The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 615 Ferocious Wei Zhuang, 1 Blade Broken Throat, Stepping Sword

Chapter 615 Ferocious Wei Zhuang
"Boss, are we still going to see each other?"

Zhao Xiaodie couldn't help asking.

Wei Zhuang's strength.

Although she doesn't know Wei Zhuang's true strength, she can feel that Wei Zhuang's strength is not as high as the concentration in the sea.

And she also knew that Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue had left Jinling and were not by Su Chen's side.

There should be nothing else here
"The plan remains the same, there is no need to change."

"You inform the other party that this time we will meet outside the city, in the ruins of the palace on Xipo.

"You don't have to go there!"

After speaking, Wei Zhuang turned and left.

Zhao Xiaodie is still in the period of observation, and it is not yet time to fully believe her.

Three figures rushed out of the palace together with Wei Zhuang's figure.

Wei Zhuang left, but the voice rang in Zhao Xiaodie's ear.

He didn't need to dodge at all, just kill him directly.

Did he think that these four people were all Dantian Huahai Realm?
Wei Zhuang's figure moved, and his footsteps suddenly exerted force, appearing in front of a person, and the shark's teeth were cut out in an instant.

The long sword in his hand was slashed out with a violent sword aura, emitting a bright sword light, and slashed towards the two of them.

Wei Zhuang turned his palm and grabbed the letter in his hand with a burst of vigor.

blocked Wei Zhuang's backhand attack,

Wei Zhuang shot with all his strength.

The person who shot, Wei Zhuang, rushed out of the palace with a flash.

"Give me that person's information!" A deep voice rang in her ear.

Capture the moment of the letter.

The woman felt that she was swept by a chill, took out a letter from her arms, and immediately handed it to Wei Zhuang.

Swish swish!
Three swift and fierce figures rushed into the palace like wild laughter.

But Wei Zhuang's figure disappeared in the thick smoke.

Hidden weapon

It's just that the damage was too severe and it gradually became a wasteland.

His eyes were cold, and the shark teeth in his hands were cut out instantly, at a very fast speed.

"Sword Qi vertical and horizontal! Fists crown all directions"

Slowly prop up your body with your arms, sit cross-legged on the side and start healing.


Before the person who rushed out could react, a sword light appeared at the throat,

The two people who had just been knocked back by a sword hadn't stabilized yet.

The saber energy was vertical and horizontal, fierce, and he didn't hold back at all.

The four of them have cooperated for many years.

"Send you on your way!"

As the light of the knife fell, a figure appeared.

The body was unwilling to fall to the ground.

one punch

Wei Zhuang's sword made him lose his fighting power.

The man who punched earlier, seeing this, punched out, and the terrifying vigor exploded out of his fist.

But Wei Zhuang seemed to have known that his move would be blocked.

Because there is no one in the hall.

The knife flashed.

This person's strength is only the nine difficulties of heaven and man, how can he not die.

A terrifying sword energy erupted from the shark's teeth, slashing at the opponent's body.

The tone is sure, people he will bring back.

The footsteps moved again, turned into an afterimage, and appeared in front of the man with the erupting light in his hand.

"I will bring some people back and hand them over to you when the time comes, other cash places in [Elysium Palace] must be asked as soon as possible!"

The shark's teeth in his hand turned into a violent sword light, which instantly swept towards the three of them.

A sneer came from the corner of the mouth of the person in front of him.

The woman said in a deep voice when she saw Wei Zhuang coming out of the darkness.


Step into the palace.

across all directions.

The backhand just now was to find an opportunity for himself to kill this person.

Following the sound, Wei Zhuang's figure came out from the darkness.

His figure moved suddenly, turned into an afterimage, and passed in front of the woman.

There is only one dantian Huahai left, and one celestial being with nine difficulties.

"That's not what you should ask!"

Wei Zhuang blocked the opponent's blow and shot out violently.

He didn't care at all about the woman whose head fell on the ground.

The beheaded man was cut flying by a sword, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The three forces collided.

A figure appeared in front of the dilapidated palace, it was the person who met Zhao Xiaodie last night.

Seeing that the brother was injured, the other three were furious and rushed out immediately.

"Hundred-step Flying Sword" is the supreme sword of swordsmanship in Guigu Zongheng Sword Art.

Wei Zhuang sternly said, and the shark teeth in his hand shot out again in an instant.

They want to kill Wei Zhuang.

But he didn't expect Wei Zhuang to fight back.

The ground exploded instantly, and the true energy billowed, forming a puff of thick smoke.

Hundred Steps Flying Sword
instant shot,

The sword energy soared, and a sword slashed out, and a terrifying red sword light erupted from the shark's teeth in Wei Zhuang's hand.Face each other head-on.

Outside Jinling City.

The figure walked towards the palace.

Wei Zhuang's voice was cold.

When Wei Zhuang was moving, four people appeared and the other three shot instantly, one with a knife, one with a punch, and one with several scarlet tail needles, turning into a violent light and sweeping towards Wei Zhuang.

"[Qinglonghui], you guys are really brave, you even shot at me [Bliss Palace], tell us where the cash is, and we will leave you a whole body!"

After this figure appeared.

These four people exuded terrifying evil and bloody aura from their bodies, and they were staring at Wei Zhuang with vicious eyes.

Appeared behind the man who burst into flames.

It's not the same as he imagined.



The moment he stepped back.

Flame-like vigor exploded on his fist, attacking the shark teeth in Wei Zhuang's hand.

The leader looked at Wei Zhuang and said with a sinister smile.


Suddenly, the figure quickly backed away.


And the person who was killed wanted to get up, but the moment he got up, a burst of energy exploded in his body, spurting out a mouthful of blood again.

"I'm going to die!"

Everyone thought that Wei Zhuang was on the run.

It would not give Wei Zhuang a chance to make a solo kill.

There was no sign of Zhao Xiaodie.

The woman's head flew up instantly and fell to the ground, her eyes remained unchanged.

On the ground, gravel is flying.

"Your Mightiness?"

Wei Zhuang looked calm and looked at the four of them calmly.Only one of the four people is Dantian Huahai, and the others are nine difficulties between heaven and man.

But this time, Wei Zhuang's figure did not move, and all the energy in his body exploded.

But Wei Zhuang stopped suddenly, turned around, and burst out at the same time.

Just now Wei Zhuang shot too fast, causing the opponent to die without even noticing.

On the west slope, there is a dilapidated palace site. It is rumored that this palace is the site of a prince from the previous dynasty.

"court death!"

The true energy was raging, and the two who made the attack retreated violently, while Wei Zhuang's figure only moved slightly.

If he had thought about living in Liuweizhuang before and found that batch of cash, but now there will be no more.

A violent knife light suddenly appeared and fell above the ground where it was before.

The sword qi is violent and fierce, and the fist is fierce.

The two people who rushed to the front shot instantly, the strength of their fists collided with Wei Zhuang's sword energy.

The person holding a long knife beside him was full of saber aura, and when he slashed out, the terrifying saber aura was like a galaxy, and he cut out instantly.

must die first.

He saw a terrifying sword light sweeping towards him.


At this time, a wave of air appeared in the air, like a scroll unfolding, forming ripples, blocking Wei Zhuang's violent sword,

Wei Zhuang's figure was also shaken back a few steps by this wave of air.

(End of this chapter)

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