Chapter 891 Mind Attack, Iron-Blooded Dragon Soul
"Aura of iron and blood, Tianya Pavilion Tie Zhongtang who appeared not long ago."

Sensing this iron-blooded aura, the masked man narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, this seat is Tie Zhongtang!"

Amidst the words, Tie Zhongtang, carrying the banner of iron and blood, came out from the darkness.

He looked at the masked person.

There is a fighting spirit in the eyes.

"You Tianya Pavilion, want to make an enemy of our [Eternal Life Society]?"

Seeing Tie Zhongtang appear, the masked man said with cold eyes.

"There is a festival between us, Jiangnan [Sacred Sword Lake], I, the deputy head of the West Pavilion of Tianya Pavilion, killed your Fourth Elder!"

"If it weren't for you, Ren Qianxing, the deputy head of the [West Pavilion], wouldn't have left because of this,"

"You said that we are not enemies, can we still be friends?"

"I'd love to know who you are?"

Tie Zhongtang looked at the other party and said.

"You don't know who I am, so you show up and shoot?"

The masked man looked at Tie Zhongtang and said coldly.

"Among the [Eternal Life Society], only the Second Elder, Gu Tianhun, is good at spiritual power!"

At this time Murong Qingchen said.

"I've seen Vice Pavilion Master Tie, Master Bai."

When telling the identity of the other party.

Murong Qingchen saluted Tie Zhongtang and Bai Choufei slightly.

"It seems that you invited these two people, Murong Qingchen, I still underestimate you."

Watching Murong Qingchen greet each other, the masked person's eyes narrowed.

"It seems that only by killing you can I take Murong Qingchen with me."

"Let me see, how strong is your Tie Zhongtang?"

Following Gu Tianhun's voice fell.

A surge of powerful zhenqi rolled up behind him like a hundred feet of sea waves.

The momentum is huge.

Shaking all directions, the surrounding courtyard walls were shattered under this true energy.

Bai Choufei appeared beside Murong Qingchen.

Taking Murong Qingchen with him, he headed towards the distance, avoiding the sweeping range of this zhenqi.

Amidst the air waves, the terrifying aura of Gu Tianhun permeated out.

At this moment, Gu Tianhun radiated the acme of his body, as if no matter how strong it was, it would arouse the heavenly gate above the void.

"Tie Zhongtang, I will let you know today that there are some things that you cannot participate in!"

Gu Tianhun's cold voice echoed around.

"Longevity, Broken Soul Palm!"

Gu Tianhun didn't use his divine power, but slapped out with a palm, and true energy burst out from his body, meeting his palm, and slapped it down.

The void torn apart by the terrifying power of the palm turned into a huge palm print, heading towards Tie Zhongtang,

Under this palm, Tie Zhongtang's pupils moved slightly.

Iron and blood qi surged in his body, and the blood qi covered his body like a wave, and the true qi in his body surged like a giant whale, but it did not overflow his body, but gathered on his arms along with the qi and blood.

"Big Banner Wind and Cloud Palm!"

With the palm out, qi, blood and true qi surged, and wind and clouds surged in the surrounding sky.

The wind and cloud collided with the true qi permeating the air, forming a series of low-pitched rumbling sounds.

In this low rumble.

The two palms collided.

Deafening energy exploded.

spread around.

"Secret technique, endless soul breaking!"

Just when the palms collided.

A terrifying spiritual force suddenly formed a black air current from the opponent's body, covering Tie Zhongtang.

high speed.

The other party slapped first, with great momentum, in fact, it was for this mental attack,

The terrifying spiritual vortex pierced through the qi and shrouded Tie Zhongtang's mind.

Tie Zhongtang suddenly felt a black spot appear in his mind.

This black spot began to spread instantly, forming an endless ocean.

For a moment, Tie Zhongtang was enveloped by a black spiritual energy.


see this scene

Murong Qingchen's expression changed, and there was a look of worry on his face.

"Rumors, mind attack, weird, and extremely powerful. Vice Pavilion Master Tie is enveloped by the power of the other party's mind, will something happen?"

Murong Qingchen looked at Baichoufei and said.

"The Iron Vice Pavilion Master has the inheritance of an extremely strong will, and this will is indestructible."

"It's not that easy for the other party to defeat the will of Vice Pavilion Master Tie!"

Bai Choufei said in a cold voice.

Tie Zhongtang has his own will.

iron will
It is a kind of inheritance spirit and a kind of belief.

It is also a source of strength.

Hearing what Bai Choufei said, most of the worry on Murong Qingchen's face disappeared.

Eyes fixed on the battlefield.

In Tie Zhongtang's mind,

A black ocean envelops.

A black figure emerged from the ocean, it was the masked Gu Tianhun.

"Crush your mind and refine your corpse into a puppet!"

A cold voice came out of the black figure's mouth.

"If you want to crush my soul, you can't do it!"

When Tie Zhongtang was speaking, a banner of iron and blood appeared in his mind.

Holding a banner, the air of iron and blood permeates
In his mind, the figure held a banner and charged towards the opponent,

"The will is condensed, but so what?"

"Soul Break Heaven Gate!"


The black figure disappeared, and a phantom of the Heavenly Gate appeared in his mind, pressing towards Tie Zhongtang

"Iron blood breaks through the gate of heaven!"

The banner in his hand collided with Tianmen.


The Tianmen was shattered, but the bang black power gushed out from the Tianmen, and countless black figures rushed towards Tie Zhongtang.

Those phantoms rushing towards him were shattered.

But the shattered black energy was contaminated in Tie Zhongtang's mind,

Tie Zhongtang's body gradually began to be eroded by the black breath.

Half of the body was eroded by the black light, gradually converging into the whole body, and only the head remained for a while.

Once the head is eroded by black power.

Then Tie Zhongtang's whole being would be controlled.


See this situation.

Murong Qingchen couldn't help looking at Bai Choufei.

Bai Choufei's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Longevity is not easy!"

muttered in his mouth

There is also a tense look on the face

Just then.

Tie Zhongtang began to change with the iron and blood banner on his back, and the sound of a dragon chant came from the iron and blood banner.

With the sound of dragon chant.A shadow of an iron-blooded dragon rushed into Tie Zhongtang's body from the banner.

Tie Zhongtang's mind began to change, and a bloody dragon shadow appeared.

dragon shadow appears
Open the dragon's mouth.

A huge suction appeared.

All the black figures in the surrounding sky were swallowed into the mouth.

And those black spiritual energies are also heading towards the dragon's mouth like a tide,

see this.

Gu Tianhun's expression changed when he shot.

Back then, with this move, he killed Master Tianmi, the national teacher of the Tantric School, with the power of his soul.

From then on, he pretended to be Master Tianmi and hid in Tantric Buddhism.

Unexpectedly, Tie Zhongtang broke his trick,

"Your dragon soul!"


Before he finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spewed out

The power of the surrounding mind disappears,

The iron-blooded banner here was shining brightly in blood, Tie Zhongtang's eyes opened instantly, and he grabbed the palm of his hand, and the iron-blooded banner flew into his palm behind him.

He raised his palm and attacked Gu Tianhun.

Gu Tianhun's expression changed, and a black wood carving appeared in his hand.

Gu Tianhun's palm was sealed.

The wood carving emitted a bright black light and moved towards Tie Zhongtang.

(End of this chapter)

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