The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 611 Fu Hongxue Unleashes the Sword, Liu Sheng But Ma Shou, Liu Sheng Piaoxu Kills

Chapter 611 Fu Hongxue Unleashes the Sword, Liu Sheng But Ma Shou, Liu Sheng Piaoxu Kills
Blood flowed, one hand covered his arm

Back off quickly.

The figure did not stay for a moment, and fled towards the depths of the dense forest.

Originally, he was injured when he fought against Emperor Wuhou. Previously, he thought of sneak attacking the opponent, beheading him, and getting Emperor Wuhou's head.

But I didn't expect the opponent's strength to be extraordinary

He was injured, and his momentum was interrupted by the opponent.

Now even a broken arm.

so just escape

If you don't escape, you can only die,

Only when he was fleeing, a man in black with a limp appeared in front of him.

The man held a long black knife in his hand.

He was walking towards him step by step.

It was Fu Hongxue from the [Blue Dragon Club],

Fu Hongxue also appeared in Emperor Wuhou's residence, but he didn't make a move.

When the man in black left with Emperor Wuhou's head, he also followed.

It's just that he didn't make a move, but Sheng Wuming, who came after him, made the first move.

Sheng Wuming’s figure stopped abruptly,

When he paused.

The man in black, who was walking slowly before, turned into an afterimage and appeared in front of him in a flash.

The long knife in his hand cut down even more.

The light of the knife was like a horse training in an instant, piercing through the lush forest, like a shooting star, sweeping towards him with a terrifying knife force
Sheng Wuming was shocked.

He wanted to raise his hand to resist, but his right arm was chopped off, leaving only his left arm.

But under the light of the knife, the strength of his palm was split into two in an instant, and then in his horrified eyes, the light of the knife fell from the top of his head

The body is divided into two.

Seriously injured and disabled, Hai Zhongshen was no longer Hai Zhongshen in Fu Hongxue's eyes.

After the knife light.

Dragging a lame foot, Fu Hongxue continued to walk forward.

not far from him

The man with the package in his hand looked solemnly at Fu Hongxue who was walking step by step.

he didn't go
because just now
When Fu Hongxue appeared, a breath locked onto him.

"who are you?"

The man in black looked at Fu Hongxue.

Fu Hongxue did not reply to his words, but continued to move forward. The purpose of his coming was to take the head of Emperor Wuhou in the other party's hands, and to take the other party's life.
The news that Emperor Wuhou's head is in their hands cannot be leaked out.

Seeing that Fu Hongxue didn't speak, the man in black stared.

This time he lowered his left hand to hold the package.

The person who appeared was not the injured Sheng Wuming, he needed to deal with it with all his strength.

And he sensed the killing intent emanating from the opponent.

The other party will not give him a chance to leave.

Two cold lights shot out from the originally solemn eyes, and his footsteps moved, his figure quickly moved towards Fu Hongxue like a fleeting shadow.

Only an afterimage remained on the ground.

It is most correct to take the initiative at any time.

The figure appeared, and the long sword in his hand was cut out in an instant, and the thunderous sword light exploded like a thunderbolt, attacking and killing Fu Hongxue.

The long knife in Fu Hongxue's hand was also pulled out of its sheath instantly.

Dao Guang is also extremely fast.

clang clang

The thunderous sword light and the knife light collided fiercely, generating power fluctuations that caused the air to burst and spread towards the surroundings. Some gravel on the ground was shaken and flew towards the surrounding trees.

Chi Chi Chi

The trees were hit by these gravels, and some small trees split instantly.


after a fierce battle
The two shot at the same time.

The eyes of both sides are extremely dignified.


The man in black stepped back, leaped into the air, and slashed out with a long sword in his hand

When he struck out, Fu Hongxue also moved, the light of the saber in his hand flashed, and hit the opponent's long sword.

But when it collided with the long sword, the saber qi burst instantly, turning into several saber qi and heading towards the vital points all over the opponent's body.

The other party's eyes changed.

Vigor appeared all over his body to resist the sudden burst of saber energy.

And the figure retreated rapidly.

The light of the long sword in his hand flashed, and streaks of silver light appeared, blocking Fu Hongxue's way forward.

Fu Hongxue who knocked the opponent back with one blow
A divine power appeared on his body, and a sword shadow erupted behind him.

It is impossible for him to entangle with the other party here for too long, so he directly used his own power.

Stepping into the sea and concentrating, the momentum he has accumulated is the momentum of the sword.

The shadow of the knife appeared, and the long black knife in his hand became more ordinary, but the face of the man in black on the opposite side was extremely dignified

Lifted the long sword in his hand.

There was also a spirit on his body.

He couldn't cut off the opponent's momentum process like before, so he could only burst out his own momentum.

"Divine Power, Heavenly Fiend Blood Sword!"

The man in black snorted.

Lifting the long sword in his hand, a bloody aura erupted in his hand.


The two made moves at the same time.

The sword energy and the sword light collided instantly, forming a vortex like a storm, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings

The terrifying power shook the two of them back at the same time.

Only when the man in black retreated.

Two figures suddenly emerged from the darkness.

With the help of this wanton energy storm, they appeared silently.

kill god

Two knife lights flashed.

The man in black who was shaken back was first shattered by the saber light to shatter his protective energy, and then the saber light pierced through his body.

All this happens in an instant.

There is no sluggishness in between.

With a splash, the body of the man in black fell to the ground, and the direction he looked in was the place where he put the package before.

Just that place, the package has disappeared.

There is unwillingness in the eyes, and there is no breath
Two figures appeared in front of each other

It was Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou and Liu Sheng Piao Xu.

Among them, Liu Sheng Piaoxu poured out the corpse powder in his hand, which melted the corpses of Sheng Wuming and the man in black.

The two of them bowed slightly to Fu Hongxue.

leave quickly.

Fu Hongxue looked at the two puddles of corpses on the ground, turned around and disappeared into the dense forest

Soon after
Two figures appeared here.

They looked at the fighting around and the two puddles of corpses on the ground, their faces pondered, and they turned and left quickly.

Another place.


Qin Juyuan stepped into the meeting hall with a somewhat embarrassed figure

Going to the [Money Gang] originally wanted to frighten Xiaoxiao, but he didn't expect to lose an arm, and also lost a strong man in the Dantian Sea Transformation Realm,

This time [Zhenwuyuan] is completely using its own prestige.Make a wedding dress for [Tianya Pavilion].

The palm of the remaining hand clenched into a fist, the veins on the back of the fist burst out, and there was a crackling sound from the joints.

His face was gloomy and terrifying, and the murderous intent in his eyes was bursting out.

"[Tianya Pavilion], I have written down this grudge!"

Qin Juyuan said harshly.

"[Tianya Pavilion] is not easy, you need to calm down, wait to find out if they have other masters entering the capital, we will make plans!"

At this moment, in the chamber, there are still two people standing.

One of them looked at Qin Juyuan and said
Of these two people, one was wearing a green robe and had an old face, but his hair was pitch black.

The other was a burly monk in a yellow cassock with his chest half-naked.

The monk's half-naked body looks like a diamond.

There is also a string of huge rosary beads hanging on the chest, each rosary is the size of a fist, which looks very shocking.

Standing there is like a King Kong.

It was the old man with an old face who spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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