The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 860 There is a way to heaven, you don't take it, there is no form, no form, a sword in

Chapter 860 There is a way to heaven, you don't take it, there is no form, no form, a sword in the sleeve.

Seeing the aura erupting from Lian Chengbi, Lu Ming, the leader, showed surprise in his eyes.

"Your strength!"

Just as he was about to speak, Lian Chengbi had already moved.

The whole body turns into an afterimage,

In a blink of an eye, he appeared behind Lu Ming, raised his palms, and shot out suddenly, with extremely fast speed.

The two people who followed Lu Ming were sent flying backwards by a palm before they recovered their senses.


The two spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

One of them wanted to struggle to stand up, but before he could stand up, he fell on the ground without breathing.

As for the other person, he convulsed on the ground and was also seriously injured. If he wasn't treated in time, he might die too.

"There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell, you send it up."

Lian Chengbi looked at Lu Ming with cold eyes.

"It seems that you really killed Liu Musheng."

Lu Ming suspected that Lian Chengbi had killed Liu Musheng, but he was still not sure.

But now it is certain that Lian Chengbi killed Liu Musheng.


"Some people, he can't make up his mind, so he deserves to die."

"For example, it's the same for you who came here today."

"Lu Ming, the deputy head of the Red Sun Palace, it is rumored that you have cultivated the Red Flame Black Flow Kung Fu of the Red Sun Palace to great success, condensing the power of the Red Flame Black Flow, I really want to see it today!"

Lian Chengbi looked at Lu Ming and said in a cold voice.


Lu Ming snorted coldly, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

The other party faced him with a relaxed expression. From this point of view, the other party's strength may have reached the level of concentration in the sea.

"I didn't expect that what I thought was a simple, easy-to-handle thing would become like this."

There was some hatred in his heart.

But in this situation, Lian Chengbi would not let him go, so he had to act.

With one thought in mind.

As he stepped forward, a powerful qi burst out from his body, pressing towards Lian Chengbi faintly with a wave of divine power.

"Lian Chengbi, if you want to see it, I will let you see it."

"Divine power, red flames and black streams."


A black breath spread out behind him.

There is also a hot feeling like coke in this breath, as if it wants to burn everything.

"Red Flame, Black Flow!"

Accompanied by the appearance of the divine power, Lu Ming rushed out, his palms clenched into fists, and the red flames and black streams condensed on the fists.

With one punch, it was like a hot black hole, scorching everything.

Faced with Lu Ming's divine power, Lian Chengbi also had a divine power,

His martial arts practice is mainly based on Xiaoyaohou's martial arts, and the strongest martial arts of Xiaoyaohou is an evil technique that combines Japanese illusion and ninjutsu.

Formless and invisible, let the body mutate.

Of course, after coming to this world, Lian Chengbi discovered that he could perform such martial arts without breaking his own arms.

And he also combined this technique, when he was concentrating in the sea, he created his own aura, which was formless and formless.

Divine power: formless and formless.

However, this kind of aura is not external, it is only aimed at one's own body, which is quite different from the aura that is released externally.

Of course, it also has the breath of divinity.

When the fiery fist hit Lian Chengbi.

Lian Chengbi's body turned into a black figure under Lu Ming's fist, and appeared on the other side in a blink of an eye.


The fist hits the ground.

Bricks and stones danced above the ground.

"What a weird martial art."

Lu Ming's eyes froze when he missed a hit.

Lian Chengbi's move to evade him just now was so weird that he turned into a black shadow without sound.

Looking towards one place.

The figure of Lian Chengbi appeared.

"I want to see how you hide."

"Heiliu, Chidi!"

Lu Ming let out a low cry, and clapped his palms, a burst of black true energy erupted from his palms.

The black air flow carried fiery energy, like a volcanic eruption, and magma spewed out, covering thousands of miles of red ground, and shrouded Lianchengbi.

a time.

The originally moonlit night turned dark and deep.

Lu Ming who made the shot had a grim face, and slapped it fiercely in his hands.

Immediately, the black air burst into the air, and countless air sneered under the fiery black flow.

Seeing the falling attack, Lian Chengbi's eyes narrowed slightly.

He clenches his palm into a fist.

"Tianliu, True Mountain"

The zhenqi surged out of his body, and his fist was also punched out, and a gust of zhenqi gushed out from the fist.

The gushing true energy turned into a giant peak.

The giant peak suspended to resist the falling black current, and faintly emitted a heavy force.

[Blue Dragon Club] and [Tianya Pavilion] subdued a lot of forces, gathered these forces' martial arts, and even Chengbi and the others had the right to read these martial arts.

This is a martial art called Tianliu Zhenshan Kungfu that he has just completed recently.

It is to gasify the mountain and suppress and kill the opponent.

The air is as condensed as a mountain, exuding a coercion, and it is also stronger.

The two forces collided.

Jufeng collided with the black raccoon.

The two forces exploded at the same time.

The raging energy spreads around.

"This is the time!"

A cold light flashed in Lian Chengbi's eyes, and his figure suddenly rushed out, forming a strange black shadow,

The black shadow was extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it appeared in front of Lu Ming
As soon as he appeared, the figure raised his arms, and a long sword appeared in his sleeve.

Lian Chengbi's sword in the sleeve.

Sword out.

It looked like a warm spring breeze, but it was extremely fast, and the sword light disappeared in an instant

In "Xiao Shishilang", someone commented on Xiao Shishilang and Lian Chengbi in this way.

Xiao Shishilang's swordsmanship is like wind, thunder and lightning, while Lian Chengbi's swordsmanship is like a warm moon and spring breeze. The two of them, one strong and the other soft, have reached their peak.

In this world, his sword did not drop for a day,

That Lu Ming failed to suppress Lian Chengbi with one blow, and he was in a state of surprise.

Unexpectedly, Lian Chengbi suddenly made a move with the long sword in his sleeve.

still not responding
Jian Guang pierced his true energy and pierced into his throat.


Lu Ming looked at the sword on his throat and wanted to grab it.

Jian Guang retracted.

Lian Chengbi stepped back.

Lu Ming clutched his neck.

"Why are you so strong? Who are you?"

"For the sake of you being a dead person, it's okay to tell you, the head of the Seven Moon Hall of the [Blue Dragon Club]."

Lian Chengbi glanced at the other party and said in a cold voice.

Hearing Lian Chengbi's words, Lu Ming's eyes were horrified.

He didn't expect that Lian Chengbi would be the head of the [Qinglonghui] July Hall.

"I'm not wronged!"

He wanted to say so.

But he didn't say it, and his body had already fallen to the ground.

There was no breathing in a blink of an eye.

Lian Chengbi came to the injured person who fell on the ground earlier.

This person was deliberately left alive by Lian Chengbi before he made a move.

He really wanted to know how Chi Sun Dian decided that he had killed Liu Musheng.

"Tell me, how do you think that I killed Liu Musheng, maybe I can spare your life, otherwise, I will let you know what life is better than death."

Lian Chengbi's cold voice reached the ear of the panting person.

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of the panting man.

"We don't know that you killed Liu Musheng, but the eldest lady will use the two of you to pay homage to Liu Musheng!"

"Miss is now Murong Xingchen's woman, that's why Vice Palace Master Lu brought us here to arrest you,"

The man gasped.

"Chi Ya'er, the eldest lady of Chisun Palace, is Murong Xingchen's woman, why not?"

Lian Chengbi, who was speaking, raised his palm and landed on the opponent's head.

Head cracked.

That person died a bit grievously. Didn't you just say that you would spare my life?Why are you still breaking my head.

(End of this chapter)

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