The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 892 Invisible chasing souls scattered, inviting the moon to pity the stars and the blood of

Chapter 892 Invisible chasing souls scattered, inviting the moon to pity the stars and the blood of the ice and phoenix


The black wood carving bangs, sending out a burst of black energy.

In this explosion.

"Longevity, soul escape!"

Gu Tianhun gave a low drink.

The mental attack failed, and he had no intention of fighting Tie Zhongtang, so he turned into a black shadow and fled away in an instant.

Tie Zhongtang's Iron-Blooded Banner was thwarted in one blow and fell to nothing.

A huge deep pit appeared on the ground!

Tie Zhongtang fell down.

Looking at Gu Tianhun who fled away, his eyes showed a trace of solemnity.


Tie Zhongtang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The figure wanted to move, but his expression changed and he stopped.

"Vice Pavilion Master Tie, the opponent is injured, should we pursue him?"

Seeing this, Bai Choufei couldn't help but stepped forward.

"Your Highness Qingchen, we have completed the task you entrusted, and hope that the promised reward will be sent to the Golden Wind and Rain Tower!"

"Baichoufei, let's go!"

After speaking, he took Bai Choufei and left.

After Tie Zhongtang and the others left.

A man in black armor came out of the darkness.

"See Your Highness!"

A man in black armor.

Seeing this man in black armor, Murong Qingchen's expression moved slightly.

If Bai Choufei and the others hadn't shown up just now, the man in the black armor in the dark might have made a timely move.

Tie Zhongtang paused, presumably because he sensed this person.

"Just taking the shot should be able to stop Gu Tianhun."

Murong Qingchen looked at the humane who came out, wearing armor.

"I can't stop it!"

The man in armor replied.


Hearing the man in armor's reply, Murong Qingchen frowned slightly.

"Couldn't even the Deputy Pavilion Master of United Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. be able to do it?"

"It can't be done. Tie Zhongtang can get rid of the suppression of the mind and severely damage the opponent's mind, but the opponent's blood sacrifice can't stop him from escaping."

"I may be able to keep my mind, but I can't do it if I severely damage the other party's mind,"

The visitor said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Murong Qingchen didn't ask any more questions?
At this time, in a dense forest

Bai Choufei and Tie Zhongtang paused.

"Vice Pavilion Master Tie, if you just shot with all your strength, will you be able to keep the opponent?"

Bai Choufei asked.

"Maybe, but when I want to chase, there is an aura that is exposed and locks me."

"If you expose your aura at this time, you don't want me to chase after you."

"What's more, even if I chase after him, judging from the means shown by the other party, I may not be able to catch up with the other party."

Tie Zhongtang said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, Vice Pavilion Master Tie, when you were fighting just now, I sprinkled a portion of the Invisible Chasing Soul Powder that I asked for from the Five Poison Boys!"

"Then Gu Tianhun is already glued to him, give me a little time, and I will be able to find him."

Bai Choufei opened his mouth and said.

"Okay! Find this person and encircle him when the time comes."

Tie Zhongtang said.

Then the two left quickly.


In a house.

In the back garden.

An old man in brocade robes was pruning flower branches.

Not far behind the old man.

Li Muhan, deputy commander of Jiangnan Town Fusi, was standing respectfully.

There was another person standing beside Li Muhan, it was Mo Huaizhen who came from Jiangbei.

The two of them just stood there, not daring to disturb the old man's pruning.


A middle-aged man in a gray robe appears next to the garden

Meet the man in the gray robe.

Li Muhan and Mo Huaizhen saluted the middle-aged man at the same time.

"I've seen Mr. Gu."

The middle-aged man who appeared nodded towards the two of them.

Walk slowly towards the old man who trimmed the flower branches.

The old man also sensed the other party, put down the flower scissors in his hand, turned around and said, "Is something wrong?"

The middle-aged butler came to the old man.

"Master, a letter from the capital!"

The middle-aged butler replied,

"Go back first, and come see me tomorrow!"

Hearing this, the old man spoke to the two standing there.

Seeing that the old man asked them to come tomorrow, Mo Huaizhen and Li Muhan showed joy on their faces.

"Come and see your lord tomorrow!"

After speaking, he bowed and retreated.

"Murong Tiannan is one of the four chief envoys of the Tianjian Division Jiangnan!"

"Your Majesty was a little angry at the Murong family being destroyed by the concubine Tian, ​​and said that your lord should make a move."

The middle-aged butler said.

"Your Majesty, let me find Tianfei and the others in Jiangnan!"

"Is there any news about Tianfei from your side?"

After the old man finished speaking, he came to a gazebo.

The middle-aged butler quickly poured a cup for the old man, and the tea had already been prepared.

"Concubine Tian's whereabouts have not been confirmed, but the whereabouts of Qin Beiming have been confirmed, and I believe that Concubine Tian can be found through him."

"Then take him to the Prison of the Zhenfu Division first."

"I believe that if Qin Beiming is arrested, Concubine Tian Tian should be able to move. As long as she moves, he will be able to find traces of him!"

"She took Murong Tiannan's body with her at that time, so she probably hasn't left Jiangnan yet."

"Find him, I'll do it myself!"

The old man drank the teacup in his hand and said.

"Mo Huai is really here for the Huo family's affairs in Jiangbei, what do you think?"

Then the old man brought the topic to the Huo family.

"Our Zhenfu Division should not be involved in the disputes between the rivers and lakes, but His Majesty asked me to move, there should be other purposes!"

"Master Xue should have something to say to me."

The old man said softly.

"Your Excellency still knows Director Xue, and Director Xue wants you to test the [Blue Dragon Club]!"

The middle-aged butler said.

"[Qinglonghui] The person in charge in Jiangnan should be Li Xunhuan, the leader of the second dragon, please help me make an appointment with him."

The old man pondered for a moment and then said.

"Subordinates go to arrange!"

The middle-aged butler took the order and left.

After the middle-aged butler left.

The old man frowned tightly.

another place

Sioux City
within an inn

"Emperor Zhou has the blood of the imperial family of the upper realm? No wonder so many people are afraid of Emperor Zhou!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Su Chen has experienced the power of bloodlines before, and the power that erupts is astonishing.

Guan Qi can shatter even a trace of domain power just by inspiring Taishang Baxue.

So now Su Chen is somewhat afraid of people with blood power.

Moreover, Emperor Zhou is still of the blood of the imperial clan.

A trace of imperial blood is probably also very strong.

[The host's subordinates, Yaoyue and Lianxing, obtained a trace of Bingfeng's blood from Bingfeng's blood essence, and rewarded 2 orange lottery cards. 】


"Yueyue Lianxing actually comprehended a trace of Bingfeng's blood, amazing!"

Su Chen was pleasantly surprised.

"Reminder: To summon a character, Xiao Siwu applied to exchange for the Concentration Pill."

"Xiao Siwu is going to attack Haizhong Concentration?"

Su Chen agreed to the deal.

"Xiao Siwu seems to be still in Yangcheng, is he going to break through the sea and concentrate?"

"It shouldn't be a natural breakthrough, I'm afraid I've encountered some danger!"

Su Chen couldn't help thinking.

Breaking through with the help of pills, although you can achieve concentration in the sea, it should be better than breaking through by yourself.

Xiao Siwu had no guidance from Li Xunhuan.

You should be accumulating energy, rather than using Concentration Pill to break through,

at this time
A place outside Yangcheng

Xiao Siwu, who was dressed in white, had a trace of blood on his body.

Beside him, there is also a woman in a blue dress, the woman is Liu Qingchou!
Not far from them, there were three people standing.

The leader is an old man.

The steward of Wanfu, Wanbaichuang, looked at Xiao Siwu indifferently.

There were two people beside him, one was holding a long sword, and the other was holding an iron fan.

(End of this chapter)

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