The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 861 Murong Xingchen, Eat and Wipe Off, Was Calculated

Chapter 861 Murong Xingchen, Eat and Wipe Off, Was Calculated
Seven Star Hall

The property of Murong's family in Jiangnan.

The head of the Seven Star Hall is Murong Xingchen, the third young master of the Murong family.

As for why it was named Seven Star Hall.

This is also somewhat related to the Seven Star Palace, one of the three palaces in the Jiangnan area.

Murong Xingchen, the third youngest of the Murong family, is famous for liking all kinds of beauties.

Lan Haitang, the lord of the Seven Star Palace.

The well-known beauty in the Jiangnan region was ranked fourth in the last Heavenly Immortal List.

Murong Xingchen had his eye on Lan Haitang, so he built the Seven Star Hall not far from the Seven Star Palace.

His goal is to take down Lan Haitang.

It's just that he hasn't won the Blue Begonia for so many years.

Murong Xingchen was holding a paintbrush in his hand at the moment, and was painting a portrait of a beauty.

Murong Xingchen, tall and straight, with a handsome face, has the aura of a disciple of an aristocratic family.

A pair of eyes are extremely deep.

As the brush moved in his hand, the beauty on the portrait gradually took shape. It was a beautiful woman in a red dress with a curvy figure.

It was Chi Ya'er from Chiyang Hall.

He has a habit, that is, he will draw a picture of anyone who has been close to him or has slept with him as a souvenir.

"Third Young Master, a letter from Missy!"

After Murong Xingchen finished writing, an old man in a green robe came to Murong Xingchen.

"A letter from sister?"

"She seldom writes to me."

Murong Xingchen was a little puzzled, took the letter and opened it.

When he opened the letter, his face changed slightly.

"Uncle Qing, you should know the content of the letter!"

Murong Xingchen looked at the old man beside him and said.

"Old slave, guess what, it should be related to the Scarlet Sun Palace."

Uncle Qing who was beside him said.

"My sister, tell me not to have anything to do with Chisun Palace?"

Murong Xingchen said.

"The Scarlet Sun Palace previously united with the Nangong family, the Huo family and other forces to besiege and kill Su Chen, the head of the young dragon of the [Azure Dragon Society]."

"Now that the Nangong family and the Huo family have been wiped out by the [Qinglong Society], the next one should be the Scarlet Sun Palace."

"The Patriarch of Chisun Temple appeared in Lie's house a few days ago and died in that battle."

"Chi Ya'er is close to the third young master at this time, obviously hoping to use our Murong family to keep their Chisun Palace."

"The young master has accepted Chi Ya'er, and the outside world is now rumoring that the Chi Sun Palace has united with my Murong family,"

"Missy will naturally send a letter to Third Young Master,"

Uncle Qing said,

"The [Blue Dragon Club] is too popular now, what's more, His Highness Qingchen, who is supported by many elders in the family, has friendship with [Blue Dragon Club] Shao Longshou."

"The clan naturally doesn't want the Murong family to have a conflict with the [Blue Dragon Society]."

Uncle Qing paused and continued.

"Looks like I'm going to abandon another beautiful lady!"

Murong Xingchen looked at the portrait in front of him and said with a sigh.

"Master, Chi Ya'er's virginity has been taken away by you, and the follow-up is useless, so it doesn't matter if you give it up."

"However, young master San, now that the world is changing, your cultivation progress needs to be improved as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, the pressure on the eldest lady will be a bit greater,"

Uncle Qing said from the side.

"Uncle Qing, if you tie Lan Haitang here, maybe my Heavenly Desire Nine Transformations Kung Fu will be able to achieve great success."

Murong Xingchen looked at Uncle Qing and said.

Uncle Qing lowered his head and said nothing, as if he didn't hear it.

"But this is Su Shaolong's head, I really want to see him. I fell in love with Mu Qingxue of the Red Sandalwood Palace before, but I didn't expect that Mu Qingxue had something to do with him, so I gave up."

"But Chi Ya'er rejected me before, but because of him, I threw myself into my arms. I really want to thank Su Shaolong."

Murong Xingchen said.

At this time, a Seven Star Hall disciple trot in from the outside.

"Third Young Master, Chi Sun Palace, Chi Ya'er is here, and she is in the lobby."

Although Murong Xingchen is in charge of the Seven Star Hall, the people in the hall call him the third young master.

"Chi Ya'er is coming at this time?"

Murong Xingchen was a little puzzled.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

Murong Xingchen got up and went to the hall together with the old man.

In the lobby!
Chi Ya was wearing a long blue and white dress.

The hotness of the past has disappeared, but the figure is still uneven, and there is a smell of ripe peaches.

Such a contrast is more attractive.

Looking at Chi Ya'er's body, Murong Xingchen's eyes sparkled.

Seeing Murong Xingchen appear.

Chi Ya'er stepped in front of the other party, leaned against the other party, and said softly: "Third Young Master, I am here this time because my father wants to invite you to the Scarlet Sun Palace."

Although he hated Murong Xingchen in his heart, on the surface he was extremely docile.

"Invited by the Palace Master, of course I have to go, I will prepare something first, and then I will go with you!"

Murong Xingchen held Chi Yaer's waist.

Hearing Murong Xingchen's words, Chi Ya'er showed joy on her face.

"You wait here for me."

"Uncle Qing, follow me to the back hall!"

Murong Xingchen said.

Uncle Qing nodded.

The two headed towards the back hall.

"Chixinyang invited me to Chisun Temple at this time, what happened?"

Murong Xingchen asked in a deep voice.

Uncle Qing who followed behind him frowned slightly.

"Old slave, ask now!"

Uncle Qing and Murong Xingchen separated.

Murong Xingchen stood in place and waited,

in a while
Uncle Qing returns.

"Last night something happened. Lu Ming, the deputy head of the Scarlet Sun Palace, took people to Wugou Villa, but he didn't return."

"The owner of the Wugou Villa, Lian Chengbi, had previously met Fu Hongxue, the head of the four dragons of the [Green Dragon Society], and Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Gang.

"Now in Sioux City, the momentum is extraordinary!"

"It seems that Lu Ming failed to come out of [Wugou Villa] overnight, it seems that there is more than good luck."

Uncle Qing will understand the matter and speak out.

"Although Lu Ming's level of concentration in the sea is average, he is still a strong person in the sea anyway,"

"Entered Wugou Villa but didn't come out, that means there is a strong man who concentrates in the sea in Wugou Villa,"

"It seems that Chi Xinyang felt that this [Wugou Villa] is unusual, so he invited me to [Chisun Palace]."

"He wants to use me to stabilize their Scarlet Sun Temple and deter others!"

Murong Qingchen snorted coldly.

"Third Young Master, do we still have to go to the Scarlet Sun Palace, or the old slave will push this matter away."

Uncle Qing said,

"Sister is not allowed to participate in the affairs between Chisun Temple and [Blue Dragon Club],"

"The Lian Chengbi of this Wugou Villa has friendship with [Qinglonghui] and the Beggars' Gang, and if he participates in it, he will fall into the quagmire,"

"It seems that I am going to be a heartless person!"

Murong Xingchen sighed.

Return to the lobby.

inside the lobby
Chi Ya'er looked back at Murong Xingchen, and found that there was nothing in his hand, and her face was a bit puzzled.

"Ya'er, there was an urgent matter in the hall just now, and I need to deal with it. I will go to the Scarlet Sun Palace another day. I'm really sorry!"

Murong Xingchen said.

Hearing Murong Xingchen's words, Chi Ya'er's face changed.

She knew that Murong Xingchen knew something, so she declined.

Angry in my heart.

Murong Xingchen would be like this.

I want to wipe it off after eating it.

When I didn't get her before.

But everything is promised.

Now I just want him to go to the Scarlet Sun Palace, but he doesn't go.

"Third Young Master, since you don't have time to go to my Scarlet Sun Palace for the time being, can you do me a favor!"

"There is news that [Wugou Villa] Lian Chengbi killed my big brother Liu Musheng in [Red Sun Palace]."

"I don't know if you can invite Lian Chengbi to come over, I want to know in person!"

When Chi Ya'er was speaking, she continued to approach Murong Xingchen.

He said softly: "As long as I meet him, I will listen to you tonight."

Chi Ya'er let out a trace of heat from her mouth.

Murong Xingchen pondered for a moment and then said: "Uncle Qing, please go and invite Master Lian."

It's okay just to see each other,

What's more, he also wanted to meet Lian Chengbi.

I want to see if he has anything to do with [Blue Dragon Club],

"Thank you! Third Young Master!"

Chi Ya'er kissed Murong Xingchen.

Uncle Qing led the order and walked out of the lobby.

When walking out of the lobby, Chi Ya'er sent a voice transmission to follow her to the maid,

"Send a message to my father and tell him that Murong Xingchen is a bit flinching!"

"I've tried to get Murong Xingchen to invite Lian Chengbi. After Lian Chengbi leaves, let my father send someone to [Wugou Villa] to bring Li Yimei to Chisun Hall,"

The reason she asked Murong Xingchen to invite Lian Chengbi.

Just to transfer Lian Chengbi away so that Li Yimei,

In this case, not only can Murong Xingchen be dragged into the water, but Li Yimei can also be obtained.

When the time comes back, she will be beheaded and watered on the Qijue grass.

Never underestimate a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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