The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 807 Jun Mo's Chapter Jue, Holy Sword Lake Opens

Who is Emperor Zhou, who suppressed the entire Great Zhou Dynasty in one era.

How could such a person be plotted against first, and then fail to break through and be severely injured.

This made Su Chen puzzled.

He wanted to find out from Murong Qingchen, to see if he could get any clues.

At this time, another place.

Fang Huaiyuan and Qian Junmo are drinking.

"Tomorrow the Holy Sword Lake will open, and I will help Brother Qianjun stop Lan Yuehou's men."

"When the time comes, Brother Qianjun help me block the people from the Superintendent of Heaven, so that I can get the [Sword of Heaven] smoothly."

Fang Huaiyuan looked at Qianjun and said silently.

"Brother Fang, I have received news that the person who attacked you this time may be one of the four chief envoys in the south of the Yangtze River."

"The strength of the four chief envoys in the south of the Yangtze River is extraordinary, and my people may not be able to stop them."

Qian Junmo put down his glass and looked at Fang Huaiyuan.

Previously, he was thinking of building up a relationship with Fang Huaiyuan, so that he could have something to do with [Eternal Life Society] after returning to Tianmen.

But since the [Blue Dragon Club] showed stronger strength, Qian Junmo has some doubts.

Because Fang Huaiyuan offended Su Chen.

Based on the practice of [Blue Dragon Club], Su Chen probably won't let Fang Huaiyuan go.

Now that he helped Fang Huaiyuan, the gain would outweigh the loss.

"Why, Brother Qianjun, are you planning not to cooperate with me?"

Hearing Qian Junmo's words, Fang Huaiyuan's expression turned gloomy.

The tone is also very bad.

"Brother Fang, since you've made it clear, I'll just say it bluntly. The risk of working with you is not directly proportional to the benefit."

"Before, I didn't know that you had a problem with the young dragon head of the [Blue Dragon Association]."

Qian Junmo introduced it casually.

"It seems that Brother Qianjun has made up his mind, so Fang will leave first!"

"Jianxin Tongming Grass, Brother Qianjun, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it."

Fang Huaiyuan stood up, turned and left after speaking.

"Is this threatening me?"

Qian Junmo looked away and Fang Huaiyuan snorted coldly.

"Young master, will this offend Fang Huaiyuan?"

After Fang Huaiyuan left, the middle-aged man standing behind Qian Junmo said.

"It's okay to offend, it's not certain whether he can pass this hurdle?"

Qianjun Momei said without paying attention.

"Young master, there is another bad news. Mu Qingxuan went to Luoyang City two days ago and met a person named Yu Peiyu."

"Now that Mu Qingxuan surrounds Yu Peiyu all day long, it seems that her heart has been captured."

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice,

"Who is that Yu Peiyu?"

Hearing this, Qian Jun asked silently.

"I don't know the specific origin, but the other party's appearance is very attractive to women."

"Many women will sink when they see him."

The middle-aged man said,

He was also envious of Yu Peiyu's face, which woman could not be tempted by seeing it?

"How did this Yu Peiyu sink Mu Qingxuan?"

Qianjun asked silently,

He knew about Mu Qingxuan, but she didn't seem like someone who could sink for others.


The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.


Hearing this news, Qian Junmo couldn't help but startled, he didn't expect this at all.

Looking seriously at the middle-aged man beside him, he said, "You said it was because of Yu Peiyu's appearance that Mu Qingxuan fell in love with her?"

"Indeed, the young master will know the rare handsome man in the world. To be honest, young master, you are incomparable in front of that man's face."

The middle-aged man said with a sigh.

Directly handed down the verdict to Qian Junmo.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Qian Junmo was stunned, this is an unsolvable question.

"However, the subordinates got the news that they followed Mu Qingxuan to Mu Yuanping and Yang Yanlun, planning to kill Yu Peiyu."

The middle-aged man spoke.

"Really? It would be a good thing for me if it could be killed."

"Don't worry about Mu Qingxuan, the [Holy Sword Lake] opens tomorrow, and there may be chaos. You have to find a way. During the chaos, sneak into the depths of the [Holy Sword Lake] sword mound and take a sword with a bright heart. Give the grass back."

Qianjun said silently.

[Sacred Sword Lake] There are three Jianxin Tongmingcao,

[Holy Sword Lake] was opened, and they took out a plant as a reward for the exchange of the younger generation of sword masters.

Qian Junmo has already discovered that he may not be able to get the Jianxin Tongming Grass this time, so he asked the middle-aged man to steal a Jianxin Tongming Grass while he was in chaos.

"So young master, you have such a plan!"

Hearing Qian Junmo's words, the middle-aged man understood Qian Junmo's plan.

After knowing why Qian Junmo rejected Fang Huaiyuan, his mood still did not fluctuate.

This is already thought out.

outside the manor.

on the carriage.

Fang Huaiyuan's face became gloomy,

"This Qian Junmo, unexpectedly, gave up forming an alliance with me at this time."

"Are you really afraid of [Azure Dragon Society]?"

Muttered in the mouth.

"Young master, my subordinates got the news that Mu Qingchen has arrived in Luoyang City, and it should be for you."

The old man beside him spoke.

"Murong Qingchen is nothing to worry about. The main thing is the four chief ambassadors of the south of the Yangtze River. Can you find out who the four chief ambassadors of the south of the Yangtze River are?"

Fang Huaiyuan asked in a deep voice.

"These four people are very mysterious, and it is difficult to find them in a short time,"

The old man shook his head.

"Where is the Lord Yan Luo, arrange for me to meet him, maybe he will be needed in the battle tomorrow."

Fang Huaiyuan said.

Another place.

in a courtyard,

Sima Changhen in a black cloak stood behind Murong Qingchen.

"General Envoy Sima, since Fang Huaiyuan has been found, why didn't you take him down?"

Murong Qingchen asked in a deep voice.

She didn't know until she came to Luoyang City that Sima Changhen had already found out Fang Huaiyuan's whereabouts a few days ago.

"Your Highness, Fang Huaiyuan is a descendant of the Longevity Society. If he dared to appear so blatantly, he should have someone behind him."

"We can't take down the opponent with one blow, and it will be difficult to take down the opponent later."

Sima Changhen said calmly.

"So Chief Envoy Sima has made a perfect plan to win Xia Huaiyuan in one fell swoop."

Murong Qingchen looked at Sima Chang and said with hatred.

"Nothing will change. It can only be said that there is more than [-]% certainty."

Sima Chang said angrily.

"Then I'll wait for General Envoy Sima to make arrangements."

Murong Qingchen nodded.

Murong Qingchen didn't understand Fang Huaiyuan's specific layout, and Sima Changhen didn't explain it to her in detail.

So now she can only wait for Sima Changhen's arrangement.

"Then my subordinates will leave first. Tomorrow [Sacred Sword Lake] will open, which is also when I close the net. My subordinates still need to make some arrangements."

After Sima Changhen saluted, he took his leave and left.

"[Holy Sword Lake] is open, it seems that there will be big changes in [Holy Sword Lake] tomorrow,"

"I'll go see Su Chen first."

After Murong Qingchen pondered for a while, he was going to meet Su Chen,

At this time, a man in black walked in.

"Master, Ling Luoshi, head of the first moon hall of the [Qinglong Club], led people to destroy the [Sky Umbrella Clan]"

The man in black bowed and said,

"[Azure Dragon Society] destroyed the Sky Umbrella Clan of 36 alien races?"

Murong Qingchen's complexion suddenly changed.

The leader of the 36 foreign races is the Lie family.

Such a frontal massacre, 36 alien races will definitely not be reconciled.

"I still can't go to see Su Chen for the time being."

She is the princess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the younger sister of the fourth prince's mother. The Lie family is the mother family of the seventh prince.

At this time, when she went to see Su Chen, things might develop in a bad direction.

36 Foreign races are the foundation of the Lie family
The Qinglong Society touched the roots of the Lie family, in fact, it touched the roots of the Seventh Prince.

If you are not careful, it may cause a war between the princes.

"After the holy sword lake is opened, go to see Su Chen in secret."

Murong Qingchen thought so in his heart.

next day
Holy Sword Lake opens

All the rivers and lakes in Luoyang City headed towards the Holy Sword Lake.

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