The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 610 Three battles Hou Xian, followed by a nameless follower

Chapter 610 Three Great Wars Hou Xian, A Nameless Follower
Emperor Wuhou Mansion
Three figures rushed into the dilapidated courtyard.

His eyes fell on the headless corpse on the ground.

One of them, a man with broad shoulders and a jade complexion, showed anger on his face.

"These assassins are so rampant in rushing to kill Emperor Wuhou's mansion in broad daylight. We should report to the military department and let the military department dispatch to kill all these assassins."

Although this person's complexion is jade-like, but the words he speaks are fierce and fierce.

Among the four warlords, Qing Wuhou said.

While he was speaking, two figures rushed into the courtyard.

It was the two who were called away by Emperor Wuhou earlier.

One was dressed in black and the other in a navy blue robe.

"Brother Xu!"

Seeing these two people, one of the three, a burly man wearing a brocade robe and exuding a fierce aura, spoke.

Zhongwuhou among the four great warlords.

"Please three Warlords, find the head of our Lord Hou and take revenge!"

The two immediately knelt down in front of the three.

"We will definitely do our best!"

Qing Wuhou said.

If the head is taken away, it will probably flow out of the capital quickly, and it will be very difficult to get it back.

However, Emperor Wuhou was the first warlord among the four major warlords of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

It is absolutely not allowed to have their heads cut off after death. This is a disgrace to their four great lords.

"Thank you, three warlords, let's clean up the corpse first!"

The two knelt down and thanked each other.

Then the two got up.

The man in black stepped forward and put the two halves of Emperor Wuhou's body together, and a white cloth appeared in his hand to wrap Emperor Wuhou's body.

On the other side, the man in navy blue came to the man holding the iron chain and hugged the man's body.

"You first arrange the situation of Emperor Wuhou's Mansion, the three of us will go to the military headquarters!"

Another man in Chinese clothes, with a dignified manner, spoke.

There is no special aura about this person, he looks like a scholar, but he is the strongest one among the four warlords except Emperor Wuhou, Yuwuhou.


The two bowed, and then took the two corpses away.

Looking at the two people who walked out of the courtyard.

The faces of the three are not good-looking.

"Come on, let's go to the military headquarters!"

After speaking, the three of them quickly walked towards the military headquarters.

At this moment, there were also many warriors who rushed to Emperor Wuhou's mansion and saw the messy and bloody Emperor Wuhou's mansion.

There was horror in everyone's eyes.

Then they heard that Emperor Wuhou had been killed and had his head cut off.

"Many masters made the wedding dress, and the last one made a profit and cut off the head of Emperor Wuhou."

Some people knew the news, and their faces were full of horror.

At this time, three groups of soldiers in armor quickly approached Emperor Wuhou's Mansion.

The three teams are the soldiers of the other three warlords.

"Within ten breaths, within one mile of Emperor Wuhou's Mansion, no warriors are allowed to appear, and any warriors who appear can be strangled."

One of the leaders of the three teams said sharply.


Hearing these words, the warrior who rushed over was startled, but then immediately started to flee.

Some strong men did not dare to stay when they saw this.

At this time, absolutely do not doubt the words of these soldiers.

It's just that some warriors react slowly.

When he came back to his senses, he was already surrounded by soldiers and wanted to say something, but the soldiers who surrounded him didn't give them a chance to speak out.

The spears in their hands pierced through their bodies like dragons.

The area around Emperor Wuhou's Mansion became silent, and there were still some corpses with bleeding holes in their bodies.

Inside Hou's Mansion
Some corpses were quickly laid out and covered with white cloth.

There were three corpses in front of the Xu brothers, a man with iron chains, Mu Tianxiong, and a man with an iron rod.

The two looked sad.

They put the bodies of the three men in coffins.

As for the headless Emperor Wuhou, he was placed in a coffin in the already set up mourning hall.

at this time
on the other side

Yan Shisan and Song Sanshui stopped.

The two did not dare to stay in the city, and they did not dare to underestimate the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Brother Yan, do you know who the man in black was?"

Song Samsara suspected that Yan Shisan's back [Qinglonghui] did it.

"I don't know, that's not our person!"

Yan Shisan said in a deep voice.

Normally, Emperor Wuhou's head should be taken away by people from the [Blue Dragon Association].

But someone beat them one step ahead.

Hearing Yan Shisan's words, Song Samsara's eyes changed slightly.

"Could it be someone who was born unknown? Just now he was in Emperor Wuhou's mansion, and he quickly separated from us."

Song Lunhui said in a deep voice.

Yan Shisan's expression moved slightly.

"Whether it's him or not, he can't take Emperor Wuhou's head away, so let's go first!"

Yan Shisan finished speaking and moved on,

at this time
in another place

dense forest
A black figure fell.

Holding a black package in his hand, he scanned his surroundings with great vigilance.

Suddenly, a black figure also appeared behind him. The figure was silent, and he raised his hand and grabbed the opponent's head very quickly.

Just when the palm was about to fall.

The black figure turned around abruptly, and the long sword in his right hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

The sword light slashed violently.

The sword Qi howled, coldly, and cut towards the face of the man in black.

The man in black said inwardly that he was not good.

The figure retreated rapidly.

But the person who threw the sword backhand moved his footsteps and shot at the opponent violently, and the long sword in his hand continued to envelope him.

"Life and death are impermanent!"

The man in black let out a low cry, his palms were full of energy, which turned into countless waves of energy, and moved towards the sword light.

The two forces collided.

The two figures retreated violently at the same time.

"Sheng Wuming, I didn't expect you to be able to keep up, but keeping up was your biggest mistake."

The man in black with the package in his hand looked coldly at the person who was knocked back by his sword light.

[Between Life and Death] Killer, born without a name.

"Hmph, hand over Emperor Wuhou's head, and I'll let you go!"

Sheng Wuming also said coldly.

Before he finished speaking, the person on the opposite side moved his footsteps, and his figure shot towards him in an instant. The long sword in his hand violently slashed out again. Stock vortex.

Suppress the surrounding air.

Sheng Wuming's expression remained the same. He had just sneaked up on the opponent and failed to kill him, so he knew that the opponent was not an ordinary expert.

The energy in the palm soared, and a terrifying look erupted on him.

But when the power appeared on him.

There was a scream in the opponent's sword light.

The sound of screaming appeared, his mind moved for an instant, and the condensed momentum seemed to be in a state of collapse.

The other party didn't want him to use his power to attract other people.

And at this moment of mind-moving.

The fierce sword light enveloped his whole body in an instant, and a cold feeling invaded his body in an instant.

A shadow of death emerged in his heart.

Seeing this, he could only frantically slap his palm full of qi
But the energy he shot was torn apart by the sword light, and finally the sword light appeared above his head and fell down in an instant.

Sheng Wuming wanted to move his body.

But the opponent's sword energy suppressed the surrounding air, restricting his movement speed, and his body only moved a little.

The right arm that was shot earlier was cut off instantly by Jian Guang.

Sheng Wuming let out a scream, his whole body was full of blood, and his energy exploded wildly, he broke free from the restraints, and retreated towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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