Chapter 609 In a violent battle, Emperor Wuhou is lonely

among the crowd

A figure burst out
What appeared was not Emperor Wuhou.

It was a big man with iron chains tied to his hands, his hair was disheveled, and he exuded a terrifying and fierce aura.

behind him.

The figure of Emperor Wuhou appeared.

There was a spot of blood between the corners of his mouth, and he was injured by the blow just now.

Although he was injured, Emperor Wuhou's eyes were still fierce.

He looked sharply at Yan Shisan and the others standing there.

"Kill them!"

Emperor Wuhou let out a low cry.

The big man with the chains tied in front of him roared and attacked the five of them.

The iron chain in his hand flew out, and a fierce force swept towards everyone along with the iron chain. With the violent force, there was a feeling of sweeping everything.

The tall and burly man in the front, stepped on his feet, a terrifying energy erupted from his body, and a terrifying aura condensed on him, which did not appear outside the body, but condensed inside the body.

The terrifying breath swelled his body.

His eyes grinned grimly.

"Emperor Wuhou's puppet dares to rush towards us, I will kill him."

The fist in his hand blasted out, with vigor like sea waves, colliding with the impact of the iron chain.


Chains collide with fists

There was a rumbling sound, the force of the hand-to-hand collision, a terrifying force spread towards the surroundings, collided with the air, the air was hollow, and the ground trembled.

The surrounding houses, the ones that hadn't collapsed, collapsed instantly under this wave of air.

It was dusty for a while.

Like a sandstorm.

After a blow, the two charged again and collided quickly.


The burly man pierced through the iron chain with his fist, and punched the chained man, but the chained man didn't take into account the injuries on his body, as if the injuries on his body didn't exist.

Crazy growl.

The iron chain in his hand bound the opponent's body, and then the figure came out
The energy from the big man's body burst out, colliding with the fierce energy on the other side.

The chained man's body vibrated, but the opponent ignored the opponent's aura and continued to hit
boom boom boom

fourth hit

The strong energy around the burly man was shattered, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth again.

"Go to hell, die to me!"

The burly man slammed his fist hard at the opponent's body.

The opponent continued to resist.

At this moment, the opponent's hands suddenly formed into claws, grabbing the burly man's arm.

A bloody red light burst out from the palm of the hand, piercing into the opponent's arm full of qi

Break off the opponent's arm.

Then tear off the opponent's arm,

The burly man let out a low growl, and the other arm turned into a claw and grabbed the opponent's heart fiercely.

He wants to grab the opponent's heart out.

At this time, the iron chain on the arm of the big man with the iron chain turned and quickly caught the opponent's arm
At the moment of catching the opponent's arm, the body continued to hit the opponent
At this moment, a huge force exploded, and both sides shot violently at the same time.

But the other arm of the big man who made the shot was also torn off by the iron chain under the violent force of the two men.
The big man let out a scream.

At this moment, Tian Mei appeared in front of the man with iron chains like a ghost, and stabbed his eyes like poisonous bees with his fingers.


Just then.

Emperor Wuhou let out a low growl.

Dragons sing and tigers roar.

And a terrifying dragon and tiger figure appeared behind him.

With a powerful growl, Tian Mei's body was stunned.

During this meal time.

The figure of the chained man hit Tianmei
Tian Mei's body was thrown backwards by the impact.

Blood spurted from the mouth that fell to the ground.

But at this moment, Song Samsara's figure appeared behind the chained man, and he slapped him on the head with his palm.


Palms drop.

But blood flowed from the top of the opponent's head, but it didn't smash the opponent's head.


The severe pain made the chained man even crazier.

Roaring and bombarding towards the side, the chain danced like a hurricane.

But Song Samsara appeared at the opponent's feet.

Grasping the opponent's feet with the palm, a burst of energy exploded, knocking the opponent's body down

The body fell to the ground.

Dust flew up from the ground.

The previously injured Tianmei fell in front of her, and inserted her fingers into the opponent's eye sockets.

The chained man screamed.

The iron chain in his hand is flying, and his figure is extremely fast.

Tianmei moves and wants to leave,


But at this time, a violent momentum swept towards her, causing her figure to delay slightly

The chains swept across her body.

The whole body was cut in half by an iron chain.

Not even a scream came out.

But at this moment behind Emperor Wuhou.

Sheng Wuming's figure appeared, his palms turned into claws, and he grabbed the opponent's heart with one palm.

After the growl, Emperor Wuhou didn't seem to sense the opponent's palm.

The back of the heart was hit by the opponent.

At the moment of the hit, a huge energy surged into the opponent's body.

And the whole person flew out backwards.

crashed into previously collapsed houses.

Some dust buried him,

At this time, the man with the chains who had been blinded on the ground growled in his mouth.

A deep and terrifying voice erupted from his mouth, forming a wave of air that swept across the surrounding area
For a moment, a wave of terrifying sound came to everyone's ears.

Previously collapsed buildings.

Under this sound wave, the vibration rises and falls again

Emperor Wuhou was thrown down with a palm, and his body was completely covered.

Song Samsara appeared in front of the chained man, grabbed his palm again, and held the opponent's head, a terrifying energy erupted in his hands

The opponent's head was removed.

And this time.

A figure stood up from the ruins

The long sword in Yan Shisan's hand instantly slashed out, the sword light was sharp, and he appeared in front of the opponent in the blink of an eye, splitting the opponent's qi gang with his sword.

Emperor Wuhou who stood up was cut in half by this sword.

blood burst out
The two halves of the body fell to the ground.

Yan Shisan's eyes froze when he shot.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but at this time, many figures were already rushing towards here.

Yan Shisan wanted to step forward.

But at this time a figure appeared in front of the two halves of Emperor Wuhou.

sword out
Instantly cut off two halves of the head

The package entered into the black cloth, and a puff of smoke appeared around him, disappearing in front of them.

The nameless man wrapped in a black robe changed his face when he saw this, and a hoarse sound wave came out of his mouth, and the sound wave swept across.

But no clues were found.

He was robbed of his head.

They won't be able to get a reward.

Because the head is the best proof of the reward,

"Looking for death, looking for death!"

At this time, several terrorist attacks came towards Emperor Wuhou's Mansion.

"Come on!"

"There are other Marquis Wu coming!"

Song Samsara said to Yan Shisan.

Yan Shisan didn't stop, turned around and fled away
Sheng Wuming of [Between Life and Death] changed his face, turned around and left.

During the daytime attack and kill Emperor Wuhou, there must be other people to support him, so he was very unwilling, took a look at Emperor Wuhou's body, turned around and left quickly.

At this time, the killer who appeared before Emperor Wuhou also quickly fled.

(End of this chapter)

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