The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 608 Five Concentrations, Besieged and Killed Emperor Wuhou

Chapter 608 Five Concentrations, Besieged and Killed Emperor Wuhou


One of Qin Juyuan's arms was severed.

Totally unexpected.

Yaoyue looked at Qin Juyuan who had broken his arm, her eyes narrowed slightly.

But it didn't work either.

Qin Juyuan, who lost an arm, has no habit of taking advantage of others' dangers.

Glancing at Jing Wuming who was pulled back by her
Can not help shaking his head.

As for Jing Wuming and Shangguan Jinhong, before she came, she had talked with Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun told her some news.

With one arm broken, Qin Juyuan's face was gloomy, but his aura remained unchanged. He really didn't expect that if he fought with Yaoyue, someone would attack him.

And the timing of the shot is extremely accurate.

When I shot, I saw the light of the knife, and when I touched my arm, the sword energy burst out in an instant, otherwise, even if I was in a hurry, my arm would not be cut off by the opponent.

Although the state is not high, but it is a very dangerous person.


Just then.

A terrifying look appeared in the direction of Emperor Wuhou's Mansion.

"That's the power of Emperor Wuhou!"

Seeing this situation, some people's expressions changed.

"Something happened in Emperor Wuhou's Mansion!"

Some people spoke.

In a blink of an eye, some people attacked in the direction of Emperor Wuhou's Mansion.

at this time
Emperor Wuhou's Mansion was full of killing sounds

The guards in Emperor Wuhou's mansion appeared one after another with bows and crossbows in their hands, shooting out densely.

But the next moment.

A man in black appeared behind them.

Dozens of hidden weapons appeared in the hands of these men in black, and they flew out instantly
A large group of guards fell.

Moreover, these guards were quickly cut and could not be gathered together at all.

Suddenly a knife light appeared.

Beheaded towards the man in black.But Dao Guang was directly scratched by a protruding arm.A burly figure rushed out, full of vigor.

With a punch, he headed towards the sword-wielding Emperor Wuhou commander Mu Tianxiong,

Mu Tianxiong looked ferocious,

He never expected that this group of people would attack and kill Emperor Wuhou's mansion by force during the day.

The three thousand guards were completely disrupted by the opponent and could not gather together.

With the sword in his hand, he wants to kill the person who blocked his sword just now,

Qi Jin condensed the long knife in his hand, and a terrifying knife light appeared.


At this moment, his mind was suddenly suppressed by a huge momentum, his head roared, and his eyes were blurred.

The true energy in the body is also swaying for a while.

"Not good, divine power! The strong one in the sea."

Mu Tianxiong was startled.

But in this short period of time, the opponent's hand had already fallen in front of him, and it was as firm as a steel palm, grasping his head.

Mu Tianxiong's head was taken off instantly.

Blood was flying.


Seeing that Mu Tianxiong was dead, a figure holding an iron rod rushed out.

But when he rushed out, a figure appeared behind him, with a slender figure, like a ghost, it was Zhong Tianmei, the seven killers gathered earlier.

The palm of the hand stretched out silently, and went behind the man with the stick.

The person holding the iron rod sensed the danger behind him, the long rod swept across, and the strong wind howled.

But what bombarded was an afterimage.

Then two black silver needles appeared instantly
The man with the stick let out a scream.

Cover your eyes with your hands.

At this moment, the burly man who shot earlier punched out

Smash the head of the man with the stick.

For a while, two powerful men at the Dantian Huahai level in Emperor Wuhou's Mansion were killed.

"Leave it to them next. The four Dantian Huahai-level fighters, plus others, can completely solve these chaotic guards."

The falling graceful figure spoke.

After speaking, he walked towards the hall of Emperor Wuhou's Mansion.

At this moment, Emperor Wuhou's mansion, Emperor Wuhou, looked angry, and the aura around him was as violent as thunder, and his eyes were fixed on the three people in front of him.

"[Zhenfu Division] ranks first in the killer list, one of the two leaders of [Life and Death], born unknown."

Emperor Wuhou looked at each other with cold eyes.

"The third Song Samsara, who is that?"

"[Blue Dragon Club] Yan Shisan."

Yan Shisan said.

His eyes were also fixed on Emperor Wuhou.

Hearing [Qinglonghui] Yan Shisan, Emperor Wuhou's eyes froze.

He could feel the terrifying sword intent from the opponent.

Behind Emperor Wuhou, there were two figures, one black and one green, with vigilant expressions.

"I'll stop them, you take my family away!"

Emperor Wuhou sent a voice transmission to the two of them.

Emperor Wuhou did not expect that these people would dare to attack his Emperor Wuhou's mansion during the day.

A moment of relaxation.

Let Emperor Wuhou Mansion become like this now.

The two looked at each other without any hesitation, and the figure quickly entered the meeting hall and fled from the meeting hall.

Yan Shisan and the others did not stop each other either.

The purpose of their coming was to take away Emperor Wuhou's head.

Others are not their targets.


Just after the two left, the [Between Life and Death] Sheng Wuming, a black light appeared all over his body, and a terrifying light flashed from his exposed eyes.

As fast as lightning, he attacked Emperor Wuhou with a palm.

As he attacked, a terrifying black shadow appeared behind him

Emperor Wuhou's eyes were cold, and he quickly slapped out his palm, which collided with Sheng Wuming's palm.


The sound was terrifying, the air waves swept across, and the corridors of the surrounding houses were instantly shattered under this energy.

Emperor Wuhou took a step back.

However, Sheng Wuming's figure was a few steps behind, and a trace of blood flowed from the mask.

With a frontal attack, Sheng Wuming is no match for Emperor Wuhou.


this moment

Song Samsara's figure appeared behind Emperor Wuhou, and he slapped out his palm, and the retreating Emperor Wuhou slapped back with violent vigor.

Song Samsara who made the shot had his eyes fixed, and his figure retreated rapidly. He didn't intend to slap the opponent forcefully.

Move like a ghost.

At this moment.

Two figures appeared in the courtyard

It was the big man and Tianmei from before.


"Heaven Cracks Crazy!"

The burly man blasted out his fist, and the true energy above the fist exploded, forming a hurricane.

"Go away!" Di Wuhou shouted with cold eyes.

Slapped with both hands, one palm at the burly man, and the other palm at the black-clothed woman Tianmei.

The palms of the three collided, and Emperor Wuhou's figure was shaken back a few steps, while the two who made the shot took a few steps back, their breath was chaotic, there were some cracks in the meridians on their arms, and blood overflowed.

It's just that two black needles appeared in the mouth of the backward woman in black.

Extremely fast.

Retreating, Emperor Wuhou raised his arm when he saw this.

True Qi circulated above the arms.

He wanted to resist the two black formations, but the black needle pierced through his true energy and pierced into his arm.

Emperor Wuhou froze when he saw this.

Immediately, the qi and blood in the hand circulated, condensed into terrifying qi and blood, and sent the black needle flying.

It's just that at this moment, Sheng Wuming, Song Samsara, and Yan Shisan used their swords at the same time.

The three forces are like a storm in an instant.

"True Immortal Demon!"

Di Wuhou let out a low growl, and a huge qi gang appeared all over his body, protecting himself.

However, his figure was still hit by three forces and flew backwards into the hall.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The strong momentum directly knocked down the house.

There was a bang.

Five figures stared at the collapsed house.

(End of this chapter)

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