The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 862 Red Sun Palace, Blood Knife Hall, 2 Knife Envoys, enter 【Wugou Villa】

Chapter 862 Chisun Palace, Blood Knife Hall, Twelve Knife Envoys, enter 【Wugou Villa】

【Wugou Villa】

Lian Chengbi looked at Uncle Qing who came.

He didn't expect that Murong Xingchen would send someone to invite him to [Seven Star Hall].

[Wugou Villa] and [Seven Star Hall] have not handed over for the time being, nor have any cooperation.

Looking at the head manager of [Seven Star Hall] in front of him, Lian Chengbi's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

This Chief Qing exudes a huge martial arts aura, and the whole body's true energy cannot be condensed, but sometimes it leaks out invisible, forming a stream of invisible energy.

Show your strength.

Li Qing, the head of the Seven Star Hall.

Always by Murong Xingchen's side.

Perhaps it is said that this person has been managing the affairs of the Seven Star Hall.

"I don't know, even the owner can go to my Qixing hall to talk to the third young master."

Li Qing looked at Lian Cheng Bidao.

"Since Third Young Master Murong invited you, Director Qing, you also come here in person, of course I want to give you face."

Lian Chengbi also wanted to test this Murong Xingchen.

Look at this Murong Xingchen's thoughts.

"Go and tell Madam, just say I'm going to Seven Stars Hall!"

Lian Chengbi said to the servant outside the door,

"Director Qing, let's go."

Subsequently, the Green Pipeline,

Seeing that Lian Chengbi agreed, Director Qing showed a smile on his face.

When I saw Lian Chengbi.

He sensed a breath from Lian Chengbi's body, a very strong breath.

Lian Chengbi's strength is much stronger than those rumored outside,

After entering [Wugou Villa], he searched and found no other masters.

So Lu Ming was probably lost in the hands of Lian Chengbi.

The two walked out of [Wugou Villa], and stepped onto the carriage that Chief Qing had brought earlier.

Go in the direction of Seven Star Hall.

Outside Wugou Villa.

The two figures looked at the leaving carriage and nodded to each other, and one of them left quickly.

not far away
In a mountain temple.

A person wearing a robe from the Scarlet Sun Temple is sitting cross-legged in the temple.

Around him were twelve other entourages.

These people are holding long knives in their hands.

There are thirteen brown horses outside the temple,

They are all members of the [Red Sun Palace] Blood Knife Hall, the vice-master Lu Ming attacked [Wugou Villa] at night, and there is no news.

They hurried down the mountain to inquire about the news.

The leader's eyes were cold, as if he was not disturbed by external objects.

In front of him was a long black knife.

This man is a master with a knife.


Just now the person from Wugou Villa entered the temple, bowed and said.

"Lian Chengbi has left [Wugou Villa], we can enter [Wougou Villa] now."

Hear the report from the visitor.

The man sitting cross-legged stood up and shook the long knife in his hand.

He had just received a secret report from the Palace Master, asking them to enter [Wugou Villa] to take Li Yimei away.

"Okay, let's enter [Wugou Villa]."

Killing intent permeated the eyes.

They inquired about some information about [Wugou Villa].

None of the guards at [Wugou Villa] were dispatched last night.

Only Lian Chengbi made the move.

Now that Lian Chengbi has left, they can enter [Wugou Villa] to take away Li Yimei,

within the temple.

The Twelve Swordsmen quickly got on their horses, and following the leader, rode their horses towards [Wugou Villa].

After a while.

Outside Wugou Villa.

Thirteen giant horses stay

The leader dismounts,

The man with the knife cut the copper casting outside [Wugou Villa] into two halves.


Seeing this, the disciples in Wugou Villa shouted harshly.

It's just that the disciple just made a sound when a saber flashed by!

The disciple was divided into two.

enemy attack.

See you!

The other disciples shouted in a low voice.

"Kill, Twelve Sword Domain Formation!"

The leader gave a low drink.

The 12 people who followed him drew their long knives out of their sheaths and headed towards [Wugou Villa].

The 12 swordsmen are coherent and form a whole.

The person who met them was killed instantly by the saber energy.

After beheading one person, terrifying sword auras appeared on the twelve bodies, and the saber aura criss-crossed, pushing forward,

"Not good, Chisun Palace, Twelve Swords Envoys!"

Seeing this situation, some warriors recruited by Lian Chengbi changed their expressions drastically.

"It's not an opponent, inform the wife to leave, and inform the owner to return,"

"Send a letter!"

Before he could finish his words, a flash of knife light appeared, his head flew up, and blood poured out.

"I'm going to catch Li Yimei, you kill me!"

The leader gave a low shout, and rushed out towards the inner palace.

【Wugou Villa】

Recently, some people have been recruited, but they are not strong masters.

Seeing the [Red Sun Temple] Twelve Swordsmen attacking, some people did not dare to resist and fled one after another.

Some people want to resist.

But the twelve saber qi swept in and was split into several halves in an instant.

Blood irritates people.

Increased people's fear mentality.

The entire [Wugou Villa] was in chaos.

Li Yimei didn't expect that as soon as Lian Chengbi left, the people from [Red Sun Palace] would kill them, and her face changed drastically
"Tweety, go and inform the owner of the villa, and tell him not to enter the Seven Star Hall!"

Li Yimei said to the maid beside her.

The head of Qixing Hall took away Lianchengbi, and the people from Chisun Hall killed him.

She thinks that [Seven Star Hall] is helping [Red Sun Palace] deal with their Wugou Villa.

At this moment, she was very worried about Lian Chengbi's safety.

There will be an ambush in the Seven Star Hall to plot against Lian Chengbi.

"Ma'am, I won't go, I want to be with you!"

The maid beside her spoke.

"The owner is in danger, you must inform the owner, I can't leave, I'll go with you, and you can't leave either."

"Go and find the owner, maybe I'm still alive."

Li Yimei said very calmly.

The maid next to her has followed her since she was a child.

don't want to leave.

"This is an order!"

"Go, go from the backyard!"

"Follow the fleeing crowd!"

Li Yimei ordered.

Seeing this, the girl could only cry and leave.

in the courtyard.

Li Yimei stood alone.

A figure came in from the outside, stained with blood.

Looking at Li Yimei standing in the courtyard.

"I didn't escape, I'm a little timid, Madam Lian, come with me!"

The visitor looked at Li Yimei and said coldly.

The order he got was to take Li Yimei back to 【Red Sun Palace】.

"Take me away, what do you want to do?"

Li Yimei said coldly.

"Master, let me take you back to the Scarlet Sun Palace, you should be glad that you didn't ask me to take your corpse back!"

"Otherwise, you will be lying on the ground like the people outside!"

The man with the knife said coldly.

"I'll go with you, stop killing!"

Li Yimei said.

"You don't have the power to choose!"

The man with the knife had cold eyes.

Li Yimei's eyes were dim, with worry on her face, but her expression was calm, she walked out of the courtyard,

Wugou Villa
The body fell to the ground, bleeding.

Some buildings collapsed.

outside the mountain.

Li Yimei was arrested by the leader and drove away on horseback.

The incident of Wugou Villa has spread.

Many people also know that the head of the [Blood Knife Hall] of [Red Sun Palace], Red Blood Knife, led his twelve saber envoys to slaughter [Wugou Villa].

And kidnapped the wife of [Wugou Villa], and returned to Chisun Palace.

And this time

Lian Chengbi is on the way to [Seven Star Hall],

It is not yet known what happened to 【Wugou Villa】.

(End of this chapter)

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