The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 620 [Heaven and Earth Ghost Slash] Miao Wanli, [Killing Without Taboo] Lu Wuji

Chapter 620 [Heaven and Earth Ghost Slash] Miao Wanli, [Killing Without Taboo] Lu Wuji

Thunder and lightning flashed over the capital, and for a while, heavy rain fell.


In a quiet courtyard, in a side house,

Qin Juyuan stood by the window with his hands up and down, watching the rapid raindrops under the eaves.

The left arm that was cut off by Jing Wuming before was not empty, as if it had been connected by something.

There is a dark golden light in the palm, which should be a mechanical arm.

"You mean [Tianya Pavilion] Tie Zhongtang, deputy head of the North Pavilion, came to the capital?"

Qin Juyuan looked at the room where the Heavenly Holy Hall was standing respectfully.

"When the subordinates got such news, they came to report to the general manager. The source of the specific news is not very clear to the subordinates."

The main road of the Holy Church.

"Pay attention to Bai Choufei of [Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower]. He is from the North Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion]. If the deputy head of the North Pavilion comes, Bai Choufei should move. If he makes any movement, come and report to me immediately. "

Qin Juyuan said in a cold voice.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!" After saying that, the Master of Tiansheng Hall left the room.

Qin Juyuan returned to the middle of the room.

inside the house.

The young man in a blue robe was drinking the strong wine in his glass.

"Do you still want to do it?"

Old Qing put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Qin Juyuan who turned around and sat opposite him, and said.

"I just want to try this Tie Zhongtang's strength and find out his details!"

Qin Juyuan's tone was flat.

"Why don't you let Kuxingtuo take action?"

The old man said softly.

"I don't need Ku Toutuo for the time being, I still have two people to move."

Qin Juyuan said.

"You have already lost one person. If something happens to these two people again, you may not be able to explain to the owner of the garden."

The old man in green robe frowned and said.

"Only use one person to probe Tie Zhongtang's bottom line. If Tie Zhongtang is killed by accident, the momentum established by [Tianya Pavilion] in the capital will collapse, and I can avenge myself."

Qin Juyuan said.

"It seems that I can't persuade you anymore, so follow your thinking, but recently many killer forces have gathered in the capital, maybe we can do both, and if we want to do it, we will kill with one blow."

General Qing drank the alcohol in his hand, and said coldly.

"[Tianya Pavilion] is not easy to be famous nowadays, and some killer forces may not accept it. If you want to hire someone, you may need to find a lone killer, but these people's whereabouts are secretive and hard to find!"

Qin Juyuan said in a deep voice.

"I know the whereabouts of [Heaven and Earth Ghost Slash] Miao Wanli and [Sha Wu Taboo] Lu Wuji!"

"These two survived in the hands of the [Tianjian Division] and disappeared. These years [Tianjian Division] has changed, and they have come out again. As long as you contact them and cooperate with your medicine man, you said that this Tie Zhongtang Can you still live?"

Qinglao put down his glass and said.

Hearing Qing Lao's words, Qin Juyuan was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect Qing Lao to find the whereabouts of these two people.

These two were two killers who were very active during the Zhou Emperor period.It was only later that he was hunted down by [Tian Jian Si] and disappeared.

Did not expect to appear again now.

"It will take a lot of money to ask them to take action."

"There is no price, just give them the quota of [Zhenwuyuan] elders. As the chief steward of [Zhenwuyuan], you have this right."

The old man said.

"The number of elders, it seems that they are hiding from fear?"

"Okay, tell them, join hands to kill Tie Zhongtang, they are the elders of my [Zhenwuyuan]."

Qin Juyuan said.

Tie Zhongtang is the deputy head of the North Pavilion of [Tianya Pavilion], it is not impossible to kill him and become the elder of [Zhenwuyuan].

"They can attack at any time, as long as there is news of Tie Zhongtang, I suggest killing the other party outside the gate of the capital city."

The old man said.

"Wait for news from the Lord of the Heavenly Church."

"Old Qing, is there anyone in the south of the Yangtze River who is going to receive the reward from Emperor Wuhou?"

Qin Juyuan then asked

Qin Juyuan was still a little curious about the profiteers.

"It hasn't appeared yet. With so many people staring at him now, I guess he won't immediately take out the head of Emperor Wuhou to claim the reward!"

"For this cash, I advise you not to think about it. It is not easy to snatch the head of Emperor Wuhou from the hands of three powerful men in the sea!"

The old man said.

"I know that the other party is not simple, but now there is a bottleneck in the development of [Zhenwuyuan], and resources are needed. If there is no cash, there will be no resources. It is an exciting wealth that can alleviate the bottleneck of our [Zhenwuyuan] development. .”

"If I'm not the chief manager of [Zhenwuyuan], I don't need to worry about it."

Qin Juyuan said with a sigh,

[Zhenwuyuan] The owner of the [Zhenwuyuan] is not in [Zhenwuyuan], [Zhenwuyuan], big and small, are all managed by Qin Juyuan, the general manager.

Of course, the powerhouses in the sea in [Zhenwuyuan] are not bound by him.

"I will let people pay attention to the movements of Jinling City!"

Hearing this, Qing Lao nodded and said.

Then the two continued to drink.

half a day later

The rain stopped
The Master of Tiansheng Hall rushed to Qin Juyuan.

"Boss, Bai Choufei and Nalan Rongyan of the Golden Wind and Drizzle Tower are heading towards the gate of the East City in a carriage. They should be picking up someone. My subordinates guess that they are going to pick up Tie Zhongtang, the deputy head of the North Pavilion. .”

The main road of the Holy Church.

"Is it coming so soon?"

Hearing the words of the Heavenly Saint Hall Master, Qin Juyuan frowned slightly, and looked at the old man beside him.

"You go down first!"

Young and old waved their hands.

The Lord of Heaven bowed and exited the room.

"I'll tell those two people to make a move. You go to see the medicine man. When we're done, we'll meet up in Dongcheng!"

"Look at this [Tianya Pavilion] North Pavilion Deputy Pavilion Master, I hope you won't let us down."

After the Heavenly Holy Hall Master left, the elder Qing said.

The Tie Zhongtang he was afraid of coming was of mediocre strength.

In this case, there will be a little more people making moves.

Qin Juyuan nodded

The two then left,

at this time
in a secret room

Cai Jing came to Emperor Wuhou.

"I just got the news that Tie Zhongtang went to the capital today, and Bai Choufei and Nalan Rongyan went to the east city to meet each other!"

"Do you want to go out and see this person!"

Cai Jingdao.

"This person is related to our cooperation with [Tianya Pavilion] North Pavilion, so I naturally want to take a look!"

Emperor Wuhou said.

East City.

On a street leading to the gate of the city.

A carriage is moving forward.

Bai Choufei and Nalan Rongyan were sitting in the carriage.

"Before we released a little news that Vice Pavilion Master Tie came to the capital in person. Now that we are out of the city today, many people are already staring at us. I am afraid that someone will attack Vice Pavilion Master Tie today."

Nalan Rongyan said.

"The Vice Pavilion Master Tie will let the people in the capital get to know our Bei Pavilion again."

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

When he knew that Tie Zhongtang was coming, he contacted Tie Zhongtang.

Tianya Pavilion.

Although the appearance of Yaoyue showed a certain momentum, it did not deter many people.

After all [Zhenwuyuan] Qin Juyuan's arm was cut off by Jing Wuming's sneak attack.

Yaoyue's strength has not been fully demonstrated.

So in order to increase the momentum of [Tianya Pavilion].

Tie Zhongtang decided to head to the capital.

Just to let people know that he came to the capital.

If there is a move against him, then beheaded to deter the strong in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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