The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 614 Calculating with each other, 【Elysium Palace】Earth disabled old man

Chapter 614 Calculating with each other, 【Elysium Palace】Earth disabled old man
in a courtyard

Wei Zhuang was standing in the hall, and Zhao Xiaodie stepped in.

"I have seen the leader."

Zhao Xiaodie bowed and said.

She has already joined Wei Zhuang's command, so instead of calling Wei Zhuang the head of the seven dragons, she calls Wei Zhuang the leader.

"How are things going?"

Wei Zhuang said.

"She met a woman in black, and our people followed the woman in black and lost her."

When Zhao Xiaodie was speaking, she took out a map of Jinling City from her pocket.

"This is where the black-veiled woman disappeared!"

Especially now that the capital is turbulent.

"The subordinates sorted it out overnight!"

next day
early morning
Tie Zhongtang came to Su Chen's place.

Holding a gun-shaped weapon wrapped in a blood-colored long flag in his hand, the tip of the gun is blood-colored and emits a cold light, which makes people look bloodthirsty.

"We shouldn't need any weapons on the way there, Vice Pavilion Master Tie, your iron-blooded flag, now let me save it for you for the time being!"

another place

After saying that, he bowed and exited the courtyard

He is going to the capital
In the eyes, the light surged.

The beauty in palace costume said in a cold voice.

Where he comes from, it is not a problem at all to solve the moisture in the palace.

"The Lord of the Palace of Bliss is in Qinhu, and Zhao Xiaodie and the others are making furnaces for the son of the Lord of the Palace of Bliss, and they are planning to surround and kill you!"

Tie Zhongtang handed over the iron and blood banner to Su Chen.

"In addition to Tie Zhongtang, there are also the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi. They can fight together with Haizhong Ningshen, and they can help Weizhuang for the time being!"

In the previous life, Yedi, people who will be familiar with in the future, can have news in this world, and belong to the same camp, and the world is magnificent.

Su Chen was a little surprised.

"Everything is planned as usual. Our goal is not to kill many people, but to find the cash of [Elysium Palace]."

Ye Gucheng, Ximen Chuuxue, has left Jinling, headed for the capital,

"This is unlikely. When this subordinate was selected as a candidate for the honored lady of [Elysium Palace], he was brought into [Elysium Palace]. It was the rainy season at that time. If it was on the small island, there should be moisture, but that There is no moisture in the palace."

Thought of here
Su Chen found that Wei Zhuang's own strength, as well as his masters, were somewhat lacking.

Su Chen said.

Although he asked Zhao Xiaodie to sort out Qin Hu's information.

The woman in black veil quickly withdrew,

Then something seemed to come to mind.

"It seems that Zhao Xiaodie exchanged her pure yin and true qi for [Blue Dragon Society]'s attack."

"My lord, don't worry, I will leave for the capital after my subordinates have dealt with it. According to the strength of my subordinates, I will be able to reach the capital within a few days."

Su Chen put the Iron Blood Banner into the storage ring.

"The point is to investigate this place?"

Wei Zhuang looked at Zhao Xiaodie's finger: "Is there anything special around this area?"

"My subordinate understands!"

But he wanted to visit Qinhu personally at night.

Wei Zhuang is different from Zhao Xiaodie.

Su Chen briefly explained what happened last night.

Qin Lake
In a pavilion.

The woman in black gauze appeared in front of a beauty in palace attire.

"My lord, you suspect that [Elysium Palace] is on the island."

A group of people left the building ship.

"[Azure Dragon Club] is not easy, the four of them may not be able to kill each other, let the disabled old man do it together, and must bring back the batch of cash."

Zhao Xiaodie said.

That's why Tie Zhongtang couldn't show himself face-to-face yet, and also appeared with Su Chen, who is the head of the young dragon of the [Blue Dragon Society].

Need help to report.

At this time, Wei Zhuang's eyes were on the small island in Qinhu Lake.

in a while

Let Tie Zhongtang have the mentality of stepping into the capital and fighting against the strong in the Jianghu world.

The only strong man beside him at this moment is Tie Zhongtang who is going to the capital tomorrow.

For the time being, [Blue Dragon Club] doesn't want to have anything to do with [Tianya Pavilion] on the surface.

The figure disappeared into the darkness.

"A lot of things you can't think of can be done!"

This time Tie Zhongtang went to the capital, and he would definitely become a famous powerhouse in the world, and his weapons must also be a highlight.

"Give me a detailed information about the situation on this small island in Qinhu Lake."

at this time
in the attic

"Before you leave, you may need to help with one thing. You need to go with me to Weizhuang. He needs some help."

Although Zhao Xiaodie didn't quite believe it in her heart, she saw that the leader was very confident, so she had to sort out the news about Qinhu Island as soon as possible.

Tie Zhongtang's iron and blood banner is a remarkable symbol.

Wei Zhuang in the hall, after a moment of contemplation.

Some things are arranged and planned, he does not know.

The veiled woman reported.

"The pure yin energy on them is prepared for my son. Since the pure yin energy on Zhao Xiaodie's [Jiuyin Tianchan Kungfu] is gone, there is no need to keep her, together with the [Qinglong] The killer who will come will be dealt with together.”

"Do you want Tie Zhongtang to do it!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"Yes, Zhao Xiaodie, the disciple of the Jade Bone Demon Fairy, invited the killer from [Qinglong Society]. According to observation, the pure yin energy of [Nine Yin Heavenly Cicada Skill] on Zhao Xiaodie's body disappeared, so it should be Zhao Xiaodie who will [ The pure yin zhenqi of the Nine Yin Tian Chan Gong] was given to the young dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Association]."

Hearing this, the beauty in palace costume frowned slightly.

Tie Zhongtang said.

With a movement of his figure, he turned into an afterimage and swept towards a place. The place he went to was exactly the Qin Hu mentioned earlier.

The black veil woman continued.

"My subordinate understands!"

The woman in black veil waved her hand.

"After Liu Sheng Danma Shou came to Jinling, let him stay in Jiangnan to help Wei Zhuang."

She pointed to a place on the map.

"Excuse me, Deputy Pavilion Master Tie, we will leave later!"

[Elysium Palace] is a golden cave, and they want to get the other party's cash here.

"This place is where wealthy businessmen gather in Jinling City, and it is also close to the largest lake in Jinling City, Qinhu Lake!"

Wei Zhuang said.

Zhao Xiaodie is already under Wei Zhuang's command, and Wei Zhuang will take care of the [Elysium Palace] affairs.

"The disabled old man, he is the strong man in the sea in the Palace of Bliss. As far as I remember, he has fought twice. The first time he was in charge of the third party in the black market. Although we don't know the outcome of that battle, since then, [Bliss Gong] has reached a cooperation with the black market."

After receiving Su Chen's reply, Wei Zhuang bowed and withdrew.

Zhao Xiaodie replied.

He looked at Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang appeared in Su Chen's room

"[Blue Dragon Society]? We have no grudge against them, how could they attack us?"

Originally, he wanted to deal with the opponent slowly, but from the opponent's mouth, he could know that the person dispatched by the opponent was not easy.

Tie Zhongtang came here to say goodbye to Su Chen.

Wei Zhuang came here this time because he felt that things were difficult and asked him for support.

His current strength is no match for this person.

Then he gave Tie Zhongtang a black cloak and mask.

"My lord, we have found out clearly that the one who killed the Jade Bone Demon Girl was the killer of the [Blue Dragon Society], and that batch of cash should be in the hands of [Blue Dragon Society] people."

Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The second time the Yuan Palace in the south of the Yangtze River robbed us of a batch of goods, and it was the disabled old man who brought them back from the Yuan Palace!"

Zhao Xiaodie told Wei Zhuang the news about the disabled old man.

There is also surprise in the eyes.

Unexpectedly, the handicapped old man sent by [Elysium Palace] came to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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