Chapter 871

"You mean that Murong Tiannan is one of the four chief envoys of the Tianjian Division Jiangnan [Heaven]!"

Hearing this news, the breaths of the other three people changed.

The light flickered in the eyes.

These four people are the Four Heavenly Fiends of the Demon Sect.

The Demon Sect fought with Emperor Zhou for hegemony back then, and Lu Junsheng, the leader of the Demon Sect, can be said to be Emperor Zhou's strongest opponent.

In the battle of Qianlinjiang, Lu Junsheng, the leader of the Demon Sect, was defeated and died at the hands of Emperor Zhou.

Then Yan Ruxue, the concubine of the Demon Sect and the leader of the Heavenly Demon, was captured by [Tian] among the four chief envoys of the Jiangnan Tianjian Division, and dedicated to Emperor Zhou.

So far, the Demon Gate has split, each hiding in the rivers and lakes.

The demon forces outside the Great Wall are some remnants of the Demon Sect from back then.

"Yes, I have confirmed the news!"

Bei Ming on the main seat said with certainty.

"I didn't expect it to be Murong Tiannan from the Murong family. It's really unexpected."

"This is unexpected, Murong Tiannan does have that strength, but if it is the Murong family, it will be difficult to deal with!"

"I don't know Brother Beiming, what's your plan?"

The person who spoke first said in a deep voice.

The title of the four demons of the Momen is [Li Zhu Mo Jie].

This person is Lu Wangji, one of the Four Great Heavenly Demons.

The other three great evil spirits are Tiansha Qin Beiming, the person sitting on the main seat, Tiansha Demon Wanli, and Tianjie Sha Qishan.

"As I said just now, inviting the three of you is killing people. The plan, of course, is to kill Murong's family."

When Qin Beiming spoke, there was a cold light in his eyes.

"Three, when I invited you to come, I have already informed Concubine Tian in advance, Concubine Tian is about the same, and will arrive in Sucheng tomorrow."

"The order Tianfei gave me is to destroy the Murong family."

Hearing Qin Beiming's words.

The other three frowned slightly, and Jie Tiansha said in Qishankou: "Tianming, brother Wangji just said that the strength of the Murong family is not simple."

"If we take action against the Murong family, even if Tianfei joins us to take down the Murong family, it will be very difficult."

"Brother Qi Shan, I know the strength of the Murong family very well!"

"After Concubine Tian came out of the palace, she found the Chief Inspector, and the two chiefs will follow Concubine Tian to Su City."

"Cooperate with the four of us to raid Murong's house."

"Even if the Murong family is not destroyed, it will cause them heavy losses."

"The aristocratic family is a piece of fat. Once the Murong family suffers a heavy loss, the others will be like sharks when they encounter blood."

"It's not what it used to be. Even the Nangong family, which was in Jinling among the four great families, was wiped out by the [Qinglonghui]. The aristocratic family is no longer so prosperous."

Then Qin Beiming said in a cold voice.

"Concubine Tian found the chief executives inside and outside. I didn't expect that after so many years, there was no news of the two chief executives. I thought they had died."

"However, this [Blue Dragon Society] is a bit strange, it appears silently, and there are still many strong people."

"These many strong men can't even find a trace of their roots, it's too mysterious."

Jie Tiansha Qi Shan said.

"Not only [Blue Dragon Club], but also Tianya Pavilion, they are equally strong and mysterious."

"It has no roots and no bottom, and it is very well hidden. Once it appears, it will shake the entire Jianghu. It seems that the fate of the Great Zhou Dynasty has changed."

Mo Tian Sha Mo Wan Li Dao.

"Not only these two forces, but many other forces have emerged. Now the Great Zhou Dynasty is full of demons dancing in the rivers and lakes,"

"This is our chance. If Murong's family is destroyed this time, Concubine Tian promised us that she will take us into the place where the demon head practiced."

Zhu Tiansha Qin Beiming said.

"The place where the devil heads practice!"

The other three seemed extremely excited to hear this.

"In this case, I will arrange people first, and we will gather here when Concubine Tian arrives tomorrow!"

Lu Wangji said.

The other two also spoke, ready to go back and prepare.

"it is good!"

Qin Beiming nodded at the chief seat.

The three turned and left the underground secret room.

After the three left.

Qin Beiming also stood up and left the underground space.

Appeared in a courtyard.

"You came!"

When Qin Beiming stepped into the courtyard, a pleasant and light voice came from a room in the courtyard.

Qin Beiming stepped forward, pushed open the door, and stepped inside.

In the room, sandalwood scented.

"My lord Tianfei, I have been in contact with the other three just now, and they will fight with all their might."

"They are people who haven't forgotten that they are Demon Sect."

Qin Bei Ming said.

Between Qin Beiming and the voice, there was a bead curtain and a gorgeous screen.

A silhouette of a perfectly contoured woman is reflected between the screens.

"That's good, otherwise, I have to clean up the portal first."

When the woman was talking, she got up slowly, walked out of the screen, and came to Qin Beiming.

This is a charming woman to the extreme.

There is an irresistible temperament and charm exuding from his body.

There is a saying called Peerless Enchanting, which describes this woman in this way.

In this peerless enchantment, the other party not only shows "beauty", but also reveals a kind of "fascination".

There are many styles.Soft and charming, like spring water, she can be called a stunner of a generation.

Wearing a black sheer dress

Looming, it reflects the exquisite undulations, soft body, and graceful curves, which arouses infinite reverie.

At this moment, Qin Beiming didn't dare to raise his head,

I can only keep my head down.

This person is the Heavenly Concubine of the Demon Sect, among the Demon Sect, the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cult, the most beautiful woman in the world, Yan Ruxue.

"I just got the news that the Scarlet Sun Temple was destroyed by [Blue Dragon Society]!"

"Among them, Murong Tiannan also appeared!"

"Go and find out why Murong Tiannan appeared there,"

Yan Ruxue ordered in a deep voice.

"My subordinates will send someone to investigate immediately, and will report the details to Concubine Tian!"

Qin Bei Ming said.

"it is good!"

"How is the arrangement of the people in the Murong family? This time, the attack on the Murong family is not only to avenge me, but also to announce the rebirth of my Demon Sect."

Yan Ruxue said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, Concubine Tian, ​​I've made almost all arrangements for the Murong family."

"Combined with the other three great gods, and the two chief managers, the Murong family will be destroyed this time."

There was a fierce light in Qin Beiming's eyes.

Murong Tiannan captured the demon concubine Tian and sent her to Emperor Zhou's palace.

This is a disgrace to their Demon Sect.

It is also a disgrace to the concubine Tian.

He wants to help Concubine Tian wash away such shame,

Shame can only be washed away with blood.

"This matter, don't be in a hurry. When we make a move, we must kill it,"

Yan Ruxue said.

"This subordinate understands that this subordinate should investigate what happened in Chisun Palace first,"

Qin Beiming bowed and exited the room

in the room
Yan Ruxue walked out of the room.

Looking at the setting sun outside, he murmured, "Murong Tiannan, this time I will personally take off your head."

when she speaks.

A streak of residual red shone on her body, revealing a stream of red, or blood,

Concubine Tian is what people in the Demon Gate call her,

The name she was called in the world back then.

It is the blood concubine Yan Ru blood,

(End of this chapter)

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