The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 604 Zhenwuyuan, Money Gang, head-to-head, Bai Choufei makes the first move

Chapter 604 Zhenwuyuan, Money Gang, head-to-head, Bai Choufei makes the first move

【Money Gang】

In the meeting hall
Shangguan Jin Hong was sitting in the main hall, beside him, Jing Wuming stood respectfully, with calm eyes, nothing could make him fluctuate emotionally.

As for Mrs. Yu, her face was a little pale, because she got the news from [Zhenwuyuan] that Qin Juyuan wanted to come to [Money Gang] in person.

I was anxious all night.

At this moment.

A [Money Gang] disciple rushed into the hall.

"Bang, boss, [Zhenwuyuan]'s carriage is coming towards our [Money Gang]!"

The disciple stammered.

[Zhenwuyuan] is very famous in the capital, and their [Money Gang] can't stop it at all.

When things like this last night spread, one member of the [Money Gang] wanted to leave, but they were all beheaded by Jing Wuming, and the blood of the [Money Gang] was spilled last night.

Is there still a bloody smell in this courtyard now?

[Money Gang] The two remaining stewards also lost their heads last night, and were buried together with ordinary gang members.

The remaining disciples of the [Money Gang] were overwhelmed by this method, and no one dared to make any changes.

"I really want to meet the head of [Zhenwuyuan]."

Shangguan Jinhong said calmly.

Last night, the Deputy Pavilion Master of the South Pavilion, Yaoyue, had sent him a letter, and he had already arrived in the capital.

The person has already arrived, so why should he be afraid of Qin Juyuan from [Zhenwuyuan].

Previously, I thought of using the Grand Master's Mansion and the Twelve Princes to frighten them, and make an official appearance of the [Tianya Pavilion] South Pavilion.

But I didn't expect [Zhenwuyuan] to send it up.

at this time
Not far from 【Money Gang】
on a tower,

A young man in a white robe was standing on the top of the pavilion, looking at the [Money Gang] not far away. Beside him, Mrs. Ningxiang in Baixiang Pavilion was standing respectfully.

"You said this Shangguanhe, why didn't he leave? Can he really stop Qin Juyuan?"

The young man spoke up.

"Master, Mrs. Yu who is next to Shangguan He has contacted me, and she probably wants to contact you through me. If he had the confidence, he probably wouldn't contact me."

Mrs. Ningxiang was wearing a light green palace attire, with a jade bead hairpin on her coiled hair, she looked very charming.

"Is there no hole card? Then how could he face Qin Juyuan head-on?"

The young man frowned slightly

This young man is Qian Junmo, the chief disciple of [Zhenwuyuan].

[Money Gang] is his property.

Of course he wants to pay attention,

"Pang Tong's people also came to join in the fun?"

Qian Junmo looked towards the street, and four big men in strong clothes came towards the [Money Gang].

They are the four evil slaves under Pang Tong.

"Four evil slaves!"

"The eldest and the second child among the four have reached the level of Dantian Huahai, and the other two are in the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man."

"Are they taking the opportunity to take down the [Money Gang]?"

Madam Ningxiang frowned.

"Pang Tong probably wouldn't do this. He probably wanted to make some appearance. After all, Huang Tianxing died in the [Money Gang]. If he doesn't take action, how can he explain it to others?"

Qian Jun said in a cold voice.

while he is talking
A carriage from Zhenwuyuan came slowly towards [Money Gang].

The carriage is not fast.

Pedestrians around, as well as some Jianghu warriors, retreated quickly, and even the four evil slaves who were walking on the road before walked aside automatically.

Get out of the way of the Zhenwuyuan carriage.

on the other side

The Twelve Princes and Pang Tong stood in a pavilion.

"Your Highness Twelfth, Shangguanhe has no chance of living today. Our previous investment was in vain, and Qian Junmo was offended."

Pang Tong said.

"If Qian Junmo wanted to look for us, he would have looked for us a long time ago."

"We didn't move today, Qian Junmo, and we won't make this matter difficult for you and me again."

"However, we can't underestimate Shangguan He. Last night he cleaned up the [Money Gang] with bloody means."

"At this time, there is still such a method. This Shangguanhe doesn't have any cards, so he won't do it."

When the twelve princes said this, there was a glint in their eyes.

In his heart, he was actually thinking of Shangguan He becoming a blockbuster.

In this way, he can still keep in touch with Shangguan He.

Stop at the gate of [Money Gang]

In the [Money Gang], no one appeared, and the gate was dead silent.

Two figures stepped out of the carriage.

It was Elder Qu with the white hair and the burly man who sat in the carriage and Qin Juyuan did not get out of the carriage.

Although he had to deal with the [Money Gang], he didn't have to do it himself.

【Money Gang】inside
Two figures stepped out of the darkness.

One of them was Bai Choufei, and he did not hide his identity.

The other person, dressed in black and wearing a black hood with only a pair of eyes exposed, was Murong Fu.

Shangguan Jinhong announced his identity [Tianya Pavilion] today.

As a member of [Tianya Pavilion] North Pavilion, Bai Choufei still needs to make a move at this time.

Watching Bai Choufei and Murong Fu coming out of the darkness.

Madam Yu's eyes moved slightly.

At this time, Bai Choufei and Murong Fu appeared, which means that there are experts from [Tianya Pavilion].

The beautiful eyes flowed, and the mind relaxed.

"Help Master!"

"Qin Juyuan's carriage has arrived, but he didn't get off!"

The disciples who come in will report.

"Understood, you don't need to make a move, go to the side first!" Shangguan Jinhong said.


When his voice fell.

The gate of the [Money Gang] was directly smashed by a punch, and two figures rushed in from the [Money Gang].

"[Zhenwuyuan] Qu Shan, [Zhenwuyuan] is bullying the sky."

The two people came in, their aura soared, and they headed towards the lobby of the [Money Gang] with a violent aura.

"Let's make a move!"

Bai Choufei and Murong Fu rushed out and landed in the courtyard.

Some people watching the battle frowned slightly when they saw the figure that appeared.

"Bai Choufei from the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower, why did he appear here?"

Some people frowned slightly when they saw Bai Choufei.

"His strength is beyond the reach of heaven and man, how dare he make a move,"

Bai Choufei in the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower is also considered a celebrity in the capital. Many people have investigated Bai Choufei and know his strength.

If it weren't for the two pavilion masters of the North Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion], Bai Choufei's Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower would have been destroyed long ago.

Did not expect to appear here at this time.

"Bai Sorrow flies!"

Qu Shan looked at Bai Choufei standing in front of them, his tone was cold.

While speaking, his dantian transformed into sea energy and swept towards Bai Choufei, trying to suppress Bai Choufei with his aura.


The breath of heaven and man's nine difficulties also emerged from Bai Choufei's body.

And as soon as his footsteps moved, his figure appeared in front of the opponent like a ghost, his hands were like afterimages, and he attacked the opponent with a terrifying and fierce vigor.

"There are nine difficulties in heaven and man, let you fight against me with confidence, you really want to die!"

Qu Shan snorted coldly, raised his palm and pushed it out horizontally, sweeping out with a more terrifying vigor than Bai Choufei, towards the opponent's palm.

He wants to suppress the opponent with palm force.

Just when his palm collided with the opponent's palm.

The vigor on his palm was directly torn apart by the sharp glow from Bai Choufei's palm.

When he slapped his palm, a bloodstain was drawn instantly.

Shocked, he quickly pulled out his palm.

And at this moment, Bai Choufei turned his claws into palms, and slapped Qu Shan's body with one palm.

The powerful force sent the opponent flying with a palm, hitting the wall in front of the [Money Gang] mansion, the wall collapsed, and Qu Shan's body fell outside the [Money Gang] mansion.

Qu Shan fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and looked angrily at Bai Choufei who rushed out after him.

(End of this chapter)

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