Chapter 808 Ren Qianxing Appears, Challenges the Sword Master (Two in One)

Outside of [Holy Sword Lake], it can be said that it is a meeting of wind and clouds.

The younger generation of strong swordsmen in the Jiangnan area were all attracted here.

[Holy Sword Lake] is also opened through the [Holy Sword Lake] once every few years, attracting many young sword masters.

At this moment, outside [Holy Sword Lake], there are quite a few people standing in the dense forest.

[Holy Sword Lake] is activated.

[Holy Sword Lake] will give out a reward for young masters to compete.

The competition was held in a sword arena on [Holy Sword Lake].

The sword platform is surrounded by water.

Those who want to compete for Jianxin Tongmingcao need to go to the sword arena to compete.

Life or death on the sword platform is irrelevant.

You can admit defeat, as long as you leave the sword arena, you are not allowed to make any more moves.

Some spectators arrived early just to watch the competition of the younger generation of sword masters, which was also a prosperous time in the past.

"That's Rong Rui from the Rong family in Tianyuan City. He started practicing swords at the age of three. It is rumored that he has already used sword intent to forge the body of the sword, and his swordsmanship is extraordinary."

Suddenly, one of the crowd spoke.

After this person's voice, everyone looked at one place.

A young man holding a long sword was walking towards the edge of the lake.

As soon as his footsteps moved, his figure was like a dragonfly touching water, walking forward on the lake.

It's just that when he was about to touch the sword platform, he suddenly felt a weight on his upper body, and his body seemed to fall into the lake.

The true energy in his body burst out quickly, he stabilized his figure, and rushed into the sword platform.

But there were beads of sweat falling on his forehead.

The sword stage is not random.

"That's Lan Yuehou's carriage. I didn't expect Lan Yuehou to come to the [Holy Sword Lake] event."

"I heard that Lan Yuehou let go of his words, and wanted to prevent Qian Junmo from winning the Jianxin Tongmingcao."

"Qian Junmo is also here, this event is really more lively than ever."

People on the shore are discussing.

"That's the carriage of Su Chen, the leader of the Azure Dragon Association, and he is also here."

when people are talking.

Su Chen and his carriage came to the [Holy Sword Lake].

"That's the sword arena. If you want to compete for Jianxin Tongmingcao, you have to go to the sword arena to compete."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die on the sword platform."

"[Holy Sword Lake] has recruited many young masters of swordsmanship through this."

Mei Xuanshuang looked at the sword platform in the center of the lake.

"Let's go! The [Holy Sword Lake] battle is not here."

Su Chen glanced at the sword platform and said.

Although Su Chen didn't understand Sima Changhen's plan, but he didn't touch Fang Huaiyuan, which meant that Fang Huaiyuan would do something at [Holy Sword Lake], which would benefit Sima Changhen.

After Su Chen got off the carriage, an elder in sword robe from [Holy Sword Lake] stepped forward and led him into the villa.

Inside the villa, there is a hall.

At the entrance of the main hall, there is a large chair with metallic luster.

Ten seats were placed on both sides of the chair.

Su Chen was led to a high platform.

On the high platform, there are many seats, and the place where the eyes fall is the sword platform.

"Su Shaolong, you can watch the battle here."

The elder who led Su Chen and the others spoke.

Su Chen nodded and found a place to sit down.

Zhuang Xuanji and the others sat behind Su Chen to prevent someone from looking for Su Chen and there was no place to sit.

"Brother Su!"

Not long after Su Chen sat down, Lan Yuehou's figure appeared beside Su Chen.

"If you don't go to the sword arena competition, Qian Junmo wants the sword heart transparent grass."

Su Chen looked at the humans fighting on the sword platform.

"My people are all arranged. Today, not only I will stop him, but Fang Huaiyuan will also stop him."

Lan Yuehou said with a smile on his face.

when they speak.

A group of people came to the viewing platform one after another and sat down.

"Sima Changhen didn't show up."

Su Chen frowned slightly as he watched the figures sitting down one after another.

When thinking in his mind.

Murong Qingchen's figure appeared, wearing a veil and a long white dress, under the breeze, floating with the wind, exuding a beauty.

Murong Qingchen went straight to the left side beside Su Chen and sat down.

Lan Yuehou glanced at Murong Qingchen.

"Brother Su, if you have something to do, I won't disturb you for now."

Lan Yuehou looked at Murong Qingchen who was wearing a veil, with a smile on his face, he turned and left.

"Princess Qingchen, long time no see."

Su Chen greeted Murong Qingchen.

"After [Sacred Sword Lake], let's meet again. You guys have been acting a bit aggressive recently."

Murong Qingchen said softly.

"It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal if all 36 alien races disappear."

"I'm helping the fourth prince, remember to ask the fourth prince to prepare some rewards for me."

Su Chen said softly.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Murong Qingchen was startled under the veil.

"You can't say this, it will cause a fight between the Fourth Prince and the Seventh Prince."

Murong Qingchen said hastily.

"Fight, sooner or later, there is only one throne, if you don't fight, whoever wins the throne."

Su Chen said softly.

"Starting the fight now, wouldn't it be beneficial to the fisherman? Otherwise, the emperor's father has suffered such a long time, and it has also indicated that he will elect a prince to lead the country, but why didn't so many princes stand up first?"

"If you pull it and start it, you might just leave the stage, so no one dares to be reckless."

Murong Qingchen didn't speak, but cautiously transmitted voice.

"The battles in the world have always been based on strength. If you have extremely strong strength, why don't you overthrow the opponent in an instant."

"If the fourth prince needs it, the Lie family and the Liewu King, we [Qinglonghui] can handle it."

"Of course the premise is that the price is right?"

Su Chen replied
"Not needed yet?"

Murong said lightly.

when speaking.

Qian Junmo's figure appeared on the sword platform.

When Qian Junmo appeared, Fang Huaiyuan also rushed into the sword platform.

"Fang Huaiyuan!"

Seeing Fang Huaiyuan appearing on the sword platform, Murong Qingchen's eyes froze.

She came here for Fang Huaiyuan.

"Today's Jianxin Tongming Grass, I, Qian Junmo, asked for it, and everyone can leave the stage!"

Qian Junmo didn't look at Fang Huaiyuan, but spoke.

"Kill him first!"

When Qian Jun was silent, one person spoke.

For a while, many people attacked Qian Junmo.

At this time, five figures appeared on a row of seats at the entrance of the main hall.

Among the five people was Lu Chimu whom he had met before.

Five people sat down on the left.

Four people also appeared one after another on the right, and there was an empty seat next to the main chair.

"On the left is the five elders of [Holy Sword Lake], and the four on the right are the other four elders of [Holy Sword Lake]. There is still a vacant seat, I don't know who it is for!"

Murong Qingchen frowned.

When Murong Qingchen was speaking.

A figure came out from the hall, tall and tall, wearing a purple-gold sword gown, with loose black hair, a handsome face, and endless sword intent on his body, he became the focus of the audience as soon as he appeared, it was [Holy Sword Lake] The sword master Lu Wujian.

However, behind Lu Wujian was a young man with handsome facial features,

The young man's temperament is indifferent, like an abyss and empty valley, his eyes are dark and deep, and there are sword shadows in the deep eyes,

This young man's swordsmanship is not simple,

Lu Wujian sat on the main chair,

And the young man followed him, sitting in the vacant seat on the right.

"Could this person be the next sword master?"

Su Chen's heart moved slightly.

There is no such person in the information of [Holy Sword Lake], and this person is extremely low-key when I think about it.


At this moment on the sword platform.

All the power in Qian Junmo exploded.

The sword energy of the long sword in his hand shot out.

A group of people who were close to Qian Junmo were all shocked by the sword energy and flew out and fell into the lake.

Fang Huaiyuan didn't make a move at the side, but the sword in his hand gave off a faint cold light.

When Lu Wujian came out, after a glance, he no longer paid attention to Lu Wujian, but stared at Qian Junmo.

Qian Junmo's sword practice is very strong.

On the sword stage, except for Fang Huaiyuan who didn't make a move, no one was his enemy.

"Brother Fang, you want to compete with me for the Jianxin Tongmingcao,"

Qian Junmo looked at Fang Huaiyuan.

"I'm standing here because of Jianxin Tongmingcao."

Fang Huaiyuan looked at Qian Junmo and said coldly.

"Then I really want to learn the sword moves of the Longevity Society."

While Qian Junmo was speaking, his figure turned into a phantom in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be a shadow, making it impossible for people to catch his breath for a while.

But then a sharp sword light appeared in front of Fang Huaiyuan like a waterfall.

The sword light appeared, Fang Huaiyuan moved, and in a blink of an eye, the sword light floated out of the range.

But a dazzling sword light turned around and came to him in an instant.

Fang Huaiyuan drew out his sword.

The sword light is also a point, colliding with the attacking sword light.

The sword energy spread around.

The young man sitting beside Lu Wujian said: "Master, Qian Junmo and Fang Huaiyuan have not shown their strength!"

"But how did they match up?"

"It is rumored that Qian Junmo wants the Sword Heart Illumination Grass to make his sword heart clear, but Fang Huaiyuan, although he is also a master of swordsmanship, but the other party already has a sword heart."

"He is deliberately embarrassing Qian Junmo!"

Hearing the young man's words, Lu Wujian said in a deep voice: "There are many things, you can't just look at the surface, this kind of fight can only be said to be a discussion, they are not the focus!"

Lu Wujian did not watch the competition on the sword arena.

but looking into the distance,

The calmness at this moment indicates that the rain is about to come.

The heart of the sword made him feel an impending crisis.

at this time
Outside 【Holy Sword Lake】
In the dense forest, in a cave.

Inside the cave, the lights are bright.

Three figures sat in it.

One was a middle-aged man in a gray robe with a scar on his face.

It made his face look extremely ferocious, and there was a pair of gloves exuding a cold light in the palm, and the fingers were being clenched back and forth, making a crisp sound,

Beside him was a thin, dark-skinned old man in a blue brocade robe.

The old man held two blue beads in his skinny palm.

The beads are constantly turning and emitting blue flames.

Next to the skinny old man is an old man in a green robe

The old man has ordinary facial features, gray temples, and three long beards under his chin. He exudes an invisible saber intent from his body, which is invisible but can be unsheathed at any time.

The three of them just sat there, as if waiting for something.

A figure galloped into the cave.

This figure was the old man who was walking beside Fang Huaiyuan exuding a dead air.

"The young master has an order, you can go out now!"

"Be sure to find a chance for me, so that I can enter the hidden sword building in the sword mound and find the 【Heavenly Sacred Sword Code】"

The angry old man spoke.


The three people in the cave left quickly,

The old man who was filled with lifelessness also left quickly.

after they left,

Two figures came out from the darkness.

It was Sima Changhen and Lin Xiaotian.

"Fang Huaiyuan's people have moved, let's arrange for our people too."

Sima Chang said angrily.


Lin Xiaotian immediately stepped back to make arrangements,

Sima Chang hated watching Lin Xiaotian leave the figure, with some melancholy in his eyes.

In the center of the lake, Qian Junmo and Fang Huaiyuan were still fighting fiercely.

It's just that they didn't explode with all their strength,

"Fang Huaiyuan, you are delaying time, what do you want to do?"

Qian Junmo looked at Fang Huaiyuan with gloomy eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Qian Junmo, you can attack me with all your strength."

Fang Huaiyuan looked at Qianjun and said silently.

Qian Junmo's eyes narrowed.

"One trick determines the outcome, the winner stays, the loser goes."

Qian Junmo looked at Fang Huaiyuan and said.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Fang Huaiyuan froze for a moment, then nodded.

"You don't need to stay on this sword platform."

A deep and cold voice appeared beside the lake.

The sound is not loud, but it is reflected in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Ren Qianxing was walking forward step by step with the sword box on his back.

"Tianya Pavilion, Ren Qianxing, here he is. The sword box on his back belongs to [Holy Sword Lake]. What is he trying to do?"

Some people saw Ren Qianxing with surprise in their eyes.

Ren Qianxing didn't pay attention to these things, and stepped to the lakeside.

The foot kicked the ground.

The body shot violently and rushed directly onto the sword platform.

"Jianxin Tongmingcao, I want it!"

"If you don't leave, then you will stay here with your life."

Ren Qianxing's voice was cold and domineering.

"Vice Pavilion Master Ren's main sword heart is clear and bright grass, so I won't compete with Vice Pavilion Master Ren."

Qian Junmo clasped his fists, and with a flash, he left first.


When the spectators saw this scene, their eyes were startled.

But thinking about Ren Qianxing's record, it's normal for Qian Junmo to leave like this,

"Ren Qianxing, I didn't expect the sword box to be on him, and it really came today!"

The young man beside the sword master watched Ren Qianxingdao appear on the sword platform.

A trace of fighting intent flashed in his eyes.

"This person is very strong, you are not an opponent, don't fight against him."

Seeing Ren Qianxing appearing, Lu Wujian's eyes narrowed, and he transmitted the sound to the people beside him,

The eyes are looking at the sword platform,

At this time, only Fang Huaiyuan was left on the sword platform.

Fang Huaiyuan's eyes flickered.

He didn't expect that Ren Qianxing would come to snatch the Jianxin Tongmingcao.

"Heir of the Immortal Society, I really want to see how strong you are?"

Ren Qianxing's aura erupted, and as he stepped forward, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, with streaks of sword energy in the aura.

The surrounding air was torn apart like porcelain under this sword intent.

Then it moved towards Fang Huaiyuan.

Fang Huaiyuan's expression changed.

The opponent just stimulates the sword energy, and it has such power.

"Changsheng, Tianluo, Eighteen Swords!"

At this moment, Fang Huaiyuan drew out his sword, and the long sword in his hand cut out eighteen swords in an instant.

Eighteen swords slashed out, the sword energy tore through the air, and the violent sword energy gathered together, forming a sword curtain and heading towards Ren Qianxing.

"What a sharp sword energy!"

The people watching the battle let out an exclamation. Fang Huaiyuan fought Qian Junmo just now, but there was no such terrifying sword scene.

The sword qi tore apart and the sword light flickered, making people unable to open their eyes, but the reckless aura of the sword qi made them feel chills in their hearts.


It's just that when the terrifying sword qi fell, it was completely resisted by the real qi erupting from Ren Qianxing's body.

And the falling sword light continued to shatter.


"Smash the sword energy directly with true energy, what a domineering true energy."

See this situation.

Lu Wujian's eyes froze.

"What kind of exercise is this?"

Seeing this scene, many people exclaimed how strong Ren Qianxing was.

Fang Huaiyuan's eyes froze.

He didn't expect his attack to be completely blocked by the opponent, and he turned around and retreated directly.

"Take my sword too."

Ren Qianxing raised his palm, using his arm as a sword, he slashed out,

The thick sword energy penetrated everything and went towards Fang Huaiyuan.

"The sword moves!"

Fang Huaiyuan let out a low cry, the sword energy in his body poured into the long sword, and the long sword burst into a bright light.

The long sword turned out and collided with the sword energy from Ren Qianxing.

With the help of two forces, he landed under the stands in the [Holy Sword Lake] manor.

"If it wasn't for the Young Master's deal with Sima Changhen, I wouldn't let you leave the sword stage alive."

Ren Qianxing thought to himself.

No one on stage reappeared.

Ren Qianxing jumped up and appeared under the viewing platform of Lu Wujian and others.

"Just warming up, Sword Master, I came to [Holy Sword Lake] this time just to see your strength, Sword Master."

Ren Qianxing didn't immediately ask for Jianxin Tongmingcao.

But to challenge the sword master.

"This Ren Qianxing actually wants to challenge the sword master."

Hearing this news, there was an uproar among the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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