The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 619 Ximen Chuuxue, the Concentrated Powerhouse, Sword Sacrifice

Chapter 619 Ximen Chuuxue, the Concentrated Powerhouse, Sword Sacrifice
There was a vigor in Song Lunhui's body, resisting the pressure of the coming people.

As for Yan Shisan's eyelids moved slightly, he continued to stand with his sword in his arms,

Walking forward step by step over there, Fu Hongxue still walked towards this side at a slow pace, as if he didn't see the three people in front of him.

"Birth and death have nothing to do with us, it's useless for you to come to us!"

Song Lunhui said coldly in his eyes.

"Yan Shisan, tell me!"

Sheng Wumo looked at Yan Shisan.

Yan Shisan turned a deaf ear, as if he didn't hear what the other party said.

"Are you not answering my words?"

There was scarlet in Sheng Wumo's eyes.

Ximen Chuuxue didn't move, and whispered in his mouth.

He believed that in this world, there was absolutely no killer organization as terrifying.

Under the sword light.

The color of the entire dense forest changed instantly, and a mighty, cold river of sword energy appeared.

When a sword split the devil's claws.

But when these two people appeared, he believed Yan Shisan's words in his heart.

sacrificial sword,

Fu Hongxue also passed by him, and then leaned against a big tree without raising his eyes.

I have a wish in my heart,

Wearing a pearl crown with a sandalwood seat, the white clothes on his body are like snow.Holding a long sword in his hand.

"I kill!"

[Blue Dragon Club] There are really ten sword masters.

He put the drawn long sword into the scabbard.

Although he has confidence in his own strength, there are five strong men in the sea here.

a blood spurt
With the spurt of fresh blood, a body fell down, it was Shengwumo who had just disappeared into shape,

When Shengwumo came up, he used his own power.

The long sword is pitch-black, with a stern face and withdrawn nature. There is a ruthless and eternal loneliness in his body. That kind of loneliness is the loneliness of the soul,

Ximen Chuuxue's sword fell to nothing,

So he didn't take Yan Shisan seriously at all.

Then the three stood together.

Yan Shisan, before he came, of course he knew the other party, he had killed a Jin Feihong who had just stepped into the sea and concentrated his attention.

Blood flowed gurglingly.

No more shots.

To live without a demon is to die,

heading for a kill


"Two powerful sword masters!"

[Between Life and Death] The strongest person is regarded as someone who can be manipulated at will, which makes it impossible for him to hide his killing intent.

Ten masters of swordsmanship in the sea.

"Shadow disappears!"

The blow was unsuccessful, the opponent turned around, the palm was drawn out, and the five qi energies flew out into the air

Concentrating on the blood of the strong in the sea, sacrificial to the sword.


In the last world, his swordsmanship was lonely, and he lived his entire life, but in this world, his swordsmanship may only be just beginning.

Sheng Wumo watched as Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxuedao approached,

With a movement of the figure, the whole person turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

One person, with a pale face, black hair, and a pair of eyes like two cold stars.

In addition, when dealing with Emperor Wuhou, behead the severely injured Emperor Wuhou.

He underestimated the fact that there is no magic in this life, his eyes changed, and his mind became silent. He wanted to sense the other party's position.

Five sword lights were cut open.

Ximen Chuuxue's eyes were calm, and his words revealed a sense of coldness.

imagine some horror

Song Samsara rejoiced in his heart.

They are all top kendo experts.

While I was surprised in my heart, I still didn't believe it.

At this moment, that Shengwumo showed a cold killing intent on his gloomy face.

The momentum on his body was concentrated, and a black figure appeared behind him, with a terrifying devilish aura on the figure.

Song Lunhui's eyes flashed at the side.

He didn't take Yan Shisan seriously, and he didn't expect Yan Shisan to turn his back on him.

So he wanted to suppress Ximen Chuuxue immediately.

There was also a coldness in the previously flat eyes.

Sheng Wumo's pupils shrank suddenly.

palm out.

A sword cut out.

Along the way, he learned about the world.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to find Song Samsara and Yan Shisan like this.

Killing intent filled the eyes, and a ferocious look flashed across them.

Ye Gucheng looked at Ximen Chuixue and said.

his eyes lit up

Moss flew up above the ground, and a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

The other person, also dressed in white, stood upright with a long sword in his hand.

Others, there is no record of concentrating in the sea.

A huge bloodstain on the chest.

Then a white sword light appeared from his hand, the sword light was bright, and it directly split the paw print that fell down.

"Who are you?"

"These two!"

Song Samsara suddenly flinched.

Moreover, Yan Shisan was not the main force in the battle against Emperor Wuhou at that time.

The devilish energy condensed in his palm, forming huge paw prints, heading towards Ximen Chuuxue,

With a low drink in his mouth, his figure disappeared like a ghost at this moment.

Perceive this sword.

He dared to come to Song Samsara.

Ten Great Sword Masters.

His eyes looked towards one place.

The figure appeared in Yan Shisan's hand, and the long sword was slashed out.

Raise your hand.

"Fortunately, it's a friend, not an enemy!"

He didn't care about the battle between Ximen Chuuxue and [Between Life and Death] Shengwumo.

Suddenly, it hit the ground with a huge force.

Suppressing Ximen Chuuxue, he turned around and fled immediately. He believed in his speed, and these people couldn't catch up with him.

As for observing the battle, each of them has their own understanding of the way of the sword, and they don't need to understand others, just temper their own heart of the way of the sword.


A sword opens the gate of heaven.

Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng will attract more attention.

The pace is very slow, and the breath on the body is ethereal, like a king, but also like a fairy in the sky.

In an instant, he slapped out a palm, and the terrifying energy gathered in his palm, like a magic mountain, smashing towards Yan Shisan fiercely.

Ye Gucheng nodded towards Fu Hongxue and Yan Shisan,

As he spoke, his expression moved slightly.

"Don't fight back? Do you think I won't kill you if you don't fight back?"

Because of the final result.

Kill him.

Looking at this sword, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"You kill, or I kill!"

Two figures walked towards this side.

"Brother Fu, Brother Yan."

With a flash, Ximen Chuuxue appeared violently in front of Na Shengwumo, and the long sword in his hand fell down again.

The center of the brow cracked.

Yan Shisan's eyes turned cold

Sheng Wumo's complexion changed.

Of course when he talks

sword in hand
An aura appeared on his body, an aura of incomparable loneliness, lonely, ruthless, blending into the long sword.

"Divine power, Heavenly Demon Cleave Claw!"

He only deserves to die.

Compared to Yan Shisan.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He has heard of Tianmen.

That is confidence in one's own strength.

Just now, Yan Shisan told him that the [Blue Dragon Club] would come with two sword masters.

Sheng Wumo's figure moved, and he flew out in a blink of an eye.

Looking closely at the place where the long sword fell,

On the way to the capital, I can enter the same temple with Yan Shisan, and help Yan Shisan when he doesn't need it.

"The Devil's Hand of Life and Death!"

This person is the first time he has drawn his sword in this world.

Just now, Ximen Chuuxue slashed his energy and energy with a sword.

Looking at the corpse of Shengwumo on the ground.

Song Samsara couldn't help but sigh.

"Life is really bad, come to us at this time!"

He could only think so in his heart.
Recently, the child has a severe flu, and the update time is unstable, sorry
(End of this chapter)

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