of Tiansheng Hall said.

"I agree with the split, if not, you can leave."

At this time, a person wearing a mask spoke.

There was another person standing beside him, holding a long sword like that, and he didn't seem to care at all when other people talked.

"Song Samsara, do you agree to do this? Do you want to help the person next to you and get paid?"

The speaking woman in black looked at the man holding the long sword beside Song Lunhui.

Although the aura on his body was cold and arrogant, it did not reveal the breath of concentration in the sea.

Just when her voice fell.

The sword light flashed in the hand of the person holding the long sword.

A crack instantly appeared on the mask on the speaking woman's face, revealing a cold and conceited woman.

It's just that at the moment when the mask cracked, the conceit on the face disappeared, and the rest was horror.


The black-robed woman who came back to her senses turned ferocious.

She didn't expect the opponent to draw a sword.

"Tianmei, Brother Yan has a bad temper. If you don't want to die under his sword, just shut up!"

It was Yan Shisan who drew the sword.

Song Lunhui received contact from [Zhenwuyuan] Tiansheng Hall Master, so he brought Yan Shisan with him.

Earlier, Yan Shisan restrained his aura.

And no one thought that Song Samsara would be with Yan Shisan, thinking that Yan Shisan was just brought in with Song Samsara.

"Brother Yan, who is your Excellency?"

The woman in black looked at Yan Shisan and said in a cold voice.

"[Blue Dragon Club] Yan Shisan."

After Yan Shisan finished speaking, he continued to close his eyes with a simple voice.

"Qinglong Huiyan Thirteen?"

Hear what the other person has to say.

The woman in black stared slightly.She didn't expect that the other party would be Yan Shisan from [Blue Dragon Society].

There are already rumors of Yan Shisan in the capital, Yan Shisan is a strong man in the sea.

Now that sword just now completely proves that the other party is a strong man in the sea, or a very strong man in the sea.

"I agree!"

At this time, a soft voice sounded
It was another one of the four strong men in the concentration state in the sea that the woman mentioned just now.

"Since everyone agrees, then we also agree. I don't know when they are going to do it."

The previously burly man said.

"Tomorrow morning, my [Zhenwuyuan] General Manager Qin will fight against [Money Gang] Shangguanhe. You can do it at that time."

"And during the day, after killing Emperor Wuhou, I believe it will be easier for them to escape."

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple said.

"It's surprising that a small [Money Gang] Shangguanhe even asked [Zhenwuyuan] Director Qin to take action."

"But it is indeed an opportunity. At that time, people in the capital must pay attention to [Money Gang]. No one would have thought that we would take action against Emperor Wuhou. I agree to do it tomorrow morning."

Song Samsara said.

"Okay! We agree!"

Several others nodded.

"In this case, let's wait until tomorrow morning and leave for Emperor Wuhou's Mansion."

"When I, Manager Qin, attack the [Money Gang], we will dispatch!"

The main road of the Holy Church.

Afterwards, the Master of Tiansheng Hall did not leave, but sat cross-legged in this dim space, and went to Emperor Wuhou's Mansion together tomorrow.

"Brother Yan. How do you see things tomorrow?"

In the darkness, Song Lunhui transmitted voice to Yan Shisandao.

"Emperor Wuhou, or Qin Juyuan."

Yan Shisan returned to preach.

Song Samsara was startled when he heard the words, he didn't care about Qin Juyuan, what he cared about was Emperor Wuhou.

"Emperor Wuhou, you must die tomorrow, and your head will be taken away!"

Yan Shisan said via voice transmission.

"Brother Yan, you have to swallow those bounties all by yourself!"

Song Samsara was startled.

"A lot of people have come to the Azure Dragon Club, and it's impossible for outsiders to take away the bounty offered."

Yan Shisan didn't say anything after that.

Song Samsara was slightly startled.

But he didn't ask again, Yan Shisan had already revealed a lot in his words.

It is impossible for him to push further and ask,

But he didn't understand why Yan Shisan mentioned Qin Juyuan.

Could it be that there will be variables in the [Money Gang].

next day
early morning,

The weather is fine and sunny,

But many people are paying attention to [Zhenwuyuan], because there is news that [Zhenwuyuan] is going to take action against [Money Gang],

【Zhenwuyuan】The door opens.

Wearing a purple robe, Qin Juyuan, the general manager of [Zhenwuyuan], walked out of [Zhenwuyuan], and followed two people behind him.

An old man in a brown robe, and a burly man in a strong suit.

The three of them walked outside the mansion and prepared the carriage.

The carriage headed towards the 【Money Gang】.

(End of this chapter)

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