Chapter 863 Sioux city gathers, go to [Red Sun Palace]

Outside the Seven Star Hall

A carriage stopped.

Lian Chengbi and Qing Butler got off the carriage and looked at the Seven Star Hall in front of them.

The mouth of Seven Stars is a manor.

Guards outside the entrance.

Seeing Lian Chengbi and Chief Qing getting off the car, he immediately saluted them.

"Please! Even the owner!"

Chief Qing waved his hand.

Lian Chengbi nodded, ready to step into the Seven Star Hall.


at this time,

A galloping horse rushed over quickly.

"Be careful, dangerous!"

"Seven Star Hall and they lied to you! The people from the Red Sun Palace entered our [Wugou Villa], and my wife was taken away by the people from the [Red Sun Palace]!"

"Master, hurry up and save Madam!"

It was the maid next to Li Yimei who came here.

When she left the villa, she galloped over.


Lian Chengbi's expression changed, and his figure quickly separated from the Chief Qing, and in a flash, he appeared in front of the maid.

"Tweety, what are you talking about, what's wrong with Madam?"

In Lian Chengbi's life, he felt tenderness.

Li Yimei is devoted to him.

Getting along with each other, he also fell in love with Li Yimei.

"The people from Chisun Palace rushed into [Wugou Villa] not long after you left, killing many people. My wife was afraid that the owner of the villa would be in danger, so I came here to inform the owner of the danger and could not enter the [Seven Stars Villa]. Church]"

Tweety said hurriedly.

After Lian Chengbi listened, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at the manager Qing, he grabbed Tweety, jumped on the horse, and led the people away quickly.

Now the point is not to care about Qixingtang, but to immediately go to Chisun Temple to save people.

Endless killing intent flashed in Lian Chengbi's eyes.

If something happened to his wife.

He must kill Murong Xingchen, so that Qixingtang will not be left behind.

Entrance of Seven Star Hall

Director Qing's expression also changed.

He also heard Lian Chengbi talking to them.

"not good!"

He quickly walked towards the Seven Star Hall.

Inside the Seven Star Hall.

Murong Xingchen was lying halfway under the shade of a tree, and beside him a maid was feeding him fruit.

"Third Young Master, something happened!"

Director Qing walked quickly to Murong Xingchen and said.

"Something happened, Uncle Qing, didn't you go to see Lian Chengbi, wouldn't Lian Chengbi give me Murong Xingchen's face."

Murong Xingchen saw that there was no one behind Director Qing, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Lian Chengbi came with me, but just now someone from [Wugou Villa] said that as soon as we left, people from [Chisun Palace] entered [Wugou Villa]"

"The people from the Red Sun Palace also kidnapped Li Yimei, Lian Chengbi's wife."

"Third Young Master, what about Chi Ya'er?"

At this point, Director Qing couldn't help asking.

"I just said I felt a little uncomfortable, and said to take a break!"

"But you said that people from [Red Sun Palace] entered [Wugou Villa]"

Murong Xingchen stood up, and said with a gloomy expression.

"Go, call Chi Ya'er!"

Murong Xingchen said to the attendants beside him.

The servant left quickly.

After a while, the servant returned.

"Third Young Master, we didn't see Chi Ya'er in the wing room, but the guard said that Chi Ya'er left the Seven Star Hall not long ago!"

said the servant.

"Bitch, this is using me!"

Hearing this, Murong Xingchen's expression became ferocious.

It was the first time he was played by a woman like this.

"Investigate, what happened in Wugou Villa?"

Murong Xingchen ordered in a deep voice.

"Uncle Qing, let's go to the lobby first!"

Murong Xingchen strode towards the lobby.

in the lobby
"Third Young Master, it seems that [Red Sun Palace] is trying to pull you into the water this time?"

"We should go to [Red Sun Palace] now!"

Chief Qing said.

"The person in [Red Sun Temple] is just Li Yimei who was kidnapped, so there is no intention to kill her."

"Then Li Yimei will not be in danger for the time being!"

"I'm going to [Red Sun Palace] now, and I won't be able to tell at all!"

Murong Xingchen said.

"Third Young Master, Lian Chengbi has already rushed to [Chisun Temple]. Chi Xinyang should be thinking of using Li Yimei to threaten Lian Chengbi."

"If we don't make a move, once Lian Chengbi really has something to do with the [Blue Dragon Club], if something happens to him, it will be difficult for us to get rid of the relationship!"

The young butler said.

"If Lianchengbi had something to do with [Azure Dragon Society], Wugou Villa wouldn't be destroyed so easily."

"From this point of view, Lian Chengbi has nothing to do with [Blue Dragon Club]?"

Murong Xingchen said in a deep voice.

Hearing Murong Xingchen's words.

That uncle Qing also calmed down, thinking about it in his heart.

If Lian Chengbi had something to do with [Qinglonghui], [Wugou Villa] would not be destroyed by people from Chisun Palace, nor would his wife Li Yimei be taken away by people from Chisun Palace.

"Third Young Master, should we just let Chi Ya'er and Chi Sun Temple go like this?"

Uncle Qing said in a deep voice.

"I, Murong Xingchen, have never been played like this before!"

"How could you let them go like this?"

"Just take advantage of this opportunity to make Chisun Temple pay some price!"

"After paying the price, hand them over to the [Blue Dragon Society] for disposal. In this case, we will not offend the [Blue Dragon Society] even if we benefit."

Murong Xingchen said.

while they were talking.

The people who had inspected Wugou Villa before quickly walked into the lobby.

Describe what happened in [Wugou Villa].

"There is no master, just as I guessed!"

"We will leave for the Scarlet Sun Palace later, and hope that when we arrive again, the Lord of the Scarlet Sun Palace can kill Lian Chengbi!"

Murong Xingchen said.

at this time
Outside Sioux City.

An official tavern.

Two figures wearing bamboo hats were drinking in the tavern.

It was Yan Nantian and Ding Peng who came to Sucheng.

They were destroying the Huo family in Jiangbei, so they rushed to Sucheng,

A figure appeared outside the tavern.

The two got up and left the tavern quickly
in a dense forest,

"What happened!"

Yan Nantian said in a low voice.

"[Wugou Villa] something happened!"

The visitor quickly recounted what happened at [Wugou Villa]

"Mobilize all the killers of the [Qinglong Club] in Sucheng to go to the Scarlet Sun Palace!"

Yan Nantian ordered quickly.


The person who came quickly took the order and disappeared in front of the two of them.

"[Seven Stars Hall] Murong Xingchen, he dares to participate in our [Blue Dragon Association] and the Scarlet Sun Hall. Is he looking for death?"

There was a trace of killing intent in Ding Peng's eyes.

"Lian Chengbi, has already rushed to [Red Sun Palace], you and I should rush too, don't let anything happen."

Yan Nan Tiandao.


Ding Peng nodded and the two quickly headed towards the Scarlet Sun Palace.

another place

Su Chen and their carriage

They are also heading towards 【Wugou Villa】.

"My lord, something has happened!"

Yuan Suiyun walked in from outside the carriage with a solemn expression.


Seeing Yuan Suiyun's dignified expression, Su Chen was startled.

"An accident happened in Wugou Villa. Chi Xuedao, the master of the Blood Knife Hall of Chisun Temple, led twelve saber envoys into [Wugou Villa]"

"Wugou Villa was washed with blood."

"It shouldn't be, Lian Chengbi's strength has reached the level of concentration in the sea."

"Lian Chengbi was just invited by [Seven Stars Hall] Murong Xingchen to the Seven Stars Hall, but the people from Chisun Hall rushed into [Wugou Villa]."

"A spy found out that Chi Ya'er, the daughter of the Lord of the Red Sun Palace, went to the Seven Star Hall to meet Murong Xingchen."

The original follow the cloud.

"[Seven Star Hall] Murong Xingchen, the third young master of the Murong family, they are here to participate in our [Qinglonghui]'s grievances with Chisun Hall."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Su Chen's mouth.

"Let's go to the Scarlet Sun Palace!"

"I hope Li Yimei is fine!"

Su Chen said coldly.

In the previous life, Lian Chengbi could have been a tragic figure, but in this life she just reaped love.

Whoever dares to destroy will die.

Don't ask why.
Go back and continue, there are two more around eight o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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