Chapter 920 To kill you all, I only need one sword

"[Azure Dragon Club] Sword Master is just unusual, and in this situation, he is still so calm!"

"I don't know, where did you get so much confidence!"

An old man with white hair and beard came out of the darkness.

"He can use the power beyond the concentration of the sea!"

between speeches.

A man wearing a pitch-black battle armor and holding a halberd walked out from one place.

A wild, domineering, and terrifying aura erupted from his body.

"I didn't expect so many people to appear all at once?"

"I don't know if the concubine is here?"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at the few people who appeared and said.

"Kill you, you can see it after you die!"

The white-haired old man said in a cold voice.

"You besiege me, aren't you afraid of me [Blue Dragon Society]?"

"I am the sword master of the [Blue Dragon Society]."

"You besieging me like this is a declaration of war!"

Xie Xiaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, kill you, who knew we were the ones who killed you?"

"When you died, you also died in the hands of Huangfu Yunsheng. What does it have to do with us?"

The white-haired old man said.

"Then you may not understand the principles of our [Blue Dragon Club],"

"The principle of our [Blue Dragon Club] is that we would rather kill one by mistake than let one go!"

"As long as something happens to me, everyone who has anything to do with me will die!"

Xie Xiaofeng said in a cold voice.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill!"

When Xie Xiaofeng said these words.

The big man who was like an ape before moved his footsteps.

Body shot.

At this moment, a terrifying blood-colored air wave appeared on his body, and the air wave was monstrous.

Vigorous and mighty, the blood is flying.

one punch

The fist is like a blood dragon, soaring thousands of miles.


After the white-haired and white-bearded old man shot at the big man, the white-haired old man changed his old attitude, and his aura changed, with an air of looking down on the world and being the only one who respects me.

And his power exploded.

Two bright moonlights appeared faintly.

"Shenshi: The days and years are blooming!"

"Time is like a knife!"

With a low shout, with a movement of his footsteps, his body turned into a beam of saber light, and he slashed towards Xie Xiaofeng.

The light of the knife is like water.

The white-haired old man moved.

The man in the battle armor with the halberd in his hand exploded with a bang, his evil spirit soaring to the sky, and the halberd in his hand exuded terrifying and incomparable power.

suddenly cut out,

The evil spirit of blood permeated the halberd.

For a moment, the evil spirit was like a dragon.

The three attacked Xie Xiaofeng at the same time.

Seeing this, Huangfu Tiance turned around, wanting to help Xie Xiaofeng, but when he turned around,

Huangfu Yunsheng moved.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth.

The aura on his body suddenly rose again, his eyes turned red, and his figure suddenly rushed towards Huangfu Tiance,

Huangfu Tiance raised his hand.

Shot out.

The palm collided with Huangfu Yunsheng's fist.

The whole person was thrown upside down by the shock.

Huangfu Tiance spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body hit the ancient tree in the forest.

The ancient tree breaks.

Huangfu Yunsheng succeeded in one blow, his palm formed a claw, and one claw grabbed Huangfu Tiance's head.

Huangfu Tiance hastily dodged.

Suddenly caught in Huangfu Yunsheng's attack,

the other side

Xie Xiaofeng, who was caught in the attack of the three, looked calm.

A sword energy appeared in the body.

Sword Qi appeared and poured into the long sword in his hand.

There was a crisp sound of sword chant on the long sword,

"Everything is down, but I have one sword."

"To kill you, all I need is a sword!"


Sword Qi soars into the sky
This time, Xie Xiaofeng transferred the sword energy in his body into the Xie Family Sword in his hand.

The Xie Family Sword in Xie Xiaofeng's hand looked like an ordinary sword.

That's because Xie Xiaofeng has always been cultivating the Xie Family God's family, and he has never poured sword energy,

Just use it as an ordinary long sword.

Now at this moment, he wants to show the power of the Xie Family Excalibur

The original three surges of energy appeared.

Under this sword energy, he was instantly suppressed,

When the three of them shot, their expressions became ferocious when they heard Xie Xiaofeng's words, and their movements didn't stop at all.

Heading towards Xie Xiaofeng,

In the long sword, sword energy permeates.

For a moment, the monstrous sword energy rose to the sky.


Suddenly, Xie Xiaofeng and Xie's family sword seemed to be integrated into one.

At this moment, Xie Xiaofeng transformed into a Baizhang Sword Qi.

Sword Qi Falling
Instantly cover their area

At this moment, the sword energy is like a waterfall falling from rivers or the Nine Heavens Milky Way.

An indescribably fierce sword energy enveloped the four directions.

A sword covers all directions.

Seeing this, the three people who had made the attack roared, gave up the attack, and resisted the falling sword energy with all their strength.

A powerful force erupted in the body.

But under this sword energy.

All those forces were instantly dissipated and shattered.

In the end, the sword light bombarded the three of them.

Smoke and dust flew above the ground, covering the mountains and forests,

When the smoke and sword energy disappeared,

Xie Xiaofeng stood with his sword in hand!

The three people around him were half kneeling on the ground.

There are countless blood holes pierced by sword energy on his body.

Even the man in the pitch-black battle armor had countless sword holes pierced by the sword energy

Blood dripped on the ground along the sword hole.

"Your sword!"

The man in the pitch-black battle armor looked at Xie Xiaofeng,

Pupils widen.

His eyes were horrified.

A sword.

The sword is like a waterfall, and a sword hangs down.

Shocked in all directions.

The three of them failed to block Xie Xiaofeng's sword,

"We lost without using the strength above Haizhong's Concentration, aren't you injured?"

"Why are you still so strong?"

"how can that be?"

The white-haired old man murmured in disbelief,

The big man with a strong body has unwilling eyes, blood is gushing out of his body, and his throat wants to make a sound,

But can't make a sound.


fall on the ground.

the other side

Huangfu Tiance was seriously injured by another blow

When he was seriously injured, Huangfu Tiance fled towards Xie Xiaofeng.

When Huangfu Yunsheng saw this, his body didn't stop, and he continued to attack Huangfu Tian.

Xie Xiaofeng didn't care at all.

"Kill it!"

Xie Xiaofeng said.

The long sword in his hand was raised.

cut out with a sword

Seeing this, Huangfu Yunsheng showed a look of horror on his face, and retreated quickly, not daring to receive Xie Xiaofeng's sword at all.

Xie Xiaofeng stepped forward.

When he was walking, he was injured before, but at this moment, a red light flashed in Huangfu Tiance's eyes beside Xie Xiaofeng.

The figure suddenly moved.

Hold the palm of your hand.

He punched Xie Xiaofeng in the back.

The speed was so fast that it tore through the air without giving Xie Xiaofeng any chance to react.

Of course he took the opportunity,

Xie Xiaofeng drew out his sword.

The sword has not returned.



Half kneeling.

The white-haired old man who hadn't died immediately and the man in the battle armor roared in their hearts when they saw this.

The fist hit Xie Xiaofeng's back,

Xie Xiaofeng's body was sent flying straight by this punch.

The long sword was drawn on the ground.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Sprinkle on the ground.

The sword energy on his body seemed to be scattered by this punch.

"Huangfu Tiance, you!"

Xie Xiaofeng looked at Huangfu Tiance with incredible eyes.

Huangfu Tiance's eyes were stern at the moment.

"Brother Xie, this game was set up by Concubine Di for you!"

"You are defeated!"

Huangfu Tiance looked at Xie Xiaofeng and said.

(End of this chapter)

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