The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 870 The Secret Map of the Secret Dragon Cave, the Demon Gate Appears, 4 of the 1 Chief Envoy

Chapter 870 The secret map of the secret dragon cave, the magic door appears, one of the four chief ambassadors 【Heaven】


Seeing this, Su Chen was pleasantly surprised.

Just looking at these names, you know that they are extraordinary.

[Shenming Guiyi Heart Sutra]: A method of tempering the mind and spirit, which can strengthen one's own spiritual will, and can increase the power of the gods, and gradually increase the power of the gods to break through the existing power of the gods. It is also possible to unify one's own spirit and power, and vaguely comprehend the concept of the domain.

"The concept of domain!"

Su Chen looked at the field of comprehension behind him, and his heart moved slightly.

This exercise is not simple, not only for one's own practice, but also for other people in [Blue Dragon Association].

"Taishang Baxue!" A kind of blood that contains the meaning of invincibility, which increases Guan Qi's strength, and Guan Qi may be stronger if he gets this drop of blood.

The Tianchi strange man is the master of Zhu Wushi and Gu Santong. Although he did not appear, the King Kong is not broken and the power-absorbing method, which shows the strength of this person. Zhu Wushi has the whole body of the Tianchi strange man, and he may be able to step into it. Broken layers.

Fu Hongxue's exclusive blood knife is average, it has not reached the spiritual level, but at the peak of the weapon level, it can be promoted to the spiritual level by using its own saber energy to accumulate.

Enandu Blood: A drop of blood is extracted from Enandu's body, and the Five Poison Boy can refine this drop of blood to swallow the poison and transform it into his own practice. If there is a chance, he may be able to condense the Enandu Body.

This lottery report
After discovering the interception of fortune.

Su Chen's own luck has become very strong, very scary,

Converge your mind.

Take out the Shenming Guiyi Heart Sutra and start to record it in your mind. After memorizing the Shenming Guiyi Heart Sutra, let Yuan Suiyun copy some and send it to others.

After Su Chen finished reading the Shenming Guiyi Heart Sutra.

Facing Yuan Suiyun, he said, "How long is it?"

"My lord, there is still about half the time for burning incense."

"There is only half an incense stick left, so Murong Qin hasn't figured out how to pay for it?"

"Murong Tiannan, the contemporary head of the Murong family, has already arrived, and I believe he will come to see the lord."

The original follow the cloud.

When Yuan Suiyun was talking.

"Murong's family, Murong Tiannan came to see Su Shaolong's head."

A voice came in from outside the hall.


Su Chen replied.

Murong Tiannan brought Murong Qin and Murong Xingchen into the hall together.

At this moment, Murong Xingchen's broken arm was not covered with medicine, and beads of sweat were still dripping from his forehead.

"Su Shaolong's head, the dog's incident is all the fault of my Murong family!"

"My Murong family is willing to take all the responsibilities!"

"My Murong family has some property in the capital and Jiangnan. Our Murong family's property in the capital is all transferred to the [Qinglong Club], and one-third of the Jiangnan area is transferred. This third will be converted into silver taels and given to the [Qinglong Club]. "

"In addition, it is rumored that Su Shaolong likes to collect books, and my Murong family's collection of books in the Jiangnan area is unrivaled."

"The library can be opened to Su Shaolong!"

"Except for these, my Murong family is willing to send two top-level weapon-level swords, plus a secret map in my hand!"

When Nangong Tiannan was speaking, he took out a secret map from his bosom.

Yuan Suiyun stepped forward, took the secret map and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen took the secret map.

[Obtain a map of the Great Chu Dynasty's Secret Dragon Cave, and reward 3 orange lottery cards. 】

"Secret Dragon Cave?"

Su Chen's eyes froze slightly.

Could it be that this has something to do with the secret place the Hanyue Sect found earlier?

This secret map is unusual,

The compensation offered by Murong Tiannan was not bad.

"Okay! I accept the compensation from your Murong family, and you can take Murong Xingchen away."

"This matter, the original manager will contact your Murong family,"

Su Chen nodded and said in a cold voice.

He didn't want to have much contact with the other party.

"Thank you Su Shaolongshou, former manager, this is my token from Murong Tiannan, and you can come here with the token."

Murong Tiannan took out a token from his bosom and flew towards Yuan Suiyun.

Yuan Suiyun caught the token.

Then he bid farewell and left with others.

The loss was huge, and he didn't know how to tell the elders of the family before he went back.

outside the mountain gate
"Father, this Su Chen is taking advantage of the fire to rob. Is our Murong family really afraid of them [Qinglonghui]?"

After Murong Xingchen came out of the main hall, he took the elixir to restore his broken arm.

But it still hurts a bit.

What Murong Tiannan sent out just now.

Not only did their Murong family suffer huge losses, but it also reduced their Murong family's reputation.

If he doesn't get beaten to death by those clan elders when he goes back, he will be sprayed to death.

"If you want to die, I won't stop you, but don't bring harm to the Murong family."

"I'm afraid Su Chen let you go this time because of Qingchen's face, otherwise, I can only come to collect your body."

"And do you think that if you die, there will be no follow-up?"

"According to the recent strength of the [Blue Dragon Club], if you die, people will attack me [Murong's family]."

"Otherwise, I will take out so many things and give them to [Blue Dragon Club]"

"Recently, in Murong Manor, feet are restricted. If you leave Murong's house without authorization, I will break your legs personally,"

"The Seven Star Hall is temporarily in charge of you, Qin'er!"

"And after the grounding, get in touch with Lan Haitang well, try to get her out of the way, and practice your Heavenly Desire Nine Transformations."

"As long as you master the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Desire, you will be the true Young Patriarch of the Murong family!"

Murong Tiannan looked at Murong Xingchen and said.

"Father, Lan Haitang doesn't look down on me at all, it's hard to subdue her,"

Hearing Murong Tiannan's words, Murong Xingchen couldn't help saying.

"Qin'er, during this time, please help Xingchen, let's go, let's go back to the family and inform the elders of this matter."

After speaking, the group quickly left the Scarlet Sun Hall.

Late night
The ground of the Scarlet Sun Palace shook, and the rolling fortune merged into Su Chen's body.

These fortunes pouring into Su Chen's body are constantly moving towards the golden light spot condensed earlier.

With these fortunes pouring into the golden light spot.

Part of the breath poured into his dantian, and part of it tempered his physical body.

at the same time.

In a hidden space underground in Sioux City.

The dim lights flickered, and four tall, cold figures gathered here.

"Tian Ming, what's the matter with calling the three of us to Suzhou City?"

One of them, who was covered in black robe and bamboo hat, looked at the humanity above the main seat.

"Of course I asked you to come to help me kill people. I found out the whereabouts of [Tian], one of the four chief ambassadors in the south of the Yangtze River."

The person above the chief seat spoke.

"You found [Tian], who is he? He took my demon sect [Tianfei] into the palace and dedicated it to Emperor Zhou!"

"Since we found him, we must kill all of him."

The person who spoke said gloomyly.

"We should report this matter to [Concubine Tian]. Concubine Tian was also looking for this person after she escaped from the Emperor Zhou's palace."

Another person spoke in a cold tone.

"Brother Tianming has done a great job this time, tell us who this person is first."

The last person asked.

"This person is Murong Tiannan, the current head of the Murong family, and he also has a secret map of the Great Chu Dynasty's Secret Dragon Cave in his hand."

The person above the main seat spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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