The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 612 Evil Alliance, Falling God Orb, Tie Zhongtang, Iron Blood Banner

Chapter 612 Evil Alliance, Falling God Orb, Tie Zhongtang, Iron Blood Banner
Hearing the old man's words, Qin Juyuan said nothing, but walked into the hall and sat down.

At this time, the Lord of the Heavenly Holy Hall came in from the outside.

Seeing the two people in the hall, as well as Qin Juyuan who had lost an arm, his complexion immediately changed.

But he still stepped forward to salute immediately.

"I have met the chief steward and the two elders."

"How is the matter of Emperor Wuhou handled?"

Qin Juyuan looked at Tiansheng Hall and said.

"Di Wuhou was killed, but the head of Di Wuhou was stolen!"

Although the Master of Tiansheng Hall didn't make a move, he entered Emperor Wuhou's Mansion and watched the battle in the dark.

He described the situation at that time.

"The master of concentration in the five great seas made a move, two people were killed and injured, and they were overtaken by others. What a pity!"

Qin Juyuan sighed and waved his hands.

The Lord of Heaven bows and exits

He came back in a hurry, and he didn't know what happened at the [Money Gang].

But looking at the situation, knowing the [Money Gang], there has been a serious change.

He needs to find out.

"Kuxingtuo, you were in the dark at that time, why didn't you join hands with me to deal with [Tianya Pavilion] Nanan Pavilion's Deputy Pavilion Master."

Qin Juyuan looked at the monk in cassock and said in a deep voice after the head of Tiansheng Hall left.

"It's impossible for the other party to come here alone. You have a backup, and they also have a backup. Do you really want me to fight [Zhenwuyuan] and [Tianya Pavilion]?"

"Once a strong man in the sea dies, [Tianya Pavilion] will definitely counterattack us [Zhenwuyuan]."

Kuxingtuo sat down on the side and said.

"We [Zhenwuyuan] need to be afraid of this [Tianya Pavilion]?"

Qin Juyuan's face was extremely gloomy.

This time, Qin Juyuan lost a lot of face.

Not only did he return without success, he was also cut off with an arm.

"Need to be afraid!"

The old man in Tsing Yi who spoke earlier spoke.

"[Tianya Pavilion] now appears. There are three pavilions in the southeast, north, and ten directions. Compared with the North Pavilion, East Pavilion, and South Pavilion, there is also a ten-direction chief who needs special attention!"

"Because these three places, the chief and deputy pavilion masters and the chief envoy of the ten directions, from the information obtained from the investigation, should be top-notch powerhouses in the sea."

"If we fight temporarily, it is not a good result for me [Zhenwuyuan]."

The old man in Tsing Yi said in a deep voice.

"Is this the way to complete this [Tianya Pavilion]?"

Qin Juyuan was obviously not reconciled.

"How could it be? [Tianya Pavilion] must pay the price for [Zhenwuyuan]'s embarrassment. The [Tianya Pavilion]'s invitation to come to the moon should be for the dark place, the fifteenth day of the full moon."

"The Xiemeng secretly sent a message, this time they took out one of the things, which can help the concentrating powerhouse in the sea to gather a stronger power,"

"As for being able to kill the target, [Luo Shenzhu] will be sent out."

"What! Old Qing, are you saying that the Xiemeng is going to take out the [Luo Shenzhu] this time?"

Hearing [Luo Shenzhu] Qin Juyuan's face showed surprise.

It can be seen that this [Luo Shenzhu] is not ordinary.

"The owner of the garden sent an order to let us get the [Luo Shenzhu] with all our strength, so the killing of Yaoyue should be placed after the fifteenth day of the full moon."

"After the full moon, Yaoyue died, we can also push this matter out."

The old man in Tsing Yi said.

"I understand, this matter will be done according to what you said, old man!"

"In the past few days, I will announce to the public that I will retreat and heal my wounds."

Qin Juyuan said.

Tianjian Division

Murong Qingchen read the two secret letters in his hand.

His face changed slightly.

One is about Emperor Wuhou being beheaded.

Among the four warlords, the other three warlords went to the military headquarters together to find the military giants, hoping that the military giants would order the assassins who attacked and killed Emperor Wuhou
However, the military giant did not agree, but handed over the matter to the Zhenfu Division.

Let the Zhenfu Division handle this matter.

Now several giants of Zhenfu Division are discussing this matter.

It is estimated that no good results will be discussed.

As for the other thing, [Tianya Pavilion] The Deputy Pavilion Master of the South Pavilion invited Yue to appear, a woman who made even women look amazing.

"No matter how you look at it, the capital has a sense of turmoil. I don't know if there is something going on."

Now this kind of change in the capital.

Murong Qingchen felt that something big was going to happen.

And it shouldn't be too long.

"What the hell is going on, the Tianjiansi didn't even notice."

When talking about this, Murong Qingchen's complexion changed, maybe it wasn't that Tian Jiansi didn't notice it, maybe it was just that she, the director, didn't know.

Although she secretly asked people from the [Blue Dragon Association] to kill the deputy head, Lan Jiaocheng.

But within a few days, Ling Cheng, the chief eunuch of the three major eunuchs in the palace, took the imperial edict and became the deputy supervisor of the Tianjian Division, in charge of the most powerful guard of the Tianjian Division.

And it was only the first time to come to Tianjiansi, and then he didn't come to Tianjiansi again.

This matter let Murong Qingchen know.

It was Emperor Zhou's intention for Shenwei not to let her move.

Everything Murong Qingchen did earlier became futile in an instant.

"What exactly does the emperor want to do?"

Murong Qingchen asked herself in her heart.

"Maybe I can go and meet Bai Choufei, maybe he knows something?" Murong Qingchen thought in his heart.

Jinling City

Su Chen, who was going to leave for the capital, did not leave Jinling for the capital.

Because Liu Shengdan Ma Shouzheng came to Jinling from the capital with the head of Emperor Wuhou.

Prepare to go to the black market and offer a reward for Emperor Wuhou's head.

The amount involved was too much, and Su Chen was afraid of accidents, so he stayed in Jinling.

Moreover, there are too many changes in the capital, especially the death of Emperor Wuhou, and the three major warlords in the capital are besieging and killing some warriors.

Let Su Chen have no plans to go to the capital for a while.

Although he has a Yan fanatic experience card.

There are also masters around, but Emperor Wuhou died, and Yan Shisan was obviously involved. If he goes to the capital now, he will definitely attract attention.

So Su Chen decided not to go to the capital for the time being.

He now has a new goal, which is 【Elysium Palace】.

[The Palace of Bliss] is not simple, and it may have something to do with Dugu Weiwei, so he wanted to investigate the Palace of Bliss secretly in Jinling.

By the way, take away the reward offered by Emperor Wuhou from the black market.

[Tianya Pavilion] and [Qinglonghui] are somewhat weak in the capital, so Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng were sent to the capital by Su Chen.

Because Hua Liyue sent news.

When the Xiemeng attacked and killed the emperor teacher this time, they took out the 【Luo Shenzhu】

According to Yuan Suiyun's investigation on 【Luo Shenzhu】
[Luo Shenzhu] If it is integrated into the body, it can help the warrior to condense the second kind of spirit

The strong ones in the sea gather one kind of god. If there are two kinds of gods, then there will be conflicts between these two gods, and the conflict will cause the gods to dissipate.

[Luo Shenzhu] With such an ability, even the strong in the sea can dream of it.

Therefore, the strength of [Tianya Pavilion] and [Blue Dragon Club] in the capital must be strengthened,

standing by the window
Su Chen took a look and got 2 orange lottery cards in his mind.

These two orange lottery cards were obtained from some ancient books that Zhuang Xuanji found for Su Chen.

Take it away.

[Congratulations on getting the character Tie Zhongtang, congratulations on getting Tie Zhongtang's exclusive weapon, Iron Blood Banner. 】

(End of this chapter)

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